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Kerala Plus Two Result 2022 Highlights: Pass Percentage, Topper List, Total Number of Students Passed

Kerala Plus Two Topper List 2022 will be announced during the results press conference on June 21. We have provided below the toppers' names, marks, and percentages. 

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Kerala Plus Two Toppers List 2022: In the press conference held by the State Education Minister of Kerala, Shri V Sivankutty, announced the Kerala +2 result 2022. A total of 83.87% students have qualified the Kerala plus two exam this year. 78 schools of Kerala have recorded 100% passing percentage in Directorate of Higher Secondary Education (DHSE) exam. Whereas, Kozhicode district secured the highest passing percentage (87.79%) and the Wayanad district secured the lowest passing percentage (75.07%). 

In Kerala +2 VHSE exam 2022, Kollam district holds the highest pass percentage, 87.77%. This year, 178 candidates placed under A+ category. Similar to the DHSE result, the VHSE result in 2022 has been degraded compared to the last year.  

The result for Kerala +2 2022 Examination has been declared today, on June 21, 2022, in the same press conference for all three streams and the result links will be activated shortly after the same on all the official websites of the board.

Candidates can check their results upon release here: Kerala Plus Two Result 2022 Link

Kerala Plus Two Result 2022 Highlights

The major result highlights for Kerala 12th Result 2022 are tabulated below:



Total Number of Appeared Candidates


Total Number of Boys Appeared in DHSE exam172062
Total Number of Girls Appeared in DHSE exam189029

Total Pass Percentage of DHSE

Passing percentage of Vocational Higher Secondary78.76%
Total number of candidates got A plus in DHSE exam28450
Total number of candidates got A plus in VHSE exam178

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Kerala Plus Two 2022: Result of Science Stream

Among Science, Commerce and Humanities, the passing percentage of Science stream is the highest. The major highlights of Kerala plus two Science stream result 2022 are highlighted in the given table.

Total number of students appeared179153
Total students qualified154320
Overall passing percentage in Science86.14%

Kerala Plus Two 2022: Result of Humanities

The major highlights of Kerala +2 Humanities result 2022 are highlighted in the given table.

Total number of students appeared72983
Total students qualified55183
Overall passing percentage in Humanities75.61%

Kerala Plus Two 2022: Result of Commerce

The major highlights of Kerala +2 Commerce result 2022 are highlighted in the below table.

Total number of students appeared108955
Total students qualified93362
Overall passing percentage in Commerce85.69%

Kerala Plus Two Result 2022: Vocational Higher Secondary Exam

The Kerala plus two VHSE overall passing percentage is 78.26%. Similar to the DHSE result, the passing percentage of VHSE 2022 has been dropped compared to 2021. In last year, the overall passing percentage of VHSE was 79.62%. Check the stream wise passing percentage of VHSE 2022 here:

  • Science pass percentage: 76.57%
  • Humanities: 80.32%
  • Commerce: 84.58%

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