AILET 2025 Preparation Strategy & Study Plan - Tips, Important Topics, Tricks, Timetable

Updated By Aindrila on 08 Dec, 2024 12:13

Registration Starts On August 01, 2025

For AILET 2025 preparation, students must build a strong foundation in logical reasoning, English language, and legal aptitude. They must regularly solve sample papers, take mock tests, and attempt the previous year question papers to make themselves exam-ready.

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AILET 2025 Preparation Strategy & Study Plan

AILET 2025 Preparation Strategy: AILET 2025 is one of the most competitive law entrance exams in India. The exam is scheduled for December 8, 2024 so check out for the strategy and study plan. Students must solve as many sample questions and previous years’ questions as possible. Alongside, they must revise the concepts studied and make sure not to start any new topic at this hour.

They must make sure to get enough sleep and rest to avoid stress on the exam day. Besides that, they must arrive at the AILET exam centre per the reporting time or a little earlier to avoid any last-minute rush and have a smooth examination. While answering the questions, the examinees must not waste too much time on a single question. If they find one question too challenging, they should move on to the next one and return to it if time permits later on. Please note that negative marking is applicable in AILET. Hence, it is recommended not to attempt any question unless reasonably confident.

For effective preparation for AILET for BA LLB (Hons), students must prioritise understanding and creating a strong foundation in logical reasoning and the English language. Apart from that, they must keep themselves up to date with the recent events in the field of Law for the GK and Current Affairs section.

A strategic study plan is the key to doing well in any entrance exam. With a disciplined approach and a study plan, students will be able to secure their desired scores in AILET. The main subjects included in the AILET 2025 syllabus for BA LLB (Hons) are the English Language, Current Affairs and General Knowledge, and Logical Reasoning. For LLM, the questions will be from English Language and Legal reasoning and other related branches of Law.

Upcoming Law Exams :

Section-Wise Preparation Tips for AILET 2025

The All India Law Entrance Test (AILET) is conducted every year by the National Law University Delhi (NLU-D). This national-level examination is a gateway for candidates to get admission to BA LLB and Master of Law (LLM) programmes offered by the university.

The papers for both courses comprise different sections. Candidates must go through the section-wise preparation tips in the below sections for the exam of their choice to make sure that the preparation process is going smoothly. 

Section-wise Preparation Tips for AILET BA LLB

The paper for BA LLB consists of 3 different sections. The total number of questions asked in the paper is 150 and all the questions are of objective type. Candidates get 120 minutes to complete this section being mindful of the marking scheme. Candidates have to be careful while attempting a question that they are not sure about as 0.25 marks are deducted for every incorrect answer. For every correct answer, candidates are awarded 1 mark.

The following are the sections involved in the paper -

AILET 2025 Preparation Strategy for General Knowledge and Current Affairs

  • Ideally, candidates should complete this section in 30 - 40 minutes giving 1 minute to each question.

  • In order to prepare well for this section, candidates must have or develop an interest in reading newspapers.

  • Candidates should stay aware of the latest happenings and events around the globe.

  • According to the previous years’ question papers of AILET, more questions are asked from current affairs than static GK. 

  • Candidates should cover the topics for static data from reliable sources. 

  • For current affairs, candidates should prefer major newspapers and monthly magazines. 

  • Following are the major areas that are asked in the section. Candidates must focus on preparing these topics more.

  1. Sports

  2. History, Art & Culture

  3. Economic and Govt. Policy

  4. Books

  5. Geography

  6. Awards

  7. National & International Events, Organizations and people

AILET 2025 Preparation Tips for English

  • This section of the exam checks the proficiency in grammar and comprehension. 

  • Candidates should build a good vocabulary.

  • It is important to read as much as you can.

  • Try to learn at least one new word from every alphabet every day. 

  • Along with learning new words, also learn about the sentence usage of that word.

  • Get a good grip on grammatical rules. This will help candidates tackle error detection-based questions. 

AILET 2025 Preparation Tips for Logical Reasoning

  • A total of 70 questions make up this section. 

  • Every question in this section is of an objective type.

  • Candidates are awarded one mark for every correct answer and -0.25 for every incorrect answer. 

