TS Inter 2nd Year Economics Answer Key 2025 (Available) with Exam Analysis, Student Reviews

For the exam on March 18, TS Inter 2nd Year Economics Answer Key 2025 for all short-answer questions is provided here. TS Inter 2nd Year Economics Exam Analysis 2025 is also detailed here.

TS Inter 2nd Year Economics Answer Key 2025 (Available) with Exam Analysis, Student Reviews

TS Inter 2nd Year Economics Answer Key 2025: TS Inter 2nd Year Economics 2025 exam was conduted on March 18, 2025. After concluding the exam, the candidates can find out the TS Inter 2nd Year Economics answer key for the short type questions here. For the same, the unofficial answer key of the TS Inter 2nd Year Economics exam will be released by the CollegeDekho team. Candidates can refer to those answers to calculate their score and measure their performance level.

TS Inter 2nd Year Economics Answer Key 2025

Check out the TS Inter 2nd Year Economics answer key 2025 for the short type questions here in the given table:

Section C - Very Short Answer Type Questions (2 Marks Each)

QuestionTS Inter 2nd Year Economics Answer Key 2025
18. Physical Quality of Life IndexThe Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) is a composite index that attempts to measure a country's overall standard of living by averaging three indicators: basic literacy rate, infant mortality rate, and life expectancy at age one, all equally weighted on a scale of 1 to 100. 
19. Birth rateBirth rate, also known as natality, refers to the number of live births per 1,000 population in a given period, typically a year, and is a key indicator of population dynamics. 
20. Literacy rate
  • The literacy rate shows the proportion of literate people in the country. The people who can read and write are called literate people.
  • Every country has different norms for deciding literacy. Those who can read, write, and do arithmetic calculations in India are called literate.
  • Literacy in the country is essential to eradicate poverty and for social, economic, and political development.
  • The literacy rate in the country depends upon the cost of education, the standard of living, the status of women in society, the availability of educational facilities and government policy, etc.
21. Janani Suraksha YojanaJananiSurakshaYojana (JSY) is a safe motherhood intervention under the National Health Mission. It is being implemented with the objective of reducing maternal and neonatal mortality by promoting institutional delivery among poor pregnant women. The scheme, launched on 12 April 2005 by the Hon’ble Prime Minister, is under implementation in all states and Union Territories (UTs), with a special focus on Low Performing States (LPS). 
JSY is a centrally sponsored scheme, which integrates cash assistance with delivery and post-delivery care. The Yojana has identified Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) as an effective link between the government and pregnant women.
22. National incomeNational income is the total value of all final goods and services produced within a country's borders, including net income from abroad, during a specific period, often measured using indicators like GDP, GNP, or NNP. 
23. Inclusive growthInclusive growth means economic growth that benefits all segments of society, not just a select few, by creating opportunities, reducing poverty, and ensuring equitable access to resources and services. 
24. Perspective Planning and Annual PlanningPerspective planning establishes long-term goals (15-25 years), while annual planning focuses on short-term, actionable steps (4-6 years) to achieve those broader objectives, with annual plans fitting within the framework of the perspective plan. 
25. Food securityFood security means that all people, at all times, have access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food, meeting their dietary needs and preferences for an active and healthy life. It's about ensuring food is available, accessible, and utilized effectively, and that access is stable. 
26. Green revolutionThe Green Revolution, a period of major agricultural advancements in the mid-20th century, saw the introduction of high-yielding seed varieties, increased fertilizer and pesticide use, and improved irrigation, leading to a significant increase in food production, particularly in developing countries like India. 
27. Micro financeMicrofinance includes microcredit, the provision of small loans to poor clients; savings and checking accounts; microinsurance; and payment systems, among other services. Microfinance product and services in MFI include: Savings. Microcredit. Microinsurance.
28. Industrial financeIndustrial finance pertains to the financial support and services required to form, run, and grow industrial businesses. It is highly instrumental in allowing industries to find capital for investment, funding daily operations, upgrading infrastructure, and designing new technologies. Without industrial finance, industries would have no way of meeting increasing demands, which would thus hinder economic growth and the advancement of industries.
