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Top 7 Marvel Characters/ Super Powers that we wish we had

The marvel characters have made us dream of the superpowers, at least once in our lifetime. Here is the list of the top 7 marvel characters’ superpowers, we wish we had.
Heading with the winter soldier of the Marvel series, Captain America’s strength, agility, tactically & of course, his indestructible shield is a dream weapon for mortals like us!
Captain America
How cool would it be if we had the superhuman speed of Quicksilver? We could use that skill to finish our exam papers & tutorials in a jiffy & never be late for class!
Who does not like to be infallible? Only if we had the superpower of Luke Cage and could automatically heal himself of any injury! There would be no fear of getting physically hurt!
Luke Cage
Telepathy-in today’s world where trust seems to be the biggest issue in a larger social circle, the power of telekinesis just like Professor X seems like the best bet.
Professor X
The mastery of magic by Dr. Strange, his style and method of utilizing artifacts to unveil the mystery is a superpower we wish we had for a less complicated life!
Dr. Strange
Our favourite Loki, his strength, his superhuman speed & mastery of magic and illusion is pure genius! Only if we had the same superpower as Loki, then we could be as intellectual as him.
The power to manipulate and generate energy, time, and emotion, would be a great power if we could use them in our professional as well as our personal lives.