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RTM Nagpur University BA Exams Postponed

The examination department of Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University(RTMNU) has postponed the examination date of Modern Literature subject of

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The examination department of Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University(RTMNU) has postponed the examination date of Modern Literature subject of BA final year and BA additional to May 3 2016.

This examination was earlier going to take place on April 20.

Nearly, 6,000 students of these subjects will be affected by this decision of RTM Nagpur university.

Sources informed that the examination had to be postponed as 20 students of BA additional had printing error of examination dates in their identity card. These students had complained about the misprint to the examination department. Sources further informed that after receiving the complaint, the examination department postponed the paper of BA additional along with BA final year as it also has Modern Literature subject.

Controller of examination(CoE) Dr Niraj Khatty put the onus of the delay on Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited (MKCL). MKCL is the private company which handles all the computer related work for state Government.

He said that the date of the examination in the identity card is mentioned April 23 in place of April 20. However, as per the revised time table the date was supposed to be April 20. This is the second instance of the paper being postponed in this course.

The students of the BA are upset due to the delay in the examination. They opined that the papers of the students whose identity cards had misprint should have been postponed and not of the entire students.That should be considered as an option by the RTM Nagpur university. All the students have to suffer due to this decision.

CollegeDekho wishes students Best of Luck for the exams.

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