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Post Office Recruitment 2023 Apply Online Last Date, Check here

Interested aspirants must submit the application form for Post Office Recruitment by February 16, 2023, to fill up Mail Guard, Indian GDS, Postman, MTS, Skilled Artisans, Multi-Tasking Staff, Postal Assistant, and Postman posts.

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Post Office Recruitment 2023: The India Post has released applications for Post Office Recruitment 2023 on its online portal. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria for Indian Post Office recruitment must apply for the position in the post office recruitment 2023 official website by February 16, 2023. Through this drive, the authorities will shortlist candidates for Indian GDS, Mail Guard, Postman, MTS, Skilled Artisans, Multi-Tasking Staff, Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant, and Postman/Mail guard posts. 

Post Office Recruitment 2023: Vacancies 

After application screening, candidates need to sit for the written test and the interview round to qualify for the above positions. However, the posts will be filled depending on the candidate’s caste category and the region they belong from. Applicants must read the official notification to get informed about the same. 

Listed below is the total number of vacancies and the last date for form submission for each post:



Form Submission Last Date

Indian GDS


February 16, 2023 (open)

Postman, Mail Guard, and MTS


February 16, 2023 (open)

Skilled Artisans


January 9, 2023 (closed)

Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant, Multi-Tasking Staff, Postman/Mail Guard


November 22, 2022 (closed)

Post Office Recruitment 2023: How to Apply?

The steps to register for the Indian Post Office Recruitment 2023 are as follows:

  • Step 1: Visit India Post Office’s web portal.

  • Step 2: Go to the homepage and click on the ‘India Post Recruitment 2023’ link. A new page will open.

  • Step 3: Click on ‘Register Now’. The application form will appear. 

  • Step 4: Enter the details and attach relevant documents. 

  • Step 5: Recheck the information entered and press ‘Enter’. 

  • Step 6: On the next page, pay the application fee to submit your form. Click ‘Enter’ to complete the registration process. 

  • Step 7: Take a printout of the application form for future reference. 

Also Read:

Stay tuned to CollegeDekho for more Recruitment News pertaining to recruitment exams and job notifications. You can also write to us at our Email-ID

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