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40 Percentile in NEET Exam Means

Around 20,87,462 students appeared for NEET 2023 which means there was tough competition. To become eligible for MBBS admission, candidates have to secure the minimum percentile in NEET. Tap here to find out what 40 Percentile in NEET means
NEET 40 Percentile Cutoff (Expected)
Students belonging to SC, ST, OBC, ST & PH, SC & PH and OBS & PH need to get 40 percentile in NEET to become eligible for the MBBS course.
NEET Marks based on 40 Percentile
  • ST: 137 - 108
  • SC: 137 - 108
  • OBC: 137 - 108
  • ST & PH: 121 - 108
  • SC & PH: 121 - 108
  • OBS & PH: 121 - 108
How to Calculate NEET Percentile?
NEET Percentile = (100 x Number of candidates who appeared with the raw score equal to or less than the candidate)/ Total number of candidates who appeared for NEET.
What does NEET Percentile Mean?
NEET Percentile calculates contrary to the top NEET raw score. NEET Percentile denotes the candidate’s position beneath the NEET topper and above other aspirants.
Factors Affecting NEET Cutoff
  • Number of NEET applicants
  • Exam difficulty level
  • NEET scores
  • Availability of Seats
  • Overall performance
  • Seat reservation criteria
40 Percentile in NEET Means