Maharashtra SSC Geography Most Expected Questions 2025:
The Maharashtra SSC Geography 2025 exam will be held on March 17, 2025, from 11 AM to 1 PM. Before appearing for the Maharashtra SSC Geography 2025 exam, the candidates are advised to check out the most expected questions here. For the same, the previous year’s Maharashtra SSC Geography question papers have been analysed and made the expected analysis. Solving the most expected questions of Maharashtra SSC Geography is ideal for obtaining a higher score on the exam.
Maharashtra SSC Geography Weightage 2025 | Maharashtra SSC Geography 2025: Previous 5 years board question paper PDF download | Maharashtra SSC Geography Question Bank 2025 |
Maharashtra SSC Geography Most Expected Questions 2025
Based on the previous years’ trends of Maharashtra SSC Geography questions, the candidates can expect to get the list of the following questions.
Fill in the Blanks:
- India is located in the _____ hemisphere of the earth.
- Brazil is covered mainly by _____.
- In the swampy areas of Pantanal ____ are found.
- The most common method of transportation in Brazil is _____.
- The Lakshadweep Islands of the Arabian Sea are ____ made from the part separated from the mainland.
Short Answer type Question:
- Area-wise which is the largest state in India?
- Write a short note on the historical background of Brazil.
- Write a short note on Deciduous forests of India.
- Write a short note on the Coasts of Brazil.
- Write a short note on Mining in India.
Give Geographical Reasons for the following:
- Eco-tourism is being developed more in Brazil.
- There are limitations on mining in the interior parts of Brazil.
- Vegetation is scarce in the high altitudes of the Himalayas.
- Tropical cyclones rarely occur in Brazil.
- Eco-tourism is being developed more in Brazil.
Answer the following Questions in detail:
- Explain the characteristics of North Indian Plains.
- Compare the climates of Brazil and India.
- Prepare a questionnaire for a field visit to a factory.
- Which factors affect the distribution of the population of India?
- Suggest measures to reduce river pollution during a field visit.
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