The HRD Minister, Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ has launched VIdyaDaan 2.0 for e-learning content. He has invited contributors to share digital content to help the school and higher education level students. People can share content like animations, explanatory videos, lesson plans, teaching videos, question banks etc. The content shared will be assessed by an academic expert panel and will be used on the DIKSHA app.
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It has been decided to launch this program because of the requirement for e-learning content for the students especially amidst the ongoing lockdown due to COVID-19. And, also to link digital education with schooling to enhance learning, according to HRD.
After the launch of this, all the states and union territories are free to start their own program as a part of VidyaDaan 2.0 and can also invite various organisations, academic institutes, professors, teachers, EdTech organisations to contribute content to make the learning process easier and convenient for the students. The content can be sent in any regional language and will be used across the educational ecosystem such as education boards, schools, government departments. The latest projects available for contribution are for CBSE Class 1 to 12 textbooks in English.
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MHRD and AICTE had also come up with an open challenge earlier in which people were asked to share ideas to solve the difficulties arisen due to COVID-19. The challenge was known as ‘Samadhan’ and it was open for researchers, students, innovators and educators.