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TSRJC CET 2023 Hall Ticket Likely to be Released by April 26: Here's how to download

Scroll below to know the steps to download the TSRJC CET 2023 hall ticket from TSRJC’s official website The TSRJC CET 2023 hall ticket is expected to be released on or by April 26, 2023.

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TSRJC CET 2023 Hall Ticket Likely to be Released by April 26: The Telangana State Residential Junior College will likely release the TSRJC Common Entrance Test (CET) 2023 hall ticket on or by April 26, 2023. Candidates planning to sit for the TSRJC CET 2023 examination on May 6, 2023, must visit TSRJC’s official website to download the admit card once it is released on the official website. Till then, candidates can familiarize themselves with the steps to download the TSRJC CET 2023 hall ticket and implement it when the admit card is available on the official website. 

Steps to Download the TSRJC CET 2023 Hall Ticket

Applicants can follow the steps mentioned below to download the TSRJC CET 2023 hall ticket online:

  • Step 1: Go to TSRJC’s official website.

  • Step 2: Look for the ‘TSRJC CET’ link and tap on it. A new page will open up.

  • Step 3: On the new page, enter the relevant details such as the application number and date of birth to view the admit card. 

  • Step 4: Click on ‘Submit’. The hall ticket will open in another window.  

  • Step 5: Check the details and tap on ‘Download’ to save the admit card on your device for future reference. 

Note: If any detail in the TSRJC CET 2023 hall ticket is found to be incorrect, candidates must immediately call on phone no.s: 040-23120307 or 040-23120306 and report the issue between 10.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 1.30 pm or 5.00 pm on all working days. An erroneous admit card, if presented on the examination day, might lead to the cancellation of candidature.

Also ReadTS EDCET 2023 Application Form Last Date April 20 without a Late Fee

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