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TS Inter 1st Year Physics Answer Key 2025 with Exam Analysis (OUT), Student Reviews

For the exam on March 17, TS Inter 1st Year Physics Answer Key 2025 for all short-answer questions is provided here. TS Inter 1st Year Physics Exam Analysis 2025 is also detailed here.

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TS Inter 1st Year Physics Answer Key 2025: The TS Inter 1st Year Physics exam was held today, March 17, 2025. After concluding the TS Inter 1st year Physics exam, the answer key for the short type questions have been added here. The CollegeDekho expert has released the unofficial answers of the TS Inter 1st Year Physics exam. Therefore, the candidates can evaluate their performances and calculate their tentative scores. Along with the answer key, the candidates can find out the TS Inter 1st year Physics exam analysis here. 

Helpful for the next exam | TS Inter 1st Year Chemistry Guess Paper 2025

TS Inter 1st Year Physics Student Feedback 2025

After concluding the TS Inter 1st year Physics 2025, the test takers can submit their feedback regarding the exam. For the same, the candidates should fill out the Google form, and we will publish your feedback anonymously. 

TS Inter 1st Year Physics Answer Key 2025

The answer key for the TS Inter 1st Year Physics exam 2025 can be checked through the link provided below.

Section A – Very Short Answers Type Questions (2 Marks Each)

Question (QP Code- 0119)

TS Inter 1st Year Physics Answer Key 2025

1. What is the contribution of S. Chandrashekhar to Physics?

S. Chandrasekhar, an Indian-American astrophysicist, made a significant contribution to physics by formulating the Chandrasekhar Limit. This limit defines the maximum mass (approximately 1.4 times the mass of the Sun) that a white dwarf star can have before it collapses under its own gravity, leading to a supernova explosion or the formation of a neutron star or black hole.

2. Why do we have different units for the same physical quantity?

Different units for the same physical quantity exist due to historical conventions, regional preferences, and practical applications in various fields. For example, length can be measured in meters (SI unit) or feet (imperial unit) depending on the context and system used.

3. If P = 2i + 4j + 14k and Q = 4i + 4j + 10k, find the magnitude of P+Q.


4. If a bomb at rest explodes into two pieces, the pieces must travel in opposite directions. Explain.

When a bomb at rest explodes into two pieces, the total momentum before and after the explosion must remain zero due to the conservation of momentum. Since the initial momentum is zero, the pieces must travel in opposite directions with equal and opposite momenta to cancel each other out.

5. Give the expression for the excess pressure in an air bubble inside the liquid.

The excess pressure inside an air bubble in a liquid is given by the expression ΔP=2σ/r, where σ is the surface tension of the liquid and r is the radius of the bubble. This arises due to the surface tension acting across the bubble's curved surface.

6. What are waterproofing agents and water-wetting agents? What do they do?

Waterproofing agents are substances that repel water, reducing a surface's ability to absorb it, like silicones used on fabrics. Water wetting agents, or surfactants, reduce surface tension, enhancing water's ability to spread and penetrate surfaces, as seen in detergents.

7. Does a body radiate heat at 0 K? Does it radiate heat at 0oC?

A body does not radiate heat at 0 K (absolute zero) as it has no thermal energy, but it does radiate heat at 0°C (273 K) as it still possesses thermal energy above absolute zero.

8. What is latent heat of vaporization?

The latent heat of vaporization is the amount of heat energy required to change a unit mass of a substance from liquid to vapour at its boiling point without a change in temperature.

9. The absolute temperature of a gas is increased 3 times. What will be the increase in rms velocity of the gas molecule?

1.732 times (approx.)

10. When does a real gas behave like an ideal gas?

A real gas behaves like an ideal gas at high temperatures and low pressures, where intermolecular forces become negligible and the volume of gas molecules is insignificant compared to the container volume. These conditions align with the assumptions of the ideal gas law.

TS Inter 1st Year Physics Exam Analysis 2025: Student Feedback

After concluding the TS Inter 1st Year Physics 2025 exam, the feedback from the students will be added here.

  • Aditya Kumar: "The derivations were direct from NCERT, but some multiple-choice questions were conceptual and a bit tricky."

  • Pooja Sharma: "The exam had a good mix of theory and numericals. Wave motion questions were slightly challenging."

  • Vikram Naidu: "Most of the paper was NCERT-based, but some assertion-reason questions required a deep understanding of concepts."

TS Inter 1st Year Physics Exam Analysis 2025

The following table highlights the TS Inter Class 11th Physics Exam Analysis 2025:


Exam Analysis

Overall difficulty level of the paper


Difficulty Level of Section A


Difficulty Level of Section B

Easy to Moderate

Difficulty Level of Section C


Expected Good Score


Time-Consuming Question (If any)

To be Updated

Topics with Maximum Weightage

To be Updated

TS Inter 1st Year Physics Question Paper 2025

Get access to the TS Inter 1st year Physics question paper 2025 here:

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