Karnataka DCET Mock Allotment 2023 Release Time

Angana Nath

Updated On: November 23, 2023 10:34 AM

KEA will release the Karnataka DCET mock round seat allotment result 2023 on November 23, 2023, after 6 pm on the official website. Candidates should enter their login credentials to check the mock round seat allotment result. 
Karnataka DCET Mock Allotment 2023 Release Time (Image credit: Pexels)Karnataka DCET Mock Allotment 2023 Release Time (Image credit: Pexels)

Karnataka DCET Mock Allotment 2023 Release Time: The Karnataka Examinations Authority will release the Karnataka DCET mock round seat allotment result tomorrow, November 23, 2023, after 6 pm. Candidates, who are participating in the Karnataka DCET counselling round, are advised to continuously check the official website after 6 pm to see whether the Karnataka DCET mock round seat allotment has been released or not.

Since this is the mock round seat allotment result, therefore, the candidates will have the provision of editing the options (that is adding/ modifying/ re-order/deleting the options) on or by November 25, 2023 (till 11 am) , if they will not be satisfied with the allotment. Based on that the authority will release the real seat allotment result of the first phase on November 25, 2023 (after 6 pm). Note, that the authority will not accept any request of editing the choices after releasing the real seat allotment result.

Candidates, who do not need to modify the mock round seat allotment, should note that the allotment might be changed in the real seat allotment round. Since the other candidates change or modify the allotment, then the entire allotment for all the candidates might be changed. The authority will release the Karnataka DCET seat allotment result based on the choices entered by them and also on their obtainable rank.

Karnataka DCET Mock Allotment 2023: Steps to modify

Candidates can check out the steps of making modifications against the Karnataka DCET 2023 mock seat allotment here:

  • Visit the official website- cetonline.karnataka.gov.in
  • Click on the Karnataka DCET mock round seat allotment link
  • Enter the login credentials
  • Mark the options according to your preferences, if they are not satisfied with the allotment
  • Submit the choices before the last date
  • Take out a printout of the submitted options

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