Haryana 10th Result 2023 Released:
Students may now check the Haryana 10th Result 2023, as it has been released by the BSEH officials today, May 16, 2023, at 3:45 pm through a press conference. The direct link to check the results is activated for students to check their results using their exam roll number as mentioned on the admit card. Students are advised to keep their admit cards near them to enter the details correctly while checking the results online. As per the statistics, this year, the Haryana 10th Result 2023 recorded a
65.43% Pass Percentage Overall
, where
2,86,425 students appeared
1,87,401 students passed
. The girls have performed better than boys with a
girls' pass percentage of 69.81%
, whereas the
boys' pass percentage is 61.41%
. The results will initially be available online and soon will be available at their respective schools' display boards.
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Haryana 10th Result Link 2023
The Haryana 10th Result Link 2023 is available here for students to click and check their results by providing the basic required details:How to Download Haryana 10th Result 2023?
Follow these steps carefully to check and download the Haryana 10th Result 2023:
Step 1 | Students may visit the official Haryana 10th 2023 website or click on the direct link available here. |
Step 2 | On the homepage of the website, click on the tab, "Haryana 10th Result 2023". |
Step 3 | The login portal will appear where students may enter their roll number and date of birth. |
Step 4 | Click on the "Submit" tab after entering the details correctly. |
Step 5 | The result will be displayed on the screen with all the details of the students and their passing status. |
To pass the Haryana 10th Result 2023, students will have to acquire the minimum passing marks of 33% in each subject and overall as well. If any candidates fails to pass in any subject, they shall appear for the compartment exams and pass the exam to be termed as passed.
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