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KCET Choice Entry 2022 for Round 1 Seat Acceptance Process Closing on November 1: Important Instructions

KCET Choice Entry 2022 for seat acceptance round 1 closes on 1st November 2022 at 11:59 PM. Check the implication and result of 4 different choices available along with the important instruction


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KCET Choice Entry 2022 for Round 1 Seat Acceptance Process Closing on 1st November 2022. Candidates who have been awarded seats in the round 1 counselling need to exercise any 1 one of the choices among the four. Those failing to exercise any one of the choices before 1st November 2022 11:59 PM then the allotted seat will be cancelled automatically. Not only that but the candidate will not be allowed to participate in any further round of counselling. Below we have highlighted details about the choices that need to be selected along with the important instructions. 

KCET Choice Entry 2022 for Round 1 Seat Acceptance Process

As mentioned candidates get 4 choices to select, but before selecting any one of them candidate needs to have a clear idea about each one of them. Below we have highlighted the details of all four choices: 



Choice 1 

Interested in the allotted seat and not looking to participate in the further round of KCET 2022 counselling

Choice 2 

Looking to participate in the second round of counselling by holding the allotted seat. If the seat is not allotted then the seat held by the candidate remains in his/her favour. If the seat is allotted the previous seat gets automatically cancelled

Choice 3

Participate in the second round of counselling withholding the seat allotted in the first round

Choice 4 

Not satisfied with the seat and git seat else were so not to be considered for the allotment in any further round of counselling 

KCET Choice Entry 2022 for Round 1 Seat Acceptance Process: Important Instruction

Here is the important instruction candidate need to follow for KCET Choice Entry 2022 for the Round 1 Seat Acceptance Process:

  • Upon verifying seat allotment candidate need to select one choice among the four choices
  • Those failing to select the choice before the deadline will not be allowed to accept the seat and participate in the other round of the counselling process
  • Candidates who have not been allocated a seat in the first round need not exercise choice 
  • A candidate who exercises choice can hold the seat and participate in the second round of counselling 
  • Candidate needs to pay the processing fee of Rs.5000 to hold the seat and move to the second round of counselling 
  • If a candidate is satisfied with the allocated seat then he/she needs to report to the allocated college and confirm the admission. 
Check Education News for 31st October 2022

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