How many marks and percentage required to score first division in Odisha 10th Result 2023?

All the students have to receive a minimum of 33% marks to get promoted in BSE Odisha 10th exam 2023. Scroll down to check the marks and percentage required to score first division in Odisha 10th Result 2023.

How many marks and percentage required to score first division in Odisha 10th Result 2023?

Board of Secondary Education, Odisha is going to declare the Odisha 10th Result 2023 on June .., 2023. The Odisha 10th result 2023 will be made available online for the students to check at Students who appeared in the BSE Odisha 10th exam 2023, will be able to check their marks and percentage secured in the Odisha 10th Result 2023 by entering the login credentials like roll number and date of birth. BSE Odisha will award the students subject-wise and overall marks along with divisions based on the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation. BSE Odisha matric exam 2023 was conducted out of 80 marks instead of 100, out of which 50 marks were objective questions and remaining 30 marks were subjective questions. The overall valuation for each paper was 100 only, however, the marks will be determined as an average depending on the marks achieved by the students out of 80. One has to acquire a minimum of 33% marks to pass the matric board exam. Those who score 60% or more will rank in first division. 

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Odisha 10th Result 2023: Passing Marks

BSE Odisha has set certain mandates regarding Odisha 10th passing marks, which are:
  • The passing marks for all the 100 marks paper is 30, while that of 50 marks paper is 15. 
  • The overall marks for each paper is 100.
  • The theoretical portion will carry 80 marks, while the remaining 20 marks will be for practicals/ internal assessments.
  • 50 marks will be allocated to objective type questions.
  • The subjective type questions will be for 30 marks.
Also Read| Odisha 10th Result 2023 Released

Marks and Percentage Required to Secure First Division in Odisha 10th Result 2023

Refer to the table below to check the marks and percentage Required to Secure First Division in Odisha 10th Result 2023:
Full marks600
Pass marks180 or above
Marks required for 1st Division369 or above 
Marks required for 2nd Division300 or above
Marks required for 3rd Division180 or above

Students who will achieve marks between 60% or more, will pass in First division. Those who will secure 45%, and less than 60% aggregate, will fall into the Second division category. While students who will obtain at least 30% but less than 45% aggregate are declared to have passed in the Third Division.

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