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11 CLAT Exam Centers in Lucknow

The CLAT-2016 (Common Law Admission Test ) will be conducted by the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala, on May 8. Convenor of the examin

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The CLAT-2016 (Common Law Admission Test ) will be conducted by the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala, on May 8. Convenor of the examination and Vice-Chancellor of the Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law Paramjit Jaswal said that there would be 158 centres in 60 cities across the country where the examinations would be held.

Speaking on the new features which they were introducing this year, he said: “The students will be allowed to send their objections regarding questions before the declaration of results and we will accord marks after going through them. This has never been done in the examinations held earlier and has been introduced for the very first time,” he added.

There would be as many as 11 centres in Lucknow city. UP-Uttarakhand region would have 35 centres. The CLAT examinations help aspiring students to get admission to 17 prestigious law colleges of the country. All necessary arrangements had been made for the proper conduct of the examination. The UP- Uttarakhand region would come under V-C of Ram Manohar Lohia Law University of Lucknow.

The convenor of the examination pointed out that they had received a total of 45,075 registrations. The results would be declared on May 23.

Source: Rahul Pandey, City Journalist - Lucknow, CollegeDekho

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