NIRF Overall Ranking 2022: Check List of Colleges Featured in Overall Category of NIRF

National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) is expected to release the list of top colleges and universities in India soon. Students seeking admission in higher education institutes can refer to NIRF overall rankings 2022 and pick the best colleges as per their performance.

NIRF Overall Ranking 2022: Check List of Colleges Featured in Overall Category of NIRF

The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) overall list for the year 2022 is expected to be out soon. The list will be compiled after analyzing the performance of top universities and institutes across India. Several parameters including learning, teaching, research output, the popularity of the institute/ university are taken into account while evaluating the NIRF Overall ranking list.

NIRF Overall Ranking 2022

The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) was launched by the Honourable Minister of Human Resource Development and approved by the Ministry of Education on September 29, 2015. It outlines a methodology to rank educational institutions spread across the nation. The list of NIRF Overall Ranking 2022 is likely to be released in a month or so. The detailed names of top educational institutes will be updated on this page as soon as the list is out.

Name of the InstituteRank
To be UpdatedTo be Updated

NIRF Overall Ranking 2021

Here is the list of top 10 institutes from NIRF overall ranking 2021 -

Name of the InstituteRank
IIT Madras1
IISc Bangalore2
IIT Bombay3
IIT Delhi4
IIT Kanpur5
IIT Kharagpur6
IIT Roorkee7
IIT Guwahati8
JNU New Delhi9
BHU Varansi10
Calcutta University11
Amrita Viswa Vidyapeetam12
Jamila Milia Islamia13
Jadavpur University14
Manipal Academic of Higher Education15
IIT Hyderabad16
University of Hyderabad17
Aligarh Muslim University18
University of Delhi19
Savitribai Phule Pune University20
Vellore Institute of Technology21
Bharatiyar University22
NIT Trichy23
IISER Pune24
Anna University25

NIRF Overall Rankings 2020

Also Read: Top 25 Colleges in India as per NIRF Ranking 2022, 2021 & 2020

The NIRF was formed to provide a fair analysis of universities and colleges across the institute that will enable the students in figuring out which is the right university for them. NIRF has also released field-specific ranking lists such as engineering, universities, management, medical, etc. that students can refer to pick colleges.

Other NIRF Rankings 2020:

Source: NIRF Official Website

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