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KCET Verification Slip Date 2023: Know when the kea verification slip is released

As per the previous years’ trends and other factors that affect the release of the verification slip, know here when KCET verification slip date 2023 is expected.

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KCET Verification Slip Date 2023: Once the documents are verified by the KEA, a verification slip will be released for each candidate through their online login. In this verification slip, the candidate’s unique verification number will be mentioned. It is a mandatory parameter required for accessing the option entry form. For predicting the date of release of KCET 2023 verification slip, we have analysed the data of the previous few years and as per the same, it is expected that the verification slip will be released within 2 to 5 days after the last date of document verification.

However, with KCET, multiple timeline extensions are provided for the candidates to get their documents verified. As per the current schedule, KCET 2023 document verification will conclude by July 15, 2023 but the same is highly likely to be extended further in the interest of candidates who fail to get their documents verified.

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KCET Verification Slip Date 2023

As per the factors mentioned above, the expected date for the publication of the verification slip is as follows:

Deadline for the document verificationJuly 15, 2023 (unrevised date)
Release of the provisional merit listBy July 20, 2023 (if not extended)
Expected gap period2 to 5 days

To state the previous years’ trends followed by KEA, the last date for verification of documents in 2022 and 2021 was October 8, 2022 and October 28, 2021. The verification slip for both years was released respectively on October 10, 2022 (2 days gap) and on November 1, 2021 (4 days gap).

KCET Cutoff 2023 Stream-Wise

The expected KCET 2023 cutoff for the major streams is accessible through the links below:

KCET Cutoff 2023 College-Wise

The expected KCET 2023 cutoff rankings for top colleges in Karnataka can be checked through the links below:

KCET 2023 College-Wise Placements

Find the colleges and their respective placement details, packages, companies, and more through the links here:

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