29. LiberalisationLiberalization, in an economic context, refers to the process of reducing government control and regulations over economic activities, aiming to promote greater private sector participation and market-driven growth. 
30. Tertiary sectorThe tertiary sector, also known as the service sector, encompasses economic activities that provide services rather than producing goods, including retail, healthcare, education, and entertainment. 
31. What is Bharat Net?BharatNet is a national project, also known as the National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN), aimed at providing broadband connectivity to all Gram Panchayats (villages) in India, fostering digital inclusion and enabling e-governance and other services. 
32. FDIThe term foreign direct investment (FDI) refers to an ownership stake in a foreign company or project made by an investor, company, or government from another country. FDI is generally used to describe a business decision to acquire a substantial stake in a foreign business or to buy it outright to expand operations to a new region. The term is usually not used to describe a stock investment in a foreign company alone. FDI is a key element in international economic integration because it creates stable and long-lasting links between economies.
33. Balance of TradeBalance of trade (BOT) is the difference between the value of a country's exports and the value of a country's imports for a given period. Balance of trade is the largest component of a country's balance of payments (BOP). Sometimes the balance of trade between a country's goods and the balance of trade between its services are distinguished as two separate figures.
The balance of trade is also referred to as the trade balance, the international trade balance, the commercial balance, or the net exports.
34. Types of environment1. Geographical Environment
Also called the natural environment, it consists of all features that exist without human intervention. These include Physical features and Biological elements. The geographical environment supplies resources essential for survival and economic growth. Some examples are forests providing timber, fertile land aiding agriculture, and water sources supporting drinking and irrigation needs. Often, humans have minimal control over these natural conditions—volcanic eruptions, storms, or droughts can significantly affect people and wildlife alike.
2. Man-made Environment
This environment is the result of human efforts to modify or control natural surroundings. It is also sometimes referred to as the social-cultural environment because it reflects the values, traditions, and innovations of a society. The man-made environment can be divided into: Inner Environment and Outer Environment.
35. Water pollutionWater pollution is the release of substances into bodies of water that makes water unsafe for human use and disrupts aquatic ecosystems. Water pollution can be caused by a plethora of different contaminants, including toxic waste, petroleum, and disease-causing microorganisms.
36. Per capita incomePer capita income is a measure of the amount of money earned per person in a nation or geographic region. Per capita income is used to determine the average per-person income for an area and to evaluate the standard of living and quality of life of the population.
37. Food and non-food cropsFood crops are cultivated primarily for human consumption and include staples like rice, wheat, and maize, while non-food crops are grown for industrial purposes, textiles, or other non-edible uses, such as cotton, sugarcane, and tea. 

TS Inter 2nd Year Economics Exam Analysis 2025: Student Reactions

After concluding the students feedback regarding the TS Inter 2nd Year Economics 2025 exam will be added here:

  • Many students felt the paper was 'Moderate' and the long answer questions were 'Easy to Moderate'.
  • One student observed that some questions were asked in the previous year's papers.
  • Another student thought that the paper was Easy for him, and completed the exam within the time slot.

TS Inter 2nd Year Economics Exam Analysis 2025

The following table highlights the TS Inter 2nd Year Economics 2025 exam analysis:

ParameterExam Analysis 2025
Overall difficulty level of the paperModerate
Difficulty Level of Section AEasy to Moderate
Difficulty Level of Section BModerate
Difficulty Level of Section CEasy to Moderate
Expected Good Score70+
Time-Consuming Section (If any)No (Expect for Section A)

TS Inter 2nd Year Economics Question Paper 2025

Get access of downloading the TS Inter 2nd Year Economics 2025 questions here:

TS Inter 2nd Year Answer Key 2025 Subject-Wise |

TS Inter 1st Year Answer Key 2025 Subject-Wise |

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