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Last Date of Fee Payment for PUBDET-2016 Extended upto June 3rd

Presidency University, Kolkata will hold Entrance Examination for admission in three-year degree courses for all streams of B.A., B.Sc and B.Com:

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Presidency University, Kolkata will hold Entrance Examination for admission in three-year degree courses for all streams of B.A., B.Sc and B.Com:

'Presidency University Bachelors Degree Entrance Test-2016' (PUBDET-2016) from July 4th, 2016 to July 8th, 2016. The university is situated in the heart of Kolkata: College Street and it is well known for its education and excellence throughout India.The courses that are offered by the university in Under Graduate level are Bengali, History, English, Political Science, Sociology, Geography, Economics, Geology, Hindi, Philosophy, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biological Sciences, and Statistics. Both Honours and Pass Degree courses are available in the University in all the above-mentioned subjects. There will be separate Entrance Tests for each subject offered by the university underneath PUBDET-2016.

The entry level PUBDET-2016 is going to be conducted by West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board.The last date for registration and online application for PUBDET-2016 is on June 1st, 2016(till 11.59 PM). Due the late publication of Class 12 Examination of some national and state level boards,

The last date for application fees payment for the examination has been extended till June 3rd, 2016 (till 4.00 PM) and the last date for downloading the confirmation page through WBJEEB's website for appearing in the examination is June 5th, 2016 (till 5.00 PM). Admit Card for PUBDET- 2016 will be issued on June 24th, 2016 from 10.00 AM onwards.

PUBDET-2016 examination will be held on July 4th, 2016- July 8th, 2016. The results of the Entrance Test will be published on August 3rd, 2016. All the dates and the times all the above said events related to PUBDET-2016 are announced jointly by the university authority and WBJEEB Examination authority.As per reports, the examination will be held as a Computer-based online test segment in various assessment centres all over Kolkata and its suburban areas.The dates of the events may vary as per the authority's discretion. The candidates who applied for the examination are advised to stay in touch with the university for any further notification.

Source: Soutrik Das, City Journalist- Kolkata, CollegeDekho

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