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SPMVV PGCET 2020 - New Exam Date, Application Form (Extended), Eligibility, Pattern

The new exam date for SPMVV PGCET 2020 has been announced, and the exam will take place on August 02, 2020. SPMVV PGCET 2020 is conducted for the admission to 42 PG courses. June 30, 2020, is the last date to apply for the entrance test.

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Sri Padmavathi Mahila Vishwavidyalayam (SPMVV –Women’s University) Tirupati has begun the online application process for PGCET 2020 (Post Graduate Common Entrance Test) for the admission to various courses for the academic session 2020-21. Even though SPMVV is located in Andhra Pradesh, aspirants from the state of Telangana will be considered as local students during the seat allocation process. The entrance exam will be conducted for the admission to 42 PG courses offered by the varsity.

SPMVV PGCET 2020 Important Dates (Revised)



Application process closing date

June 30, 2020

Date of SPMVV PGCET 2020

August 02, 2020

SPMVV PGCET 2020 Results DateAugust 06 or 07, 2020

Counselling process

August 2020

SPMVV PGCET 2020 Eligibility Criteria:

  • A minimum of 45% marks in Bachelor’s or UG degree is enough to apply for SPMVV PGCET 2020.
  • A candidate applying for the M.Ed course must note that 50% of marks in B.Ed are mandatory to be eligible for the entrance exam.
  • Final-year UG/ B.Ed students are also eligible to apply for the entrance test.
  • Supplementary candidates for 2020 are not eligible to register for the entrance test and admission.

Also Read: AP LAWCET & AP PGLCET 2020: Eligibility, Application Process, Exam Pattern and Important Dates

SPMVV PGCET 2020 Application Process:

  • Application for SPMVV PGCET 2020 can be filled through the official website of SPMVV DOA (Directorate of Admissions).
  • After filling the online application, pay the application fee of Rs. 425 in online mode.
  • Take the printout of application form after the fee payment.

SPMVV PGCET 2020 Test Centres: -

  • Tirupati
  • Vijayawada
  • Hyderabad
  • Visakhapatnam
  • Kurnool

SPMVV PGCET 2020 Exam Pattern

  • The duration of the entrance test is 90 minutes, and the candidates will have to answer 100 MCQs in the OMR sheet.
  • The exam is divided into three sections – Section A (30 Marks), Section B (30 Marks) and Section C (40 Marks).
  • The question paper will be provided in both English and Telugu languages.
  • The questions will be based on UG syllabus, general English and reasoning/ numerical ability.

Also Read: AP EdCET 2020: Eligibility, Application Process, Exam Pattern and Important Dates

For the latest updates on SPMVV PGCET 2020, stay tuned to CollegeDekho.

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