Maharashtra SSC Class 10 History Exam 2025 is scheduled for March 17, 2025. In order to prepare for the exam, aspirants must check below the Maharashtra SSC 10th History High Weightage Topics 2025.

Maharashtra SSC 10th History High Weightage Topics 2025:
Candidates are left with 2 days before the Maharashtra SSC Class 10 History exam, which is scheduled to be held on March 17, 2025 from 11 AM to 1 PM. During the last minute preparation, the candidates are advised to go through the Maharashtra SSC 10th History high weightage topics, from which the candidates will get the maximum questions asked in the exam. Based on the previous years' trends, the analysis on the Maharashtra SSC Class 10 History high weightage topics for 2025 exam has been made. As per the analysis, the “History of Indian Arts” is considered as the high weightage topic compared to the rest, from where the candidates will get 6 marks questions without options and 4 marks questions with options.
Maharashtra SSC 10th History High Weightage Topics 2025
In the following section, the candidates can find out the Maharashtra SSC Class 10 History high weightage topics 2025 here in the following section:
History of Indian Arts: 4 marks
Historiography - Development in the West: 3 marks
Historiography - Indian Tradition: 3 marks
Applied History: 3 marks
Mass Media and History: 3 marks
Entertainment and History: 3 marks
Sport and History: 3 marks
Tourism and History: 3 marks
Heritage Management: 3 marks
Basically, the Maharashtra SSC 10th History exam will be conducted with the Political Science exam combinedly and the total weightage of the paper will be 40 marks. The candidates will get 2 hours time to answer the questions. The candidates will get 42 marks questions from History; out of which they will have to answer 28 marks questions as per the instructions. Apart from “History of Indian Arts”, the candidates can check that rest of the topics are equally important and hence, they can expect to get equal weightage questions from those topics.
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