CAT 2024 Scaled Score Calculation: The overall scaled score for CAT 2024 is calculated by summing the scaled scores from three sections: VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension), DILR (Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning), and QA (Quantitative Ability). Essentially, a candidate's scaled score reflects the score achieved after the normalization process. To compute the scaled score for each section, specific steps are followed, which are detailed on this page. To ensure fairness, the scores are adjusted and referred to as CAT 2024 scaled scores.
The CAT examination will take place on November 24, 2024, and will consist of three sessions: a morning session from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM, an afternoon session from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM, and an evening session from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM. The exam lasts for 120 minutes and is administered across these three slots, each featuring varying levels of difficulty.
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How is Scaled Score Calculated in CAT 2024?
Candidates should be aware that the CAT percentiles, which are displayed as the CAT Results, are determined using the CAT scaled scores. Here are the steps for the calculation of CAT 2024 scaled score of a candidate.
Step 1: Determine the mean and standard deviation (SD) of the raw scores in the QA section for all candidates who participated in the morning session. Let the mean be denoted as M1 and the standard deviation as S1. Define G1 as the sum of M1 and S1.
Step 2: Find the mean and standard deviation (SD) of the raw scores in the QA section for all candidates who took the test in the afternoon session. Let the mean be denoted as M2 and the standard deviation as S2. Define G2 as the sum of M2 and S2.
Step 3: Calculate the mean and standard deviation (SD) of the raw scores in the QA section for all candidates who sat for the evening session. Let the mean be denoted as M3 and the standard deviation as S3. Define G3 as the sum of M3 and S3.
Step 4: Compute the mean and standard deviation (SD) of the raw scores in the QA section for all candidates participating in the CAT, across all three sessions. Let the mean be denoted as M and the standard deviation as S. Define G as the sum of M and S.
Step 5: Calculate the mean raw score in the QA section for the top 0.1% of candidates in the morning session, denoting it as M1 0.1
Step 6: Calculate the mean raw score in the QA section for the top 0.1% of candidates during the afternoon session, denoting it as M2 0.1
Step 7: Find the mean raw score in the QA section for the top 0.1% of candidates in the evening session, denoting it as M3 0.1
Step 8: Calculate the mean raw score in the QA section for the top 0.1% of candidates across all sessions of the CAT, denoting it as M 0.1
CAT 2024 Percentile-wise Score Prediction
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