  • This section tests the ability to understand logical links and identify patterns. 

  • Candidates must solve previous years’ question papers to ace this section regularly. This will help them in finding the tricks and shortcuts to solve the questions from this section. 

  • Candidates should try to imagine the shapes to solve puzzle-related questions. 

  • Majority of questions in this section are asked from topics like Critical and Verbal Reasoning, Analogies, Number Series and Fact inference judgement.

How to Prepare for AILET 2025 in a Month

Below are some of the tips for AILET 2025 preparation within a month -

  • Read newspapers daily and watch the news. Thus, students will get daily updates and simultaneously learn new words, sentence constructions, etc.
  • Examine the performance in the mock test and practice papers and highlight the areas they struggle.
  • Solve 2-3 previous year's question papers to become acquainted with the type of question and exam pattern.
  • Practice essential questions from the entire subject, and keep in mind that consistency is critical.
  • Try to complete as many mock tests, practice papers, and previous year question papers as possible.
  • Avoid panic and concentrate on revision. Revise the important topics, crucial laws, acts, definitions, and formulas.
  • Try working on the weak points and going over previous years' question papers.

Important Instructions for AILET 2025 Exam Day

Below are some important instructions for AILET 2025 on exam day - 

  • Personal items like mobile phones, electronic watches, calculator and other electronic devices should not be carried at the time of examination.

  • Carrying Admit Card along with valid ID Proof is a must on the day of the examination.

  • Applicant should also carry pencil, eraser, blue / black ball point pen, and their photographs.

  • Candidates should not carry any unauthorised documents.

  • Candidates should reach at least an hour before the commencement of the examination,

  • Those appearing for the exam should keep themselves hydrated and eat light but filling food.

How to Prepare for AILET 2025 in 60 Days

Candidates who begin their preparations late can still make the most of the time if they focus on solving the maximum number of mock test papers and sample papers. They can start their preparation by checking the exam pattern and syllabus. The exam pattern and syllabus will help the candidates to understand the marking scheme and exam structure. Besides this, the syllabus will help you know what topics will be covered in the AILET entrance exam. After checking the syllabus, candidates can proceed to prepare a preparation plan. The preparation plan should be prepared in a way that enough time is allotted to all the sections of the AILET exam. 

60-Day Study Plan for AILET

We have provided a 60-day study plan for AILET in the table below. Candidates may either follow the preparation plan prepared by our experts or they can prepare their preparation schedule.

Number of Days for AILET Preparation

60 Days

No. of hours to study in a day

At least 5

No of days to complete the syllabus

40-45 Days

Topics to be covered in a Week

Minimum 3-4

No of sample papers/ mock test papers in a week

At least 3-4

Daily Routine for AILET Preparation

  • Check the syllabus and pick up any topics and start reading its basic concepts

  • Start answering beginner level questions from that topic. Once done, proceed to the mid and high-level difficulty questions

  • Solve sample papers from that topic. You can also solve the questions asked in the previous years’ papers of the AILET exam.

  • Learn all the important formulas and shortcut techniques 

  • Read at least 7-8 new words daily and use them in words

  • Solve 1-2 exercises from Jumbled Paragraph, Sentence Correction and other important topics of English

  • Read newspapers to collect the important news and current affairs

  • Make notes of important points and formulas from the topic you have prepared on that day

No of days for last-minute preparation

15-20 Days

General Tips and Tricks for AILET 2025

Those who want to be more organized and confident about their AILET 2025 preparation, then here are some pointers that may help:

Time Table:

Making a timetable is not a bad idea. It actually helps to solve the riddle of what to study first. Divide the time in a way that all the subject matters are covered properly.


‘Practice makes a man perfect’, is the apt proverb for the preparation of AILET. The more the practice the more the aspirants will know the subject matter. This will also help to manage the time taken to solve a selected section or the entire paper.

Previous Years' Papers:

This will help them gain an idea about the types of questions that can appear in the actual exam. Sometimes, it can also serve to be a good guess material. There are probable chances of questions getting matched. They must solve these papers with timers on so that they may get an idea of how much time they are taking to solve the paper. This in a way will help to manage the time properly and check the time taken to solve a particular section.

