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MS Swaminathan’s Book Released

The latest book of Noted Geneticist, Prof. M. S.Swaminathan, 'Combating Hunger and Achieving Food Security' published by Cambridge University Press

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<p>The latest book of Noted Geneticist, Prof. M. S.Swaminathan, 'Combating Hunger and Achieving Food Security' published by Cambridge University Press has been released. The book highlights the issues that need to be addressed in combating hunger and achieving food security.

The book launch was a part of a 3 day long &lsquo;International Conference on Science, Technology and Public Policy for Achieving the Zero Hunger Challenge' at the M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation in Chennai. The inauguration was addressed by His Excellency Dr. K. Rosaiah, Governor of Tamil Nadu who also unveiled the book.

Prof M. S. Swaminathan&rsquo;s book discusses major causes of chronic, hidden hunger and emphasizes the need to redesign the farming system to increase food production. The book analyses the importance of biodiversity conservation and enhancing farmer skill development. Important issues to increase agricultural production including investment by financial institutions in agriculture and rural development, women&rsquo;s role in agriculture and youth employment in rural livelihoods are discussed in greater detail.

Speaking at the event, Ratnesh Kumar Jha, Managing Director, Cambridge University Press, South Asia, said &ldquo;Prof Swaminathan's book will offer readers, particularly the younger generation, an understanding of the efforts that ushered in the Green Revolution of the 1960s, the genesis and growth of the yield revolution is traced at the beginning.&rdquo;

While the author, Prof. M. S. Swaminathan said, "The future of food security is a combination of the ecological prudence of the past and the technological advances of today and tomorrow. Redesigning the farming system, monsoon management and increasing investments by financial institutions in agriculture and rural development &ndash; for youth and women is the need of the hour. I would like to thank Cambridge University Press for supporting and entitling books like these which are based on grave socio-economic issues backed by dependable, valid research&rdquo;.


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