GAT-B 2023 Postponed: The Graduate Aptitude Test- Biotechnology has been postponed to May 13, 2023, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. NTA has postponed the GAT-B 2023 exam date from April 23, 2023, along with the exam date for BET (Biotechnology Eligibility Test). The city intimation slip and the admit cards will be released shortly through the official website, and candidates are advised to check the official website- dbt.nta.ac.in frequently for updates. Candidates who have already registered will be able to appear for the exams, and the registration window will not open again. The admit cards will be issued online to the registered candidates only to be downloaded and carried along on the exam day. The details for the reporting time and exam venue will be mentioned on the GAT-B 2023 Admit Card. Candidates may expect the city intimation slip to be released soon, and accordingly, make the necessary arrangements to report to the exam cities.
GAT-B 2023 Revised Schedule
Candidates may reflect on the revised schedule released by the National Testing Agency for the GAT-B 2023:Events | Old Dates | Revised Dates |
Expected GAT-B 2023 City Intimation Slip | April 20, 2023 | First week of May 2023 |
Expected GAT-B 2023 Admit Card Date | April 20, 2023 | 5-3 days before exam date |
GAT-B 2023 Exam Date | April 23, 2023 | May 13, 2023 |
Usually, the NTA releases the city intimation slip 10-12 days ahead of the exam date, and the admit card is released 5-3 days ahead of the exam date. Candidates who have successfully registered themselves will be able to access the admit card and city intimation slip through the official website login portal using their login details. As soon as the link is activated, candidates will be bale to check and download the documents online, and print it to carry along on the exam day.
Also Read| GAT-B 2023 Admit Card
Stay tuned to CollegeDekho for more Education News pertaining to entrance exams and admission. You can also write to us at our E-Mail ID news@collegedekho.com.
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