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Tangla College Conducts Workshop On Career Counselling

A workshop on Career Counselling was held at Tangla College on Monday which was organized by the Department of Education, Tangla College. Tangla Colle

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A workshop on Career Counselling was held at Tangla College on Monday which was organized by the Department of Education, Tangla College. Tangla College (Tangla Mahavidyalaya in Assamese) came into existence in the year 1970 as a result of sincere and untiring efforts of some of the leading personalities of the northern part of the undivided Darrang District of Assam. The College was set up with the noble objective of catering the needs of higher education to the socially and economically backward people of the region.

The workshop was inaugurated by Prasenjit Daimari, Principal of Tangla College in the presence of many students and faculty members of the college. Noted Career Counsellor Ranjan Baruah conducted the workshop on jobs in government departments, jobs in private institutions and organizations and self-employment schemes.

Mr. Baruah, during the workshop, spoke on how the economically backward population and the educated youths of rural Assam can shine in life with sheer dedication and hard work towards their goals. He stressed on honesty and strong will power as the most important tools for success in this competitive world.

A workshop on Career Counselling was held at Tangla College on Monday which was organized by the Department of Education, Tangla College. Tangla College (Tangla Mahavidyalaya in Assamese) came into existence in the year 1970 as a result of sincere and untiring efforts of some of the leading personalities of the northern part of the undivided Darrang District of Assam. The College was set up with the noble objective of catering the needs of higher education to the socially and economically backward people of the region.

The workshop was inaugurated by Prasenjit Daimari, Principal of Tangla College in the presence of many students and faculty members of the college. Noted Career Counsellor Ranjan Baruah conducted the workshop on jobs in government departments, jobs in private institutions and organizations and self-employment schemes.

Mr. Baruah, during the workshop, spoke on how the economically backward population and the educated youths of rural Assam can shine in life with sheer dedication and hard work towards their goals. He stressed on honesty and strong will power as the most important tools for success in this competitive world.

The day-long workshop was attended by more than 200 students and all the faculty members of the college.

Source: Darshana Brahma, City Journalist, Guwahati, CollegeDekho

Source: Darshana Brahma, City Journalist, Guwahati, CollegeDekho

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