OJEE First Seat Allotment 2024: The Skill Development and Technical Education Department, Government of Odisha is set to release the results of Odisha Joint Entrance Examination (OJEE) 2024 Round 1 counselling process today, July 1, 2024. The department will share the allotment result on the official website- ojee.nic.in in the evening. However, the official time of OJEE first seat allotment 2024 has not been shared by the government of Odisha so far. We have provided a tentative time based on previous events trends. Candidates will have to use their candidate IDs and passwords to access the first OJEE Round 1 seat allotment result today.
OJEE First Seat Allotment Release Time 2024
After the last date of choice filling for Round 1 is over, the candidates are eagerly waiting for the results. To their relief, the SDTE Department will announce the results according to the schedule. Check out the expected time given in the table below:
Events | Particulars |
OJEE First Seat Allotment Date | July 1, 2024 |
Expected Time of Result Announcement | By 5 PM |
The students will have time till Friday, July 5 to complete the online reporting, fee payment, uploading of documents and other admission-related formalities. After the last date, the provisional allotment will be cancelled and the students will be considered for OJEE second seat allotment 2024. It is important to note that the candidates who are not satisfied with the allotment in Round 1 have to wait for the results of OJEE Round 2. However, the candidates are not allowed to edit/update their choices in any round. The choices submitted until June 29 will be considered for all OJEE counselling rounds.
A partial fee of Rs 10000/5000 has to be paid in online mode to confirm the seat. This amount will be adjusted in the admission fee of the respective college.
Keep visiting CollegeDekho for the latest Education News on entrance exams, board exams and admissions. You can also write to us at our email ID news@collegedekho.com.
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