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Word of the Day for School Assembly 14 September 2023

The word of the day for 14 September 2023 is 'Exasperated’. The meaning, example, antonyms, and synonyms for the word of the day today are detailed below.

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Word of the Day for School Assembly 14 September 2023: Students must read the word of the day regularly to enhance their language and fluency. Today’s word of the day is “Exasperated” which in simple language means, feeling highly annoyed or frustrated. Imagine when things don’t go the way you want or something is constantly bothering you and you feel like, I can’t take it anymore, That is the feeling of being exasperated.

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Word of the Day for School Assembly 14 September 2023: Exasperated

Here is the word of the day today for 14 September 2023 along with its meaning, example, synonym, and antonyms.

Meaning, Example, Antonyms, and Synonyms for Word of the Day Today


The word “Exasperated” refers to a state of extreme irritation, annoyance, and frustration. It defines a feeling of a person who is fed up and highly agitated about a particular situation or person.


Annoyed, Bitter, Enraged, Furious, Heated, Impassioned, Irritated, Offended, Outraged, Resentful


Calm, Happy, Mild, Peaceful, Pleased, Collected


Imagine waiting in a long queue at the grocery store and you find that person in front of you is constantly changing his/her mind and causing unnecessary delays. You start to feel exasperated, as the time is running out and you are getting more frustrated with the situation. It almost feels like you don't want to buy things anymore, simply because you don't know how long it will take and you are becoming impatient beyond a limit. That feeling of exasperation is a mix of irritation, annoyance, and impatience. 

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