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KNRUHS Telangana MBBS Counselling 2023 Begins: Check registration last date, link, Cutoff, Instructions

KNRUHS Telangana MBBS/BDS Registration 2023 started and the last date to fill and submit the application form is 14th July 2023. Check the application form direct link along with the cutoff, important instructions and more

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KNRUHS Telangana MBBS Counselling 2023 Begins: JNR University of Health Science has started accepting applications for the MBBS and BDS courses. The KNRUHS Telangana MBBS/BDSregistration process started on 7th July 2023 and the last date to fill and submit the application is 14th July 2023. Candidates can click on the below-mentioned link to register for the counselling process. The KNRUHS Telangana MBBS Counselling 2023 process includes completing the registration process, uploading the required documents, announcing of merit list, filling out the web options and lastly releasing the allotment. Authorities have not released the official dates for the announcement of the final merit list. Candidates who have successfully qualified for the NEET exam will be eligible to participate in the counselling process.

KNRUHS Telangana MBBS/BDS Registration 2023 Direct Link

Candidates can click on the below-mentioned direct link to register for the KNRUHS Telangana MBBS/BDS Counselling Process:

KNRUHS Telangana MBBS/BDS Registration 2023 Direct Link: Click Here

KNRUHS Telangana MBBS Counselling 2023

Below candidate can check the KNRUHS Telangana MBBS Counselling 2023 important dates:




KNRUHS Telangana MBBS Counselling 2023 start date

7th July 2023

8 AM\

Last date to fill out and submit the application

14th July 2023

6 PM

Release of Provisional Merit List

To be Released Soon

KNRUHS Telangana MBBS Counselling 2023 Cutoff

Below candidates can check the category-wise cutoff for the KNRUHS Telangana MBBS Counselling 2023:


Qualifying Criteria 

Cut off Marks

General Category

50th Percentile



40th Percentile


A person with Disability (OC)

45th Percentile


How to Register for the KNRUHS Telangana MBBS/BDS Counselling 2023?

Candidate can follow the below-mentioned steps to register for the KNRUHS Telangana MBBS Counselling 2023:

  • Click on the direct link mentioned above and enter the required details like the NEET roll number AIR and more
  • Next candidates who successfully met the cutoff and eligibility can register for the counselling process
  • The application form will be accepted online and candidte need to keep certain documents handy like the 10th and 12th marks card along with the category certificate and more
  • Upon filling out the application form candidate needs to pay the application fees of Rs 3500/- for OC and BC and Rs. 2900 for SC/ST. 
  • Lastly, the candidate can take the printout of the application form for the future reference 

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