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RBSE 12th Toppers 2023 - Download Rajasthan Board Class 12th Toppers List

As the RBSE 12th Result 2023 has been announced by the board, students may reflect on the list of the RBSE 12th Toppers 2023 here to know the names, and marks obtained by the toppers.

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RBSE 12th Toppers 2023: Students shall note that the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education, has now officially announced the RBSE 12th Result 2023 for the Science and Commerce Stream, while the results for the Arts stream are awaited and are expected to be released soon. The RBSE 12th Science, Commerce Result 2023 was released on May 18th, 2023, at 8:00 pm on the official As per the result highlights, a total of 95.65% pass percentage is recorded for RBSE 12th Science and 96.60% pass percentage for RBSE 12th Commerce. A total of 10,31,072 students had registered to appear for the RBSE 12th Exam 2023, out of which the arts students still await the results to be declared. The RBSE 12th Arts Result 2023 is expected by next week along with the Class 10th Board Results. Meanwhile, students may take note of the RBSE 12th Toppers 2023 here as a reference. 

Also Read| RBSE 12th Result 2023 Released

RBSE 12th Toppers 2023 Science

The students from the science stream may check the RBSE 12th Science Toppers 2023 list here to know the list of the best-performing students as the official toppers list is not released yet: 

RBSE 12th Toppers 2023 Commerce

Here is the link to access the RBSE 12th Commerce Toppers 2023 list for the students' reference: 

RBSE 12th Toppers 2023 Arts

As soon as the arts results are announced, students will be able to check the RBSE 12th ARts Toppers 2023 list here:
RBSE 12th Arts Toppers 2023- To be Released

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