Kerala SET Cutoff 2023: Check Qualifying Marks for General, SC, ST, BC

Kerala SET Cutoff 2023 will be released separately for Paper 1 and Paper 2. Based on the previous cutoff trends, candidates can go through the minimum qualifying marks for all categories - General, SC, ST, and BC. 

Kerala SET Cutoff 2023: Check Qualifying Marks for General, SC, ST, BC

Kerala SET Cutoff 2023: The Kerala State Eligibility Test is being conducted on January 22, 2023. Following the conclusion of the examination, the LBS Centre for Science and Technology will release the Kerala SET Cutoff 2023 with the approval of the State Government. Candidates appearing for the test can check out the expected cutoff marks based on the previous year’s trends here. 

Kerala SET Cutoff 2023 - General, SC, ST, BC

Kerala SET Cutoff 2023 refers to the minimum marks to be obtained by a candidate to pass the written exam. It is mandatory for all candidates to pass the General Knowledge and Teaching Aptitude sections in the Kerala SET 2023 Paper 1 exam. Since Paper 2 is subject-specific, the scores obtained by candidates would be different. Keeping that in mind, the authorities have specified the Kerala SET 2023 qualifying marks to be scored in both papers collectively and separately. 

The Kerala SET Qualifying Marks 2023 will be released for all categories – General, SC, ST, OBC etc. The tentative cutoff marks can be checked below:

Kerala SET 2023 Minimum Cutoff Percentage (%)


Paper 1

Paper 2

Papers 1 & 2 Combined





OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)








Kerala SET Cutoff 2023 - Factors Affecting the Cutoff 

The Kerala SET Cutoff scores are likely to change every year depending on several factors explained below:

  • The difficulty level of the Written Test

  • The total number of candidates taking the exam

  • The total number of seats/vacancies announced

  • Category of students as per the Reservation policy

  • Cutoff trends of the previous years

The official Kerala SET Cutoff 2023 will be announced soon along with the results. Only those candidates who manage to score the minimum qualifying marks will make it to the merit list for the next stage of recruitment.

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