AIEED 2025 Exam Pattern - Check Marking Scheme, Total Marks, Chapter Wise Weightage, Duration

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AIEED 2025 Exam Pattern Overview

The AIEED 2025 exam pattern summarises the types of questions asked in the exam, the question paper structure, sectional weightage, the marking scheme, and so on. AIEED 2025 is administered by the ARCH College of Design and Business, therefore, its exam pattern is designed and set forth by the institution. AIEED exam 2025 will be held in an online mode. The AIEED 2025 exam pattern includes about 50-60 questions in each section which need to be answered within 2-3 hours. The total mark for the exam is 200, with each section of 100 marks each.The test contains two major sections which are the General Ability Test (GAT) and the Creative Ability Test (CAT) followed by a video, portfolio, and personal interview, as per the AIEED exam pattern. Candidates can also attempt the sample exam experience @ to get a clearer idea about the exam pattern.

The purpose of the GAT and the CAT is to evaluate an applicant's design consciousness, creativity, problem-solving abilities, logical thinking, and understanding of global issues. There are questions in both the Hindi and English languages on the AIEED exam question paper. Either language may be used to respond to the AIEED offline exam. However, only English can be used to respond to the online test. Continue reading this page to get a comprehensive understanding of the AIEED 2025 exam pattern.

Highlights of the AIEED 2025 Exam Pattern

AIEED 2025's first phase has commenced, and the test will be administered in both offline and online modes. The AIEED 2025 exam pattern includes information on the exam mode, test duration, total number of questions, total marks for every section, and exam language. The following table highlights some major details related to the AIEED 2025 exam pattern:



Total Questions in the Written Exam


Total Number of Sections

3 — Creative Aptitude Test (CAT); General Aptitude Test (GAT); Video, Portfolio, and Personal Interaction (PIRP)

Total Marks


Stage-Wise Mark Allocation

  • GAT- 100 marks

  • CAT- 200 marks

  • PIPR- 200 marks

Number of Questions for Written Stages of the Exam

  • GAT- 60

  • CAT- 50

Exam Mode

  • Offline (Hindi and English language)

  • Online (English Only)

Exam Duration

  • CAT- 3 hours

  • GAT- 2 hours

  • Personal Interaction and Portfolio Review- 0.5 hours

Detailed AIEED 2025 Exam Pattern & Stages Involved

As you may know, for admission to undergraduate and graduate programmes, the AIEED 2025 exam is administered. The CAT, GAT, and personal interaction phases make up the test distribution. Before moving on to stage 2, applicants must pass stage 1 of the exam. Candidates would be deemed qualified for the third stage if they meet the requirements for both stages 1 and 2.

The AIEED 2025 exam will be available in two versions: an online version and an offline version. The third section will take place over Skype. An extensive explanation of each of the three exam stages is provided below, adhering to the precise format of the AIEED 2025 exam schedule.

Stage #1 General Ability Test (GAT): This assessment takes two hours to complete and is administered on a computer online. There will be a total of about 60 questions with 100 possible marks. The GAT questions will cover a wide range of subjects, including concept knowledge, global awareness, logical reasoning, design sensitivity, and awareness of design-related issues.

Stage #2 Creative Ability Test (CAT): This is an online test that takes three hours to finish. About 50 questions altogether, or four marks per question, will be assigned out of a possible 200 marks. The CAT will test candidates on a variety of subjects, such as creative problem-solving techniques, awareness of design principles, design thinking, lateral thinking, and written and visual articulation skills.

Stage #3 Video, Portfolio, and Personal Interaction: Skype will be used to administer the test in a virtual setting. For the duration of the nearly 30-minute interview, applicants must engage with the interviewer and answer as many questions as they can. This interaction will contribute towards a total of 100 marks. The questions will cover a variety of topics during the session, such as general articulation abilities, composure, depth of thought, focus, and the diversity of work accomplished in the portfolio.

AIEED 2025 Exam Pattern for GAT

The first stage for the AIEED exam which all the candidates have to go through is the General Ability Test (GAT). If they qualify for the first stage then only they can appear for the second stage. This exam is based on the online submission of videos or portfolios. The same must be submitted at least seven days before the exam. There are three time slots for the GAT and the applicants must choose one of them:

  • 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

  • 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM

  • 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Listed below is the basic AIEED 2024 exam pattern for General Aptitude Test (GAT):

  • Marks Allocated: 100

  • No. of Questions: 60

  • Time Allocated: 2 hours

AIEED 2025 Exam Pattern for CAT

This is the second stage of the AIEED 2025 exam, it is conducted for the applicants who successfully clear the first stage. This test is usually conducted within three days of the GAT or three days from the date of the GAT being held. The CAT exam is conducted online within a duration of three hours. There are three time slots for CAT and the applicants must choose one of them, such as: 

  • 10 AM to 1 PM

  • 2 PM to 5 PM

  • 6 PM to 9 PM

Listed below is the basic AIEED 2025 exam pattern for Creative Aptitude Test (CAT):

  • Marks Allocated: 100

  • No. of Questions: 60

  • Time Allocated: 2 hours

AIEED 2025 Exam Pattern for Video, Portfolio and Personal Interaction

Candidates who are able to qualify for both levels of examination will reach the final round. It is called personal interaction, which means the candidates have to introduce themselves and meet the interviewer through Skype. Listed below is the basic AIEED 2025 exam pattern for Video, Portfolio and Personal Interaction round:

  • Total Duration: 0.5 hours (30 minutes)

  • Marks Allocated: 200

  • No. of Questions: NA

AIEED 2025 Marking Scheme

The AIEED 2025 test pattern carries 500 total marks, as was previously described. The combined GAT and CAT have between 50 and 60 questions, for a total of 300 marks, which the candidate must complete. The 200-mark portfolio, video, and personal interaction sections are also completed via Skype. There are questions on the test written in both Hindi and English, making it multilingual. On the other hand, candidates who want to take the exam online are limited to responding in English only.

