Rs 2 Crore to IIIM-A by Bank of Baroda for Research
To boost the case research at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) Bank of Baroda (BOB) has contributed Rs 2 Crore. In a press
<p>To boost the case research at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) Bank of Baroda (BOB) has contributed Rs 2 Crore.
In a press release the Director of the institutes Ashish Nanda writes, "This fund will sustain development of cases in banking and financial sector. Case studies are a wonderful means to conducting cutting-edge field-based, inductive research. The case materials that are produced will be available for research and teaching not only at IIMA, but also to other institutions, as we have been doing in the past with our case research. The funding is part of the institute's effort to reach out to the industry and collaborate on field-based research.”
The both the institutes are expected to contribute on top quality research connected with latest development in banking and finance.
While commenting on the contribution Ranjan Dhawan, Managing Director & CEO, Bank of Baroda said, “One should not see Bank of Baroda's contribution in the light of only funding research output of IIMA. It is an amalgamation of a shared vision to make a difference in the quality of available research cases to benefit the sector,"