Reference Books/ Materials:

Several books and reference materials can serve to be a good source of information for the AILET applicants. These books have sections divided in the way the question paper will be.

Coaching Centers:

One of the most common ways of preparation these days is to join reputed coaching centres. With the help of coaching institutes, students can easily get an idea of all the types of questions and answers that can come in the exam.

How to Prepare for AILET 2025 Along With Board Exams

Many candidates begin their preparation for the AILET 2025 examination in Grades 11/ 12. Remember that the AILET exam will be held approximately one month after the board exams. However, to effectively prepare for AILET 2025, candidates should try to balance their preparation and schoolwork.

  • First and foremost, potential candidates must review the complete AILET syllabus and comprehend the exam format. By doing so, they will understand the exam's fundamentals. 
  • Planning is vital when starting the AILET preparation in 11th grade. Students have about two years to prepare for the law entrance exam while balancing schoolwork and other activities.
  • Students can set aside a couple of hours for the AILET preparation besides maintaining their regular studies. 
  • Once they complete the syllabus, they need to focus on mock tests and sample papers.
  • Students can also join reputable coaching centres for weekend classes or purchase study materials and test series for practice at home. These efforts will boost their confidence and get them ready for AILET.

Because each student's capabilities for studying differ, each individual must devise a study plan that is tailored to their abilities. Candidates must not feel overwhelmed with studies as it will then hamper their scores in the board exams. Candidates must organize their weekends skilfully. They must keep a healthy mix of getting enough rest, co-curricular activities, AILET preparation, and regular studies.

Recommended Books for AILET 2025

Aside from reviewing textbooks and solving papers, potential candidates should include AILET study materials in their law school preparation. There are numerous books available for candidates to read and utilize. 

Such materials will provide them with several question papers to solve and a brief review of essential concepts. Finding the right books is critical when preparing for AILET 2025. Using low-quality books will reduce the chances of being selected for the exam.

Want to know more about AILET

FAQs about AILET Preparation Tips

What should be my approach while preparing for the Logical Reasoning section in AILET?

While preparing for the Logical Reasoning section, an applicant must solve as many sample papers and previous year's question papers as possible. It helps in increasing speed as well as accuracy.

Should I solve the AILET Mock Test before or after the preparation?

AILET Mock Test must be solved after the preparation as it provides a clear picture of the areas that require improvement.

How many hours of sleep is mandatory while preparing for AILET?

While preparing for AILET, an aspirant must sleep at least 7 to 8 hours a day.

Can I prepare for AILET in one month?

The syllabus for AILET is very vast so preparing for it in a month is a difficult task. However, aspirants must cover all the important topics and must solve previous year's question papers, mock tests and sample papers if they want to prepare for AILET in one month.

How much time should I leave for revision of AILET?

Candidates must have at least 3 to 4 weeks in hand in order to revise for AILET.

What should be kept in mind while preparing for the English section of AILET?

While preparing for the English section, aspirants must keep the grammatical rules in mind. They should also try to keep a check on their vocabulary.

How should I prepare for the General Affairs section of AILET?

To prepare for the General Affairs Section, a candidate must read newspapers and watch the news daily. Also, for static data, applicants must study from reliable sources only.

How many hours in a day should I study for AILET?

A candidate must study at least 5 hours a day in order to prepare well for AILET.

Is taking study breaks a good thing or a bad thing while preparing for AILET?

Taking study breaks while preparing for AILET is a good thing as it refreshes the mind and increases the concentration ability of an aspirant.

How much time is required to prepare for the AILET?

At least 4 or 5 months are required to prepare properly and thoroughly for AILET.

How to prepare for AILET?

To be well prepared for AILET, all that you need to do is become more organised and confident about taking the exam. You can create a time table and follow it religiously, you can take help from coaching institutes, practice mock tests and solve previous years' question papers. You can take reference material like books to get an in-depth understanding of the different topics in the syllabus.

What should be your preparation strategy one week before the exam?

Make a schedule or a chart to know what subject matters you are through with and what topics need revision. Allocate your revision time as per the topics you have to cover and go on ticking them off once you are done.

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