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Thought of the Day for School Assembly 2 September 2023: Check quote of the day with meaning

The thought of the day for school assembly 2 September 2023 is by Jesse Jackson. Note down the quote of the day today, along with its corresponding detailed meaning.

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Thought of the Day: The inspirational quote of the day is by Jesse Jackson, an American civil rights leader, Baptist minister, and politician. The thought of the day is provided, along with its meaning. Read this motivating quote for the school assembly to encourage students to be kind, avoid harsh judgments, and help others in times of need.

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Thought of the Day 2 September 2023

The below table displays the thought of the day 2 September 2023 for the school assembly:

“The only time to look down on someone is when you are helping them up.” – Jesse Jackson

Meaning of Thought of the Day 2 September August 2023

This quote by Jesse Jackson has an important message about being kind and helpful. It says that it's not a good idea to judge or criticize people in a mean way. But, there are times when it's okay to judge someone, and that's when you're trying to help them. Instead of being mean or critical, we should try to help and support others when they need it. The quote wants us to be supportive of people who might be going through tough times or need some help. It's like saying, "Don't be quick to judge others or be mean to them." Instead, it encourages us to think about how we can be helpful.

So, the next time you see someone struggling or in a tough situation, remember Jesse Jackson's wise words. Instead of looking down on them in a negative way, think about how you can be the one to offer a helping hand and make a positive difference in their life. This way, we can all contribute to a kinder and more supportive world.

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