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BHU UET 2022 Exam Pattern

The exam pattern of BHU UET 2022 must be well known to the candidates who are planning to take the entrance examination. The exam pattern of BHU UET 2022 mainly consists of the total number of questions asked, marks allotted, marking scheme etc. Having knowledge about all the details of BHU UET 2022 pattern of examination will help the candidates to know exact details about the test. 

The exam pattern of BHU UET will also specify the number of questions and a total number of marks allotted are different for all the courses. BHU UET 2022 will be conducted in online and offline mode and each programme will have a different exam date. There will be a different test paper for every programme being offered through BHU UET.

How to Prepare for BHU UET

Syllabus of BHU UET

On this page, candidates willing to pursue UG courses from BHU will be notified about the course-wise exam pattern of the examination. So, before starting the preparation of the examination, it is important for the candidates to read through the BHU UET 2022 exam pattern at least once as it will not only give key details about the examination but will also give detailed information which can be used by the candidate for more effective preparation.

Upcoming Exams :

Highlights of BHU UET 2022

All the test-takers who will be appearing for BHU UET to be conducted in 2022 must take a look below to know about all the relevant details regarding the BHU UET 2022 pattern of examination.



Mode of Entrance Examination

Offline mode (Pen and Paper-based Test)/  Online Mode

Duration of Entrance Examination

150 Minutes/ 120 Minutes (as per the course)

Courses Offered in BHU UET

B.A. (Hons.) Arts, B.A. (Hons.) Social Sciences, B.A. (Economics), B.Com. (Hons.)/ B.Com. (Hons.) Financial Markets Management, B. Sc. (Hons.) Maths Group, B. Sc. (Hons.) Bio Group, B. Ed. and B. Ed. Special Education, B. Sc. (Ag.)/B.Sc. (Ag.) -RGSC, LL.B. (Hons.) (Bachelor of Laws), and B.F.A. (Bachelor of Fine Arts). 

Question Type in Entrance Examination


Medium of Instructions

English, but certain parts are in Hindi

Total Sections in the Entrance Examination

Different for Each course

Total Marks in the Entrance Examination

Different for Each course

Negative Marking in the Entrance Examination

Yes, for each incorrect answer there is a negative marking of one mark. 

Course-wise BHU UET 2022 Exam Pattern

Take a look at the following test pattern of BHU UET 2022 for different courses:

BHU UET 2022 Exam Pattern for B. A. (Hons.) Arts

The exam is of 120 minutes i.e. two hours duration. It carries 450 marks containing 150 multiple-choice questions. The questions are based on General Mental Ability, Numerical Ability, Human Health, History, Indian cultural heritage with special focus on major currents in Indian Thoughts, General Awareness Basic knowledge of Plants & Animals, Production of Food & Raw Materials, Environment & its Pollution, Human Body, Common Diseases, Population Explosion, Solar System, Climate & Weather, Natural Resources of Industry, literature and art.

The exam includes two sets of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on Language comprehension, in Hindi and English, where the candidate is required to answer anyone, Hindi language set or English language set but he/she cannot do both. The standard is of 10+2 Examination or equivalent.

BHU UET 2022 Exam Pattern for B.A. (Hons.) Social Sciences

The exam is 120 minutes long, which means candidates have two hours duration to solve the paper. It carries 450 marks containing 150 multiple-choice questions. The questions are based on Population Explosion, General Mental Ability, Social Studies, Numerical Ability, Environment and its Pollution, Human Body, General Awareness, Human Health, Political Science, Comprehension and subject awareness of the subjects including basic knowledge of Plants and Animals, Solar System, Common Diseases, Climate and Weather, Economics and Psychology, Natural Resources & Industry and Elementary knowledge of History.

The exam also includes two sets of multiple-choice questions on Language comprehension, one each in Hindi and English, where the candidate is required to answer either the Hindi language set or the English language set but not both. The standard is of 10+2 Examination or equivalent.

Common Test for B. Com. (Hons.)/B. Com. (Hons.)-Financial Markets Management

The exam is of 150 minutes, which is two and half hours in duration. Carrying 450 marks, the exam contains 150 multiple-choice questions, 15 each from:

  • Business Environment,

  • Business Management

  • Financial Markets,

  • Basic Mathematics,

  • Economics,

  • Money and Banking,

  • Accountancy,

  • Business Organisation,

  • Financial Statement Analysis,

  • 06 questions from computer basics and

  • 09 questions from Current Economic Affairs.

