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NEET MDS Question Paper 2024 (Available) with Answer Key Solutions: Recall memory-based questions

NEET MDS 2024 question paper along with the unofficial answer key solutions can be checked and downloaded here. NBE conducted NEET MDS 2024 exam on March 18.

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NEET MDS Question Paper 2024 with Answer Key Solutions: The National Board of Examinations conducted the NEET MDS 2024 exam on March 18 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. and the question paper was 'Moderate' in terms of difficulty level. The exam was conducted in the online mode, which is a computer-based test. Hence, the candidates will not get a physical copy of the question paper to answer. Therefore, the candidates can check the recall (memory-based) questions collected from the test takers of NEET MDS 2024 here. Along with the recall questions, the candidates can check the unofficial NEET MDS answer key 2024. The NEET MDS 2024 exam result is scheduled to be released by April 18. Usually, NBE releases NEET MDS results within 10-15 days after the conclusion of the exam. 

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NEET MDS 2024 Recall Questions Submission

Candidates, who have appeared for the NEET MDS 2024 exam can recall the questions they answered and share them with us. Note, that the candidates will not be asked for their personal information for the same. Only they can go through the following direct link, and fill out the Google form for submitting the questions. Hence, no record will be saved or used for any other purposes. 

Have you appeared for the NEET MDS 2024 exam? Click Here to submit recall questions

NEET MDS 2024 Memory-based Recall Questions with Unofficial Answers

Here is the list of NEET MDS 2024 recall questions -

  1. Winterbottom’s sign of trypanosomiasis refers to?
  2. Which sinus opening is not present in the middle meatus
  3. Age estimation from OPG of a child
  4. Thick band like gingiva on canine
  5. Interproximal wear was mesial drift?
  6. What is the common feature in McCune Albright syndrome, Fanconi anaemia and Noonas syndrome?
  7. OPG to identify the age of the child
  8. Tumour staging classification grade
  9. Premature baby with with breathing difficulty and Cyanosis
  10. Border movement and neutral zone while recording muscles 
  11. Organisms involved in ANUG
  12. Mean and standard deviation value is given - find the standard error
  13. Pre-cancerous lesions identified in 2005 by the WHO
  14. The best treatment option for Avulsion happened 10 minutes ago
  15. Unilateral cleft lip occurs due to
  16. Ant teeth Periro compromised. What is the major connector
  17. Merin classification 
  18. Dose of adrenaline in Angina Pectoris
  19. There was an image-based question on Cherubism
  20. Drug given in ACLS for Ventricular Tachycardia
  21. A girl was having a problem with her eye. She could not see the whiteboard from a distance but she could see the textbook. What is it?
  22. Level of Thyroid Cartilage
  23. Antidote of Morphine
  24. Wallerian degeneration is seen in
  25. A patient came with painless swelling on the posterior jaw on aspiration and only a drop of blood contained 
  26. There was a question on Wispy Septa
  27. Gas gangrene was caused by 
  28. Catheter patient Urinary Tract Infection caused by what fungi
  29. There was a question related to the National Pathfinder Survey 
  30. Type of Ameloblastoma
  31. What is the treatment for Mandibular Angle Fracture Treatment
  32. Costchondral graft to child 8 years after treatment while opening mouth deviates to unoperated site reason is?
  33. Stellate granuloma
  34. Retention after Orthodontic movement 
  35. Stochastic effect of radiographs
  36. Ductility test is not relevant for?
  37. There was a question related to Dentigeroust cust
  38. Tooth shedding sequence in primary
  39. HIV Prophylaxis
  40. Which drug is used to relax muscles in maxillofacial surgery?
  41. There was a question related to Shrugging of the Shoulder in Neck Surgery 
  42. Nosocomial infections hospital
  43. Type of implant where root piece is intact 
  44. Area of Biopsy from Ulcers
  45. Which drug is used for asthma during extraction?
  46. Most ethical to study bone growth
  47. Which tumour shows resistance to radiation
  48. Prenatal period in the human embryological period
  49. What is the most fluoride-releasing agent?
  50. Broca's area is located in which part of the brain
  51. Injury to which cervical vertebrae in the spinal cord led to paralysis of the contralateral side
  52. Radiopacity of crown seen in which case?
    a) Odontogenic cyst
    b) Ameloblastoma
  53. Simian crease, epicanthic fold, mental retardation seen in which trisomy?
  54. image of instruments an orthopaedic bone instrument
  55. Pulp polyp description-based question
  56. Discolored max Central incisor with the negative pulp test image
  57. Trachea image - which anatomical structure passes through it Ans - Recurrent laryngeal nerve
  58. Broca's area located in which bone Ans - Frontal lobe
  59. Which space maintainer from the pt image Ans - Band and loop
  60. The mental foramen in a 75 yr old patient is located at Ans - mid-way between the ramus of the mandible upper border and lower border
  61. Which orthopaedic will be given in class 2 div 2
  62. Image-based: Small locular globular radiolucency is seen in the extracted molar root area
  63. Ellis class 1 max canine, which proximal ridge should be kept touching the adjacent tooth
  64. Enlarged lymph node with multiple drainage points Ans: Actinomycosis
  65. Image-based - Answer - Periodontal abscess
  66. A pregnant lady reported to the dept with a complaint of pain in the upper right 1 max molar, pain aggravates on pressure relief, history of amalgam restoration 6 months back, possible reason?
  67. Results of LA toxicity 
  68. Penicillamine in Wilson's disease works by which mechanism
More questions are to be added here constantly - Keep Checking

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