DU JAT 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Rini Maria on 18 Feb, 2022 18:38

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How to Prepare for DU JAT 2022

DU JAT is one of the most coveted entrance exams of Delhi University and in order to help you to crack the entrance exam with flying colours, CollegeDekho has listed a few tips and tricks which can aid your preparation strategy and boost your chances of scoring high in the entrance exam. DU JAT (Delhi University Joint Admission Test) consists of four sections, namely General English, Quantitative Ability, Business, and General Awareness and Reasoning and Analytical Ability section. To attempt questions of all the sections in the examination, it’s a good strategy to solve easy questions first to get the confidence and then move on to tackling the tougher ones. Also, it is better to keep the summary notes or short notes handy during the time of exam revision so that you have all the concepts in your mind in a concise and understandable manner. You should also take references from DU JAT best books and study material and practice the maximum number of DU JAT previous year question papers to get an insight about the overall examination.

DU JAT is a gateway for admission in various undergraduate courses like Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS), BBA (FIA), BA (Hons) in Business Economics offered by the University of Delhi. In order to achieve the best result on the D-day, take a cue from the following DU JAT preparation tips.

Approach Your Exam Preparation Smartly:

Approaching the entrance exam preparation in a smart way has an important role in securing good marks. One of the smart ways to prepare for an exam is to focus on the sections/topics that have good weightage in terms of marks.

Make Your Exam Schedule:

For cracking competitive exams, the first and foremost thing is to have a well-planned schedule for yourself. A well-planned schedule means you should allocate adequate time to all the topics in the syllabus (according to the marks weightage).

Prepare General Knowledge Section Well:

The general knowledge section is one section that saves a lot of your time and helps you score better. So, you must follow the news regularly, and read the newspapers on a daily basis. The general knowledge section of DU JAT will not just test your awareness about the current events, but it will also have questions that will examine your overall business knowledge.

Do Not Forget To Revise:

For securing good marks, revision is a must. Without proper revision, you may forget the topics that you had studied before, which will, in turn, lead to confusion later on. Therefore, you should spend enough time revising the topics.

Note the Marking Scheme:

DU JAT has negative marking. For each correct response, you will be given 3 marks, whereas, for each wrong response, 1 mark will be deducted. So, it is advisable for you to attempt only those questions you are absolutely sure of, in order to avoid losing marks in the entrance exam.​

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How to Prepare for DU JAT 2022 - Important Topics and Mistakes to Avoid

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Section-wise Preparation Tips for DU JAