Based on the questions that appeared last year from all chapters, the CBSE Class 12 History expected question paper 2025 has been provided on the page below.

CBSE Class 12 History Expected Question Paper 2025: The CBSE Class 12 History exam is scheduled to be conducted on April 1, 2025. Candidates who will be appearing for the CBSE Class 12 History exam 2025, should refer to the CBSE Class 12 history most expected questions here, so that the candidates can solve those questions or the questions related to the same topics in the exam. It will help the students to not only understand the paper pattern but also the marks distribution and the type of the questions asked.
CBSE Class 12 History Expected Question 2025
Check out the section wise CBSE Class 12 History expected questions 2025 here in the following section:
Section A: MCQs of 1 Mark
Ques. Wajid Ali Shah was the Nawab of ___
Ques. Awadh was annexed into the British empire in ___
Ques. The land which was annually cultivated for each crop in succession was called ____ in the Mughal Empire
Ques. In the eastern regions, intermediate pastoral and fishing castes like the ______ acquired the status of peasants
Ques. Who travelled the Rajmahal hills for a survey of the area on the request of the Government of Bengal in the early nineteenth century?
Section B: 3 Marks Questions
Ques. How could men and women acquire wealth in early societies?
Ques. State any two features of Akbar Nama.
Ques. What are essential values highlighted by Harappan Script?
Ques. Discuss the religious causes for the Mutiny of 1857.
Ques. Explain why the seals and sealings were used by the Harappans.
Ques. There are some limitations of Ain-i-Akbari. Examine the statement.
Section C: 8 Marks Questions
Ques. What did Ibn Battuta write about India in his book “Rihla”?
Ques. Who was Al-Biruni? What light had he thrown on India of the 11th century?
Ques. Discuss the contribution of Mahatma Gandhi in the freedom struggle of India.
Ques. Discuss the significance of the Mauryan Empire.
Ques. Discuss the causes and events of the Quit India Movement
Section D
In this section, a passage will be given. Candidates need to read the passage and then answer the given questions.
Section E: Map Pointing
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