How to Prepare for CLAT Exam - Preparation Tips & Strategy, Best Books

Updated By Debanjalee Sen on 01 Dec, 2024 08:55

For CLAT 2025 preparation, exam takers must emphasise revision now with the admission test a few days away. They must solve sample papers, and previous year questions for exam readiness.

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CLAT 2025 Preparation Strategy : Study Plan, Time Table

CLAT 2025 Preparation StrategyCLAT 2025 is going to be held on December 1, 2024. Students must make sure to arrive at the CLAT exam centre on time. While answering the questions, they must keep track and manage their time wisely. If a question seems challenging, they must move on and attempt the same later.

They must stay calm and not allow any difficult question to hamper their confidence. It is better not to work through those problems, which they are not sure of as CLAT has negative markings. Test takers get two hours to attempt 120 questions distributed across five sections - English Language, General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Quantitative Techniques, Legal Reasoning, and Logical Reasoning. Preparing for CLAT is not easy as it is counted as one of the most competitive entrance exams for pursuing law education. Therefore, we are providing a few tips and tricks for preparing for the CLAT entrance exam. It will help the aspirants obtain a Good Score in CLAT 2025. 

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How to Start CLAT 2025 Preparation

Before beginning the CLAT 2025 preparation, it is important for the candidates to have a good understanding of the CLAT 2025 exam pattern and syllabus. The syllabus will help define the important topics and at the same time, candidates will not waste their time in reading some irrelevant topics which are not a part of the syllabus.

CLAT 2025 exam pattern will help in understanding the exam structure. For example, there will be negative marking of 0.25 in CLAT which implies that candidates need to work on the accuracy while answering the questions. The exam pattern also helps in understanding the marks distribution in CLAT. This will help the candidates prioritise the section which carries more weightage.

Subject-Wise Preparation Plan for CLAT 2025

Here are the subject-wise tips and important pointers that can help in preparing for CLAT 2025.

CLAT 2025 Legal Reasoning Preparation Strategy

  • CLAT 2025 Legal Reasoning section is the most important section. The total number of questions in the Legal Reasoning section of CLAT 2025 will be 35-39 and each question will carry 1 mark.

  • Dig out the legal issues of the last 10 months and read everything about them.

  • Take out time to comprehend the landmark judgments and important cases from the last year.

  • The candidates must first understand the meaning of the questions asked before attempting them.

  • To ace the Legal Knowledge section, the candidates must master the common Legal Terminologies.

  • The candidates must have a fair idea regarding the recent happenings in the Legal world.

Get detailed Preparation Tips for CLAT Legal Reasoning here!

CLAT 2025 General Knowledge and Current Affairs Preparation Strategy

  • CLAT 2025 General Awareness section comprises 50 questions of 1 mark each.

  • The questions will be asked from Current Affairs and Static General Knowledge like History, Geography, and Sciences.

  • Awareness plays a crucial role while preparing for this section. Indulge in the habit of watching the news and reading the newspaper daily.

  • Preparing properly for CLAT 2025 General Awareness section will enhance the candidate's knowledge of Legal General Knowledge as well.

  • This is a time-saving section and the candidates can exploit it by using the extra time to attempt questions from other significant sections of the CLAT 2025 exam.

Get more Tips to Prepare for Current Affairs Section of CLAT!

CLAT 2025 Quantitative Techniques Preparation Strategy

  • This section will consist of 20 questions based on the syllabus of Class X Mathematics.

  • The key to preparing for this section is the constant practice of basic mathematical concepts.

  • Revision and constant practice are the keys to ace this section. They improve accuracy and enhance speed.

  • The candidate will be provided around 10-15 minutes to attempt and complete the section.

  • The candidates must practice quantitative aptitude questions related to topics like Percentages, Number Systems, Time and Work, Time Speed and Distance, Coordinate Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry, and Probability.

Find out all the Tips to Prepare for CLAT Quantitative Techniques!

CLAT 2025 Logical Reasoning Preparation Strategy

  • The Logical Reasoning section of CLAT 2025 will contain a total number of 40 questions carrying 1 mark each.

  • The questions will be asked from a wide range of topics like Family Tree, Syllogisms, Coding-Decoding, Arrangements, and Critical Reasoning.

  • To score well in this section, the candidates must prepare well for Critical Reasoning.

  • The candidates must aim to attempt a minimum of 35 questions in this section.

  • Candidates with a clear conceptual understanding will successfully ace the CLAT 2025 Logical Reasoning section.

Check out the Preparation Tips for CLAT Logical Reasoning in detail!