Moreover, the AIEED 2025 exam format does not have a negative marking scheme. Multiple questions may result in varying exam marks, depending on the overall number of questions asked. Only wrong answers will result in applicants losing the associated marks for a given question. For wrong answers, there will not be any more mark deductions.

AIEED 2025 Exam Testing Parameters

Candidates can see the list of criteria that the administrating authority of AIEED 2025 will use to evaluate them.

Testing Parameters of AIEED 2025 GAT

The parameters on which candidates are evaluated in the AIEED 2025 GAT are listed below:

Articulation skills both written & visual

Design thinking

Lateral thinking and creative problem-solving

Awareness of design principles 

Testing Parameters of AIEED 2025 CAT

The parameters on which candidates are evaluated in AIEED 2025 CAT are listed below:

Design sensibilities

Logical reasoning

Design related awareness 

Awareness of global issues

Concepts comprehension


Testing Parameters of AIEED 2025 Video, Portfolio and Personal Interaction

The parameters on which candidates are evaluated in video, portfolio and interview rounds for AIEED 2025 admissions are listed below:


Focus and clarity

General articulation skills

Depth of thinking

Range of work in the portfolio

Important AIEED 2025 Instructions

The below-mentioned guidelines should be kept in mind by applicants when they take the AIEED 2025 exam:

  • Applicants are required to regularly check the official websites of the organising body for any recent updates.

  • The exam can only be taken in English while taking it online.

  • The minimum age requirement for students wishing to register for the undergraduate AIEED 2025 is 16 years old.

  • The minimum age requirement for students wishing to register for the postgraduate AIEED in 2025 is 19 years old.

  • The AIEED counselling process 2025 is open to both international citizens and non-resident Indians.

  • Scanned copies of all required paperwork must be available to applicants who register for the exam online.

  • Within a week after the exam's conduction, the results of the online exams are posted on the official website.

  • Irrespective of the college campus they choose, every selected student is required to attend a workshop or counselling session at the college's Jaipur campus.

  • A candidate's merit, portfolio, previous examination scores, and interview process are the only factors taken into consideration while making the final admission decision.

  • There are a limited number of seats available for each programme at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

  • For UG and PG applicants, practice tests are accessible on the official exam website. Candidates may view the AIEED previous year's question papers for extra details about the types of questions asked.

Want to know more about AIEED

FAQs about AIEED Exam Pattern

Does the AIEED exam pattern include sectional timing?

Yes, the AIEED exam pattern includes sectional timing. For the GAT and CAT sections, respectively, the time limit is two and three hours. This suggests that to move on to the next section, you must first complete the previous one. The sectional scheduling should be considered while assessing the AIEED syllabus. By doing this, you will be able to effectively manage your time and tackle all sectional questions.

How many questions for GAT does the AIEED exam pattern include?

The GAT section of the AIEED exam consists of 60 questions in total. This is a two-hour test with four marks per question. These questions will include subjects including concept comprehension, logical reasoning, global awareness, design sensibilities, design-related awareness, and more.

Is it mandatory to attempt all the sections of AIEED?

No, it is not mandatory to attempt all the sections of AIEED. Nonetheless, it is recommended to attempt all of the sections because they all have a substantial impact on the final AIEED score. While the CAT section assesses design aptitude more thoroughly, the GAT component assesses general ability. The GAT section carries 100 marks, whereas the CAT section carries 200 marks.

How many questions for CAT does the AIEED exam pattern include?

The AIEED exam pattern includes a total of 50 questions for the CAT stage. These questions are divided into four sections:

  • Design Sensibilities: 15 questions

  • Logical Reasoning: 15 questions

  • Design Thinking: 15 questions

  • Awareness of Design Principles: 5 questions

Does the AIEED exam pattern contain negative markings?

No, the AIEED exam pattern does not contain negative markings. Test takers will only lose the marks assigned to a particular question if they answer it incorrectly. However, no additional marks will be deducted for a wrong response.

How many stages does the AIEED exam pattern include?

There are three stages in the AIEED exam pattern: the General Ability Test (GAT) in Stage #1, the Creative Ability Test (CAT) in Stage #2, and the Video, Portfolio, and Personal Interaction in Stage #3. In addition, the AIEED exam has bilingual questions, which means that questions are asked in both Hindi and English. However, the internet-based test can only be taken in English.

Who sets the AIEED exam pattern?

The AIEED exam pattern has been established by the Arch College of Design and Business and is released on its official website. The format of the test paper, including its exam mode, distribution, sections, marking scheme, and question types, will be specified in the exam pattern. It is advised that candidates closely review the AIEED exam pattern to make sure their preparedness aligns with the exam requirements.

What is the total duration of the test as per the AIEED exam pattern?

Based on the AIEED exam format, the examination will last a total of 5.5 hours, or 330 minutes. The AIEED test consists of three stages: the Personal Interaction and Portfolio Review, the General Ability Test (GAT), and the Creative Ability Test (CAT). The GAT takes two hours, the CAT takes three hours, and the Personal Interaction and Portfolio Review takes about thirty minutes.

How many marks are allotted to the video portfolio and PI round of AIEED?

The video portfolio and PI round of AIEED are allotted 200 marks and 30 minutes. This is the last stage which is done through Skype. Composure, Focus, Clarity, General Articulation Skills, Depth of Thought, and Range of Work in Portfolio will be included.

What is the medium of the AIEED exam?

AIEED is conducted in English and Hindi medium. The question paper is set in both English and Hindi for the offline mode of the exam. However, if a student wants to take this exam online, they will have to attempt the question paper in English language only.

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