BHU UET 2022 Exam Pattern for B. Sc. (Hons.): (Maths group)

The exam is of 150 minutes duration. It carries 450 marks containing 150 multiple choice questions based on 10+2 examination or equivalent. The exam comprises of three sections: Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and each containing 50 questions.

BHU UET 2022 Exam Pattern for B. Sc. (Hons.): (Bio group)

The exam is of 150 minutes duration. It carries 450 marks containing 150 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on +2 examination or equivalent. The Paper shall comprise three sections: Biology, Physics and Chemistry, each containing 50 questions.

BHU UET 2022 Exam Pattern for Shastri (Hons.)

The exam is of 90 minutes long as far as the duration is concerned. It carries 300 marks containing 100 multiple-choice questions. The questions are based on the knowledge of Sanskrit and Hindi Languages of Madhyama/10+2 or equivalent examination standard.

Common Test for B. Sc. (Hons.) Ag./B. Sc. (Hons.) Ag.-RGSC

The exam is of two hours duration. It carries 300 marks containing 200 multiple-choice questions based on 10+2 examination or equivalent. The exam comprises of the following five sections:

  • Agriculture – 50 questions;

  • Botany & Zoology – 50 questions;

  • Chemistry – 25 questions;

  • Physics & Mathematics – 50 questions;

  • Mental Ability – 25 questions.

A candidate is required to answer 100 questions. Sections I and II are compulsory for all candidates whereas from Sections III, IV and V, a candidate has to answer any one Section.

BHU UET 2022 Exam Pattern for B. Ed. Bachelor of Education/ B.Ed. Special Visual Impairment (VI) and Hearing Impairment (HI)

The exam is of two and half hours duration. It carries 300 marks containing 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). It is divided into the following two parts:

  • There are four subject groups viz., Languages, Science, Mathematics and Social Sciences and Humanities;

  • 30 MCQs on teaching aptitude, reasoning, current educational scenario.

The candidate is required to appear in the group for which he/she has given an option in the application form on the basis of his/her eligibility. Each group have 70 MCQs. The distribution of questions in the various groups will be as under:

Languages- Equitable items from English, Sanskrit, Hindi;

Mathematics- Majority of the items will be from Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science; Humanities and Social Sciences-Equitable items from History, Political Science, Geography, Economics, Commerce and Home Science;

Science- Equitable items from Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics and Home Science, Computer Science.

BHU UET 2022 Exam Pattern for LL. B. (Hons.) (06 Semesters-3 Years)

The exam is of two hours duration. It carries 450 marks containing 150 multiple-choice questions. The questions are based on General Awareness and Current Affairs, Common Legal Knowledge, Aptitude and Mental Ability. The exam includes two sets of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on Language comprehension, one each in Hindi and English, where the candidate is required to answer either the Hindi language set or the English language set but not both.

BHU UET 2022 Exam Pattern for B.A. LL. B. (Hons.) (10 Semester-5 Years)

The exam is of two hours duration. It carries 450 marks containing 150 multiple-choice questions. The questions are based on General Awareness and Current Affairs, Legal Aptitude and Mental Ability. The Paper includes multiple-choice questions on English comprehension.

BHU UET 2022 Exam Pattern for B. P. Ed. (Bachelor of Physical Education) [04 Semester- 2 Year]

The exam is one theory paper, which comprises of 100 multiple-choice questions of 90 minutes that is one and half hours duration. It carries 300 marks.

The questions are based on General Studies, Aptitude Test, Current Affairs and General Knowledge about Sports. Physical Fitness Test (modified AAHPER fitness test) of 300 marks is conducted by External Examiners appointed by Controller of Examinations, at Department of Physical Education, BHU at Varanasi only in the supervision of the C. E. or his representative(s) for shortlisted candidates.

BHU UET 2022 Exam Pattern for BPA [Vocal/(Instrumental Music [North Indian Classical] -Sitar, Flute, Violin, Tabla)/ (Indian Classical Dance- Kathak/Bharatnatyam)]

There is one written paper of two hours duration. It carries 100 multiple-choice questions each in Vocal, Instrumental-(Sitar, Flute and Violin), Instrumental-(Tabla), Dance-Kathak and Dance-Bharatnatyam with 300 marks and one practical Examination (performance and viva) of 45 minutes duration that carries 600 marks.

BHU UET 2022 Exam Pattern for B. F. A.

There is one theory paper and two practicals. The theory paper comprises of 50 multiple-choice questions of 60 minutes duration. It carries 150 marks. Questions are based on general awareness in Visual Arts (Painting, Sculpture, Commercial Art/Applied Art, Pottery, Ceramics and Textiles). There are two Practical Examinations viz.

  • Object drawing in pencil with light and shade of 90 minutes duration carrying 360 marks.

  • Memory Drawing from the imagination of 90 minutes duration carrying 360 marks (in any medium i.e. Pencil, Colour Pencils, Pastels, Crayons, Water Colour, Poster Colour etc.).

BHU UET 2022 Exam Pattern for B.Voc. in Food Processing & Management /B.Voc. in Medical Lab Technology (under Vocational Courses)

There is one paper containing 150 multiple-choice questions to be attempted in two hours duration carrying 450 marks. Questions are based on general awareness, general mental ability, numerical ability, comprehension and subject awareness of the subjects that include basic knowledge of the Human Body, Health & Hygiene: Cell and Tissues, Digestive system, General Hygiene & Sanitation, Food & its role in Health, Circulatory System, Respiratory & Excretory System, Reproductive System, General Awareness about diseases & their mode of spread, Nutritional deficiency diseases, Safety and Security: Day to Day Emergency, Common Diseases, Production of Food and Raw Materials.

The exam contains two sets of multiple-choice questions on Language comprehension, one each in Hindi and English, where the candidate is required to answer either in the High language set or the English Language set but not both. The standard will be of 10+2 Examinations or equivalent.

BHU UET 2022 Exam Pattern for B.Voc.(Retail & Logistics Management)/ B.Voc.(Hospitality & Tourism) /B.Voc. (Fashion Designing & Event Management) / B.Voc. (Modern Office Management) [under Vocational Courses]

The exam contains 150 multiple-choice questions of two hours duration carrying 450 marks. Questions are from (i) Mental Ability, (ii) Quantitative Aptitude (iii) General Knowledge and Current Affairs and (iv) Language – English or Hindi.

The “Language” part is consisting of two sets of multiple-choice questions on Language comprehension, one each in Hindi and English, where the candidate is required to answer either in the High language set or the English Language set but not both. The standard will be of +2 Examinations or equivalent.

Marking Scheme of BHU UET 2022

Before appearing for the entrance examination, candidates must check the marking scheme of BHU UET 2022 that has been stated below:

  • A total of 150 questions will be asked in the BHU UET 2022.
  • For each correct answer, three marks will be awarded to the candidates.

  • For each incorrect answer, there is a negative marking of one mark. 

  • Questions left unanswered are awarded no marks.

How to Answer Questions in BHU UET 2022?

While attempting the question paper of BHU UET 2022, candidates must take note of the below pointers to know how they can answer questions in the entrance examination.

  • For answering, questions, candidates must use only blue or black ink/ball-point pen while filling in the details on their answer sheet of BHU UET 2022.

  • Inner cover page of the question booklet of BHU UET or the blank may be used as for any rough work.

  • Candidates must know that separate question and answer booklet will be provided to them. They must make sure that both the booklets contain correct information. In any case, the information printed is incorrect, then the invigilator must be duly informed.

  • The questions provided in the question booklet of BHU UET 2022 will be Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) in nature.

  • If a candidate faces any confusion or does not know the answer to a question, he/she is to leave the ovals unmarked instead of giving any coss.

  • While attempting the questions candidates must not remove or tear any page from the question booklet otherwise, he/she will be subject to punishment applicable for the adoption of unfair means.

Want to know more about BHU UET

FAQs about BHU UET Exam Pattern

What is the duration of the BHU UET exam?

The duration of BHU UET will vary from 120 minutes to 150 minutes depending on the course for which the candidate is appearing for the examination.

What is the mode of the BHU UET exam?

BHU UET is conducted in online mode as well as offline mode.

What type of questions will be asked in the BHU UET exam?

Multiple choice questions will be asked in the BHU UET examination.

Is there any negative marking in the BHU UET exam?

Yes, there is a negative marking of 1 mark for each incorrect answer in the BHU UET examination.

What is the marking scheme of BHU UET?

Candidates will be awarded three marks for each correct answer while one mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.

What is the mode of BHU UET?

BHU UET will be conducted in English and Hindi languages.

Is there sectional timing in BHU UET?

No, there is no sectional timing in the BHU UET examination.

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