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Word of the Day for School Assembly 1 September 2023: Meaning, Example, Antonyms, Synonyms

The word of the day for 1 September 2023 is ' Avert ’. The meaning, example, antonyms, and synonyms for the word of the day today are detailed below.

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Word of the Day for School Assembly 1 September 2023: To enhance the vocabulary skills of the students, word of the day for School Assembly is useful since it has a positive effect on language proficiency over time. Today’s word is “Avert” which means to turn away or prevent something that is unpleasant. In other terms, Avert word is used to avoid something uncanny. 

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Word of the Day for School Assembly 1 September 2023: Avert

Find out the word of the day, for 1 September 2023 along with the meaning, example, synonym, and antonyms.

Meaning, Example, Synonyms, and Antonyms for Word of the Day Today


To ward off or to prevent it from occurring or to avert danger


Avoid, debar, deflect, fend off, forehand, head off, stave off, stop, tattle, scorch, Prohibit, Escape, Obviate, Nullify, Thwart, Hinder, Neutralize, Forbid


Assist, Aid, Attract, Enable, Help, Facilitate, Encourage, Forward, Foster, Permit, CUltivate, Allow, Nurture etc.


The word avert is used to prevent something bad or something dangerous from happening. Or if efforts are underway to prohibit a disaster. Avert is used to turn away the eyes or thoughts if someone does not like them. Avert is a source of variation among the estimated studies of avoidable arthroscopies.

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