CLAT 2025 English Language Preparation Strategy

  • The CLAT 2025 English Language section tests the reading skills of the candidates.

  • This section is time-consuming with a low accuracy level.

  • Make reading your habit.

  • Learning new words every day must be encouraged.

  • This section will test the vocabulary and grammatical skills of the candidates.

  • The candidates must look for ways to enhance their reading speed which will come in handy in the comprehension passage section.

  • The candidates must possess sound knowledge regarding the basic rules of Grammar.

  • Reading newspapers on a daily basis will improve the vocabulary and word base of the candidates.

  • The CLAT 2025 English Language section will have 40 questions for 1 mark each and the candidates must aim to attempt at least 30 questions in 25 minutes.

Explore other Tips to Prepare for the English Language Section of CLAT!

How to Prepare for CLAT 2025 at Home

Preparing from home is a great option for those aspirants who do not like going to coaching institutes or are facing issues from online mediums. Here are a few pointers explaining how to prepare for CLAT 2025 at home.

  • Analyse your daily schedule and try to prepare a study plan as per the observation.
  • Devote at least 12-13 hours daily for studies and include curricular activities as well to keep the brain fresh.
  • Take planned breaks for 5 minutes, after every 15 minutes. Longer breaks can be taken after every hour. It maintains concentration and keeps the memory fresh.
  • Stay away from gadgets that can act as a distraction.
  • While preparing a time-table, try to maintain the coordination between essential/necessary tasks and study. 
  • Time-table is a tool that needs to be curated and implemented perfectly. Following a well-designed preparation, the plan provides a guaranteed result.
  • Keep a notebook and note down all the important concepts and ideas. Revisit them often so that the memory does not fade away.
  • Recall and jot down a brief explaining the activities done in the last 3 days. This will provide a better insight into the areas and time slots that you can use in a better way. It will also provide an idea of the areas where you have failed in following the time-table and in your daily planning. 
  • Plan your schedule with a proper strategy and break down the subjects into topics and further into ideas. Do not create a vague timetable. Be clear and precise.
  • Keep aside a month or two for revision and practise only. Solve as many last year's question papers, mock tests and practice papers as you can. It will help you in evaluating your performance and kicking it up a notch.
  • Keep in mind to include your favourite activities along with the preparation in the time-table. It can be a great way to utilise the break time as it can help in maintaining the focus and preparation stamina.
  • Getting distracted is very easy at home. Do not let yourself get distracted for too long as it might consume a lot of your time which will reflect in your final performance.

How to Prepare for CLAT 2025 in 6 Months

CLAT is considered to be the most popular entrance examination for law aspirants. The level of difficulty in the entrance is pretty high, experts advise that with a proper preparation plan and ample amount of time candidates will be able to encounter any sort of difficulties. CollegeDekho has provided the aspirants who want to ace the entrance with 6 months of preparation strategy for CLAT in the section below. It is advisable for the candidates to incorporate the tips given below in their preparation strategy for effective results. 

  • Knowing about the entrance - The primary step is to know about the entrance examination. This includes knowledge about the exam pattern and marking scheme in detail. Incorporating this step in the preparation strategy will help the candidates to get an idea about the structure of the examination. Only then can they prepare an effective strategy for CLAT. 

  • Realising the amount of time left - Nextly, the candidates are required to realise the amount of time left for preparation. It is advisable for the aspirants to prepare a timetable for CLAT 2025. One year is considered to be an ample amount of time for preparation. 

  • Deciding the approach - Candidates are advised to decide the approach they want to adopt. This is considered to be a very important element. It is to be noted that candidates will have to figure out how much effort has to be put in by them in each subject to do well in the examination.

  • Section-wise Analysis - Candidates who want to ace the CLAT 2025 entrance should do a section-wise analysis before they start preparing for the entrance examination. This means the topics present in the various sections of the syllabus.

  • Set Short-time Goals - Candidates wanting to prepare for CLAT 2025 entrance in six months are required to set short time goals. It is very important for the candidates to achieve short goals and focus on the next. In this manner they will be able to complete the syllabus of the CLAT on time. 

  • Joining Coaching Institutes - Candidates are also advised to join coaching centres if they are to do well in the entrance examination. The institutes also provide candidates with an opportunity  to appear in several mock tests. It will help the candidates to grow self-confidence and identify the areas where they lack behind.

  • Revising in Regular Intervals - Many a time candidates lose grip on the syllabus which they have already studied. In order to avoid such circumstances candidates are required to invest their time in regular intervals.

  • Going through the Previous Years Question Papers - This can be considered to be one of the last steps of the preparation procedure. Once the candidates are done with covering all the topics in the syllabus of CLAT 2025, they should go through the previous years question papers of the entrance. This will help them to understand the types of questions asked in the exam. It is also considered to be one of the most effective ways of revising the pre learnt topics.

How to Prepare for CLAT 2025 in a Month

Here is the weekly CLAT preparation schedule for a month.

Week 1:

  • Try improving your vocabulary and learning at least 100 new words every day.
  • Make it a habit to read newspapers and watch the news daily.
  • Discover and jot down basics and fundamental from each subject.
  • Try solving 2-3 practice papers or mock tests every day.

Week 2:

  • Analyse your performance in the mock test and practise papers and circle out the weak areas.
  • Work on the weak areas.
  • Try solving 2-3 previous year's question papers as it provides a familiarity with the type of question and exam pattern.
  • Keep watching and reading the news and learning new words.
  • Practise important questions from all the subject and remember consistency is the key.

Week 3:

  • Try solving as many mock tests, practice papers and last year question papers as possible.
  • Identify the silly errors and blunders you are making and try to improve them for better performance in the exam.
  • Keep revisiting the notebook with important topics and formulaes.
  • Practise should be encouraged.
  • News and headlines should be watched daily without a miss.

Week 4:

  • Do not panic and focus on revision.
  • Important topics and formulas should be memorised again and again.
  • Read the newspapers daily.
  • Try working on weak areas and going through the questions of the last years' question papers.

How to Prepare for CLAT from Class 11

Many students start their CLAT preparation from class 11th. Those who are certain about pursuing a career in the field of law as early as the 11th standard have the added advantage of having more time at hand. With the correct strategy, students can start preparing for CLAT in class 11th and ace the exam.

  • First, aspirants must go through the entire syllabus of CLAT and understand the exam pattern. By doing this, they will get an idea of the basics of the exam.
  • Time management is of utmost importance when starting your CLAT preparation in class 11th. While students do have about two years to prepare for the law entrance exam, they will also have to balance their school studies and other activities.
  • Candidates can divide their CLAT preparation into three phases. 
    • Phase 1: In this phase, candidates will go through the whole syllabus, exam pattern, and collect study material for CLAT preparation. They will make a timetable, devoting at least 2-3 hours to study for CLAT every day.
    • Phase 2: The second phase will be the longest and in this, candidates will cover the entire syllabus of CLAT. They will study all the subjects that can be asked in the exam and leave sufficient time for revision as well.
    • Phase 3: In the third phase, the candidates will focus majorly on solving mock tests and sample papers. They will get ready for the exam by practising questions on a regular basis.
  • The appetite for studying varies from student to student, therefore every individual must make a study plan that suits his/ her capabilities. Candidates must not burden themselves with studies and chalk out a plan that is inclusive of other things as well.
  • Candidates must make the most out of weekends. If they fail to stick to their schedule during the week, they must ensure to cover it up over the weekend so that the next week's study plan does not get disrupted.
  • During school exams and tests, it is natural for students to not spend much time on their CLAT preparation as they will be busy with their school studies. However, they must make it a point to make up for it after the exams are over.
  • Starting the CLAT preparation from NCERT books is advised by most experts. Students should go through all the NCERT books that include the CLAT syllabus at least once.
  • If a candidate winds up with his/ her CLAT preparation and still has some time left at hand, he/ she can buy test series from a reputed CLAT coaching centre. These tests and mock papers will help in becoming comfortable and familiar with the exam pattern and will also boost the candidate's speed and accuracy.

General Tips and Tricks to Master CLAT

To maximize their chances of scoring well in the CLAT 2025 examination, the candidates must have a fair idea regarding the CLAT 2025 exam pattern and various other things like CLAT previous year cutoff trends, CLAT 2025 exam marking scheme etc. which will help the candidates to strengthen the fundamental and basic concepts. Here are some tried and tested methods which will help the candidates to ease past a tough entrance exam like CLAT 2025:

Prepare a Time-Table

Check out the entire syllabus of CLAT and prepare a time-table according to the important topics and weak areas. Cover all the concepts, ideas and topics in the plan. Allocate time and days for preparation as per your understanding of the topic.

Time Management

While preparing for CLAT 2025, it is highly recommended to the aspirants to device an effective time-management strategy which will help them to attempt all the questions within the provided time. If the candidates aim to answer all the questions, they must have an effective time-management strategy to do so otherwise it will hamper their accuracy level.

Practice Is The Success Mantra

Candidates who aim to score excellent marks in CLAT 2025 should target attempting more than 160 questions. Candidates with an accuracy level of over 90% in CLAT 2025 exam will have a better chance of pursuing their dream course from their desired college. There is no better way of achieving accuracy than practice. With practice, the candidates will be able to identify those sections in which they are good at and can utilize their time in strengthening their weak sections.

Study Material

Referring to the right kind of study materials is an important part while preparing for CLAT 2025. Those books and study materials which provides relevant information in easy language must be used for reference. The candidates must abstain themselves from experimenting with new books before the exam as it will lead to confusion.

Regular Mock Tests

Candidates must solve CLAT 2025 mock test papers on a regular basis to secure good marks in the CLAT 2025 examination. Mock test paper is an effective method to know more about the CLAT 2025 exam pattern and type of questions to be expected by the candidates. Those candidates solving mock test papers will also have a fair bit of knowledge about how to attempt questions from various sections.

Exam Day Tips for CLAT 2025

Check out the exam day tips for the preparation of CLAT 2025.

  • Reach the examination centre at least 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the exam.
  • Do not forget to carry important documents such as CLAT 2025 Admit Card, identity proof which must be produced at the CLAT 2025 exam centres on the exam date.
  • Do not try cramming up new topics on the day of the examination.
  • Check the CLAT admit card or hall ticket for the reporting time so that you and plan when to start from your home accordingly.
  • Check the seating arrangements if not mentioned in the hall ticket or admit card.
  • Read the CLAT question paper instructions carefully before you start attempting them.
  • Check if the number of questions and pages are in sync with the instructions provided on the CLAT 2025 question papers.
  • If the current question seems difficult, it is recommended that you must move to the following questions. Later on, you can turn your focus on the unattempted questions.

Want to know more about CLAT

FAQs about CLAT Preparation Tips

How many hours of sleep is sufficient while preparing for CLAT 2024?

While preparing for the CLAT 2024 exam, at least 7-8 hours of sleep is required. It relaxes the mind of the aspirant and keeps the focus intact.

How many breaks can I take while preparing for CLAT 2024?

While preparing for the CLAT 2024 exam, an aspirant must take at least 10 to 15 minutes of break after every hour. It not only refreshes the mind but also increases the concentration ability.

How many hours in a day should I invest in the CLAT 2024 preparation?

In the CLAT 2024 preparation, a candidate must invest at least 5 to 6 hours a day.

How can I improve preparation for the CLAT 2024 Verbal Ability section?

The verbal ability section of CLAT 2024 is to assess the vocabulary and grammatical skills of a candidate. It can be enhanced by regularly reading books and by practising through comprehension passages.

How should I prepare for the Logical Reasoning section of CLAT 2024?

Aspirants must always go for a clear conceptual understanding and must scan through the sample papers to identify the type of questions that require practice. By solving mock tests and practise papers anyone can prepare for the Logical Reasoning section of CLAT 2024.

What should be kept in mind while preparing for the Mathematics and Numerical Ability Preparation section of CLAT 2024?

Candidates must always remember that consistency and practice is the key to ace the Mathematics and Numerical Ability section in CLAT 2024.

What should be the preparation strategy for the CLAT 2024 General Knowledge and Current Affairs section?

For the General Knowledge and Current Affairs section of CLAT 2024, candidates must read the newspapers and watch the news regularly. Also, going through previous year's question papers and sample papers provide an idea of the type of questions asked in the exam which help in preparing better.

How should I prepare for the Legal Reasoning section of CLAT 2024?

To prepare for the Legal Reasoning section of CLAT 2024, aspirants must take note of all the Legal Terminologies and recent happenings in the Legal world. Also, thinking logically and applying practical theories help in cracking the answers of Legal Reasoning.

How long does it take to prepare for the CLAT 2024 exam?

A candidate requires at least 4 or 5 months to prepare and revise for the CLAT 2024 exam.

Can I prepare for the CLAT 2024 exam within 3 months?

Yes, with a tight preparation schedule and right strategies, it is possible to crack CLAT 2024 within a time span of 3 months.

How to prepare for CLAT 2024 without coaching?

There's a common belief that coaching is the only way to crack CLAT 2024 exam but there are a number of ways that can help candidates ace the exam without coaching. Coaching, while important, is not mandatory to get through the CLAT 2024. Be mindful of the below-mentioned pointers to prepare for CLAT 2024 without coaching: First and foremost, prepare a detailed strategy. Go through the entire syllabus for all the sections and discover your strengths and weaknesses. Practice a lot of mock tests especially for Logical and Legal Reasoning. They are available online. Use only a few best books for every section. Do not keep jumping from one book to another. Practice previous year questions papers. Also read, how to prepare for CLAT 2024 on CollegeDekho.

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