NMC to let FMGs Complete Internships in India
The National Medical Council (NMC) has decided to allow all foreign medical graduates (FMGs) to complete their internships in India and has issued guidelines for the same.
Owing to the violent situation in Ukraine and Russia where a major portion of Indian students go to study medicine and get their MBBS degree, the National Medical Commission (NMC) has now allowed all Foreign Medical Graduates India (FMGs) who have been unable to complete their internships abroad to continue on with their internships in India under the category of ‘compelling situations’ which includes emergencies such as war and Covid-19.
To ease the internship process and secure the future of foreign medical graduates in India, the Indian government has also waived off the amount or fee that was previously charged to FMGs by all medical colleges in India for permitting them to complete their internship here. In another great move, the NMC has also approved the FMGE internship stipend and other facilities equivalent to Indian Medical Graduates being trained at Government Medical Colleges as set by the authority affiliated to the institution, University or State.
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Guidelines provided by the NMC include the clearance of the FMGE or the Foreign Medical Graduates Examination India before applying for internship in India. Other guidelines instruct all FMGs to provide a copy of their passport with the VISA details of immigration. Documentary evidence proving the successful completion of internship equivalent to MBBS is also a requirement.
For detailed information on the guidelines, check here.
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