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Students Demand Rechecking of Exam Result

Mohan Lal Sukhadia University declared the results of the third year B.Com, but there were errors in results and after that student staged a protest i

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Mohan Lal Sukhadia University declared the results of the third year B.Com, but there were errors in results and after that student staged a protest in front of the administrative building.
Students said that the results have been declared were contrary to their expectations. Many errors have been found in results. Students submitted a memorandum to the registrar of the college Mr. Jagmohan demanding re- investigation of the answer sheet.

Students admitted that such type of result does not suit to an “A” Grade university. Students demanded that in view of the future of students and goodwill of university, answer sheet should be checked again declare the right results.

Student leader Bhawani Shankar Boriwal said that there were errors on marks results. At that time of giving memorandum, several students leaders were present were -Mr. Mayurdhwaj Singh Chouhan, Mr. Yashpal Singh, Mr. Lovepal Singh etc.

On the other side, under the-the leadership of Mr. Aman Asnanai –Student Union President at (UCCMS) University College of Commerce and Management Studies’ students also protested against the results. Aman demanded to form a committee for checking the results. During the protest, Payal Meena, Amit Pachori, Himanshu Bag etc. were present there.

Source – Jay Kumar Savita, City Journalist, Udaipur,

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