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Kerala Introduces Entrepreneurships Course in Its Engineering Colleges

In a move to encourage the entrepreneurship in the state Kerala has introduced entrepreneur course in its all 152 engineering colleges affiliated to

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<p>In a move to encourage the entrepreneurship in the state Kerala has introduced entrepreneur course in its all 152 engineering colleges affiliated to the Kerala Technological University (KTU) from this year.

While giving the information a top official KTU said, &ldquo;Classes will be held two days a week, for two hours each. The course is incorporated in the B.Tech curriculum with an objective of enhancing entrepreneurship and supporting and nurturing startups in the state.&rdquo;

&ldquo;The state is far behind than other states as far as the startup industry is concerned. While observing the current scenario state government has decided to make entrepreneurship a part of the B.Tech degree programme. The University has already formulated a draft startup policy which aimed at encouraging young entrepreneurs,&rdquo; he added further.

Already the draft policy has been framed after organising a workshop which saw the presence of the representatives from Google, Intel, Menlo Park, MIT, Kerala Startup Mission, the Startup Village, Kochi and many entrepreneur.
The new course is expected to connect the potential innovators and entrepreneurs.

Around 10,000 startups ideas would be analyzed under the new policy. It envisages incubation of at least 50 promising startups each year. The select students will be allowed to take official leave for one year during their academic sessions. The teachers can also be part of the entrepreneurial activities. The affiliated colleges have also been instructed to design a comprehensive project with expert inputs.


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