CEED 2025 Syllabus PDF - Download Latest CEED Syllabus for All Subjects

The latest CEED 2025 syllabus has been released by IIT Bombay. The exam will have two parts- Part A will have questions related to topics such as visualization and spatial reasoning, practical and scientific knowledge, observation and design sensitivity, language, creativity, etc. Part B will have questions related to drawing, drawing, communication, and problem identification.

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CEED Syllabus 2025

The CEED 2025 syllabus has been released by the IIT Bombay on its admission portal. The question paper will have two parts- Part A and Part B. The questions included in Part A will be related to topics, such as visualization and spatial reasoning, practical and scientific knowledge, observation and design sensitivity, environment and society, analytical and logical reasoning, language, creativity, art and design knowledge, and design methods and practices. Part B of the CEED 2025 exam will have questions related to topics, such as drawing, creativity, communication, and problem identification. Part A will be conducted online while Part B will be in offline mode.

Understanding the CEED syllabus 2025 is essential for effective preparation. It provides a clear framework of the topics and skills you need to master, helping you focus your study efforts on relevant areas. Familiarity with the syllabus also enables you to allocate your time efficiently, ensuring you cover all necessary subjects before the exam. Additionally, it helps in identifying your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to tailor your practice accordingly. By thoroughly going through the syllabus, you can feel more confident on exam day, as you’ll be well-prepared to tackle a variety of questions and challenges. Check out the detailed CEED 2025 syllabus PDF and more information on this page.

CEED 2025 Syllabus PDF Download

Download the subject-wise detailed CEED 2025 syllabus for Part A and Part B, as released by IIT Bombay in the information brochure.

CEED Syllabus 2025 PDF

Subject-wise CEED 2025 Syllabus

The students can go through the list of important areas that constitute the syllabus for CEED 2025. They can go through the highlights of Part A and Part B syllabi as mentioned in the table given below. 

Part A 

Part B


  • Visualisation and Spatial Reasoning

  • Practical and Scientific Knowledge

  • Observation and Design Sensitivity

  • Environment and Society

  • Analytical and Logical Reasoning

  • Language 

  • Creativity 

  • Art and Design Knowledge

  • Design Methods and Practices

  • Drawing

  • Creativity

  • Communication Skills

  • Problem Identification

Let us explore more detailed topics in the subsequent sections.

CEED Part A Syllabus 2025

The following is a discussion about the revised topics incorporated into the Part A syllabus for CEED 2025.

  • Visualisation and Spatial Ability: To assess pupil's cognition of 2D shapes, 3D items, and their spatial relations, this component will include questions about pictorial and diagrammatic structures. The student's capacity to modify 2D forms and 3-dimensional items is also examined in this portion.
  • Environmental and Social Awareness: This section, as its name suggests, assesses candidates' general understanding of several both natural and ecological subjects, including population, climate, water, soil, pollution, vegetation, and earth's resources. It also takes into account how conscious the learner is of how various product designs, visuals, and infrastructure affect the outside world. The CEED syllabus 2025 also raises understanding of design jargon, the artefact's historical background, the social and cultural context of the design, and ecologically and socially conscious design solutions. The history of art and design is also taught to the pupils.
  • Analytical and Logical Reasoning: In this section, pupils must use all of their logical and analytical skills to conclude a given scenario. They must consider the various perspectives, evidence, solutions, and reactions offered for each particular circumstance. They will be given a brief passage and are required to infer significant logic from it. They must determine the most precise and reliable course of action in a certain circumstance.
  • Language and Creativity: This component will assess the pupil's understanding of passages that are often utilised in the English language. The potential for alternative-thinking inventiveness is also tested by language and creativity. This component also evaluates the candidate's abilities to seek solutions and their strategies for unconventional thought processes.
  • Design Thinking and Problem-Solving: The CEED syllabus 2025 calls for potential candidates to comprehend the background of a particular circumstance. The main ideas in this component are their methods for addressing issues and reasoning creatively about design. Participants must be able to distinguish between various user categories, weigh the potential drawbacks, and choose the best course of action when faced with a design challenge.
  • Observation and Design Sensitivity: The pupils should recognise and analyse hidden qualities in everyday objects. the capacity to recognise minute variations in any design's visual characteristics and provide beautiful results per client requests. 

CEED Part B Syllabus 2025

The following is a discussion about the revised topics incorporated into the Part B syllabus for CEED 2025.

  • Sketching: The ability to make sketches is tested in this section of the CEED 2025 syllabus. The ability to sketch objects, people, or scenes in precise proportions with good line quality, perspective, composition, and shading is a need for the pupils.
  • Uniqueness: Pupils must be able to use their imaginations to come up with ideas and propose solutions that have never occurred to any individual. When it comes to design, they must think creatively and offer unique solutions for situations encountered.
  • Interpersonal Skills: One of the most important abilities that any design aspirant should have is interaction. With the use of images or language, they must express design thoughts and their ideas intelligibly.
  • Proficiency in Problem Identification: Aspiring designers need to be able to comprehend the context and the customer's needs. They must be aware of the characteristics associated with substances and how to use them appropriately in design.

Important Topics for CEED 2025

CEED is a test to measure your abilities, so IIT Bombay does not suggest any particular book or guide for preparing. Instead, they recommend practising drawing, rendering, and visualization skills. You can find CEED sample papers on CollegeDekho. To help you prepare, here is a list of important topics for CEED 2025 based on past question papers for the design entrance exam.

Important Topics from CEED Syllabus 2025

Creative Writing Skills

Drawing Ability and Skills

Communication Skills

Design Concepts

How to Develop Characters

Logical Reasoning

Light and Shadow

Perspective Design

Logo Design

Problem Identification & Design Problem Solving

Scale and Proportion

Product Designing

Basics of Drawing- Lines and Shapes

Gradation Chart

Colour Theory, Color Schemes and color Compositions

Still Life Drawings, Eye Levels and Symmetrical Drawing Concepts, Object drawings from everyday life

Perspective- Types and Usage

Human Body Knowledge

Anatomy, Proportions and Divisions

Basic and advanced Human Drawings

Hands and Feets Study

Human Features

Animal and Bird Study

Colour Rendering and Design

Inspirational Design

Means of Advertisement-Visual Communication

Grid Collages


Study of Objects and Lateral Thinking


Story Illustrations

Pictograms and Signage

Geometrical and Design Exercise

Compositional sense

Placement of different figures proportionally

Sense of proportion

Basics of materials and manufacturing processes

Interaction Design and Visual Communication


Representation techniques

Problem identification & solving

Visual perception

Interface Design & Product Design

Poster, Logo, Character designing


Drawing of human figures of different postures, action, and age groups

CEED Exam Pattern 2025

In addition to learning the CEED syllabus, applicants must also comprehend the exam format. The CEED 2025 exam pattern differs between Parts A and B of the exam. Some of the important highlights of the CEED exam pattern is mentioned below:

CEED Exam Pattern Particulars

Part A

Part B

Exam Mode


Offline (Answers must be entered in the invigilator's answer booklet)

Number of Questions




1 hour

2 hours

Type of Questions

  • Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)
  • Multiple Select Question (MSQ)
  • Numerical Answer Type (NAT)
  • The paper will test the design, drawing, and writing skills of the candidate

Total Marks



Exam Mode



Language of Question Paper



Best Books Covering CEED Syllabus 2025

IIT Bombay doesn't endorse particular books for preparing for the CEED syllabus 2025. However, taking into account the revised syllabus and exam pattern, here is a compilation of some highly recommended books for CEED 2025 preparation:

CEED Syllabus 2025- Part A: Design Aptitude Test 

  • Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal

  • Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal

  • CEED & UCEED Exam Preparation - Advance Course Study Material by ICR Education

  • Cracking CEED & UCEED (with Previous Years' Papers and Mock Tests) by Ashok Goel and Arjun Kamal

  • Rapidfire General Knowledge & Current Affairs 2025 for Competitive Exams by Disha Experts

CEED Syllabus 2025- Part B: Design Drawing Test

  • Design Drawing by Francis DK Ching

  • Perspective Drawing Handbook by Joseph D'Amelio

  • Art Perception by David Cycleback

  • CEED & NID M.Des Entrance Books and Test Series by Ashish Popli, Pradosh Swain, Rishabh Rhode

How to Prepare for CEED 2025 Syllabus

To help the candidates crack the exam, here's the CEED 2025 preparation strategy that you should follow..

  • Fully grasp the CEED exam pattern and marking system. This will help you manage your time wisely and concentrate on areas that can earn you more points.

  • Identify what you are good at and where you need improvement. Arrange your study plan based on this insight.

  • Create a study timetable that covers all sections and suits your learning style. Stick to it consistently for effective preparation.

  • Get familiar with the types of questions in the CEED exam. Assess the difficulty and time needed for each section.

  • Spot recurring themes and topics to prioritize in your preparation. Practice applying your knowledge to questions resembling those in the actual exam.

  • Enhance your skills in freehand sketching and technical drawing.

  • Learn to express your ideas visually with clear and accurate drawings.

  • Consider taking online courses or workshops to refine your skills.

  • Train your mind to visualize 3D objects and understand spatial relationships. Practice mentally manipulating shapes and forms.

  • Solve puzzles and play games involving reasoning. This skill is crucial for design thinking and problem-solving in CEED 2025.

  • Go beyond the CEED syllabus 2025 requirements to broaden your knowledge.

  • Read extensively on design, art, technology, and current affairs. Visit museums, attend workshops, and engage in design events. A broader perspective will boost your creativity and design thinking skills.

Want to know more about CEED

FAQs about CEED Syllabus

Can I complete the syllabus of CEED in six months?

Yes, if you are diligent and attentive, you may finish the CEED syllabus in six months. The CEED syllabus is not overly extensive, and it is easy to complete it in a short amount of time with careful preparation and execution.

Are current affairs asked in CEED?

Yes, current events are included in CEED. The purpose of the exam is to assess the candidate's broad awareness and understanding of current events. Current events questions are typically asked in the exam's General Knowledge section.

Has IIT Bombay recommended any specific test books or guide for the exam preparation of CEED?

IIT Bombay has not recommended any particular books or guides for the CEED preparation. However, candidates will have to work on their drawing skills, and enhance their creativity and problem idendentifying skills. As a part of preparation, they must also solve the previous year's question papers.

Is the syllabus of CEED vast?

The syllabus of CEED is not very vast, but it does cover a wide range of topics. The syllabus includes the subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering Drawing, Visual and Spatial Ability, Observation and Design Sensitivity, Environmental and Social Awareness, Analytical and Logical Reasoning, Language and Creativity and Design Thinking and Problem Solving. 

How much time is required to complete the syllabus of CEED?

The time required for the completion of CEED syllabus varies from candidate to candidate Ideally, the whole syllabus can be covered in six to eight months.

What are the sections of CEED Part B?

The following sections are asked in Part B of CEED: Communication Skills, Creativity, Analytical and Problem Solving Skills, and Drawing.

Which topics of grammar and language are asked in CEED?

The topics of English Language and Grammar asked in CEED are articles, verb patterns tenses, active and passive voice, vocabulary, comprehension, and basic English grammar.

Which sections are asked in the Part A of CEED?

Part A of CEED comprises the following sections: Visualization and Spatial Ability, Environmental and Social Awareness, Language and Creativity, Analytical and Logical Reasoning, Design Thinking and Problem Solving, and Observation and Design Sensitivity.

Is the CEED syllabus different for Part A and Part B?

Yes, the CEED syllabus differs for Parts A and B. Part A of the CEED exam is a computer-based test that assesses the candidate's understanding of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering Drawing, Visual and Spatial Ability, Observation and Design Sensitivity, Environmental and Social Awareness, Analytical and Logical Reasoning, Language and Creativity, and Design Thinking and Problem Solving. Part B of the CEED exam is an offline assessment of the candidate's drawing skills.

Has the CEED syllabus 2025 been changed?

No, the CEED syllabus 2025 has not been changed, however, the exam's syllabus was revised in 2024. The refreshed curriculum focuses more on assessing candidates' creative and design abilities. It also covers additional subjects about environmental awareness and social responsibility. The revised syllabus is intended to make the CEED exam more relevant to the demands of the design industry. They also represent shifts in design education and application.

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