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MP TET (Varg 3) 6th March 2022 Question Paper Analysis (Available) - Check Difficulty Level, Weightage

Day 2 of MP TET (Varg 3) 6th March 2022 is being conducted on March 6. Check the detailed question paper analysis of MP TET 6th March 2022 along with the subject-wise difficulty level & memory-based question paper. 

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Day 2 of MP TET 2021-22 (Varg 3) is to be conducted in two shifts on March 6. Shift 1 has been conducted, and the analysis is available below. The Shift 2 analysis is updated here as well. The question paper of the MP TET Exam consists of five subjects: Child Development & Pedagogy, Language I (Hindi, English, or Sanskrit), Language II (Any one of the two unchosen in Language 1), Mathematics/Science and Environmental Studies/Social Science. Both the papers have 150 questions for 150 marks (1 mark per question). You can check the detailed question paper analysis of MP TET (Varg 3) 6th March 2022 along with the detailed question paper analysis and memory-based question paper.

Highlights of MP TET (Varg 3) 6th March 2022 Shift 1 Analysis

The Shift 1 exam has now concluded, and here are some of the major highlights of analysis based on the primary reaction received from students:

  • The overall difficulty level of the exam was Easy to Moderate.
  • The CDP section was average in terms of difficulty level. It followed the expected concepts and paper pattern.
  • Hindi Language followed the pattern of CTET paper with about 15 questions from Pedagogy and 15 from passages. Some questions from Pedagogy were directly theory/factual based unlike concept based in CTET. The Hindi Section can be categorised as Easy.
  • The English Language paper followed the expected paper pattern. The English section was noted as Easy.
  • The Sanskrit Language paper's phrasing of questions was a bit difficult for the students to understand, especially for Pedagogy. The overall difficulty level of the Sanskrit Section was considered Moderate.
  • For EVS Section, maximum questions were from Space (ISRO) (7 to 8 questions). The rest of the section was easy, but including the ISRO questions, the difficulty level of the EVS section was moderate.
  • The difficulty level of the Mathematics section was easy to moderate.

Detailed MP TET (Varg 3) 6th March 2022 Shift 1 Question Paper Analysis

The MP TET Analysis is based on the observations of our subject matter experts as well as candidates' responses who gave the MP TET 2022 Exam. Given below is the difficulty level and good attempts analysis for the MP TET Paper 1 Exam 2022.


Difficulty Level

Expected No. of Good Attempts

Child Development & Pedagogy

Easy to Moderate


Hindi Language



English Language



Sanskrit Language



Easy to Moderate


Environmental Studies 




Easy to Moderate


Detailed MP TET (Varg 3) 6th March 2022 Shift 2 Question Paper Analysis

The MP TET Analysis is based on the observations of our subject matter experts as well as candidates' responses who gave the MP TET 2022 Exam. Given below is the difficulty level and good attempts analysis for the MP TET Paper 2 Exam 2022.


Difficulty Level

Expected No. of Good Attempts

Child Development & Pedagogy



Hindi Language



English Language

Easy to Moderate


Sanskrit Language








Social Science

Easy to Moderate22+


Easy to Moderate


Also Read

MP TET 6th March 2022 Memory Based Question Paper

For the MP TET Exam carried out on March 06, 2022, candidates can check the memory-based question paper by following the link given below.

For more updates on MP TET Examination 2022, keep visiting CollegeDekho!

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