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Shorter Admission Process Now at VNSGU

Earlier in Veer Narmad South Gujarat University (VNSGU), the admission process was very long and took almost two months and thus left the students no

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Earlier in Veer Narmad South Gujarat University (VNSGU), the admission process was very long and took almost two months and thus left the students no time to prepare for their first semester exams, seeing this, the authorities are planning to shorten the entire process.

It has been decided to finish the admission process of BCom, BBA and BCA in one round so that the academic year starts from June 15.

Moreover, the college was also losing its eligible candidates due to confusion over choice-based admission process and those who wished to take admission in a specific college got left out in the process that continued for three to four rounds.

"This year we will attempt to admit all applicants in the first round. Students can give preference for top few colleges of their choice out of 72 and if seat is not available as per their choice, then they will be given admission as per merit. This will help start classes on time," said K N Chavda, co-convener of centralized admission committee of the university.

Important dates:

  • VNSGU will offer admissions in over 15,000 seats in 72 colleges across south Gujarat from May 18.
  • Prospectus will be available to students from May 18 to 28.
  • First online admission round will start on June 14 and students can make online payment without visiting physically either the bank or the university.
  • "Online admissions will be given from June 14 as per merit. The colleges will start teaching from June 15," a VNSGU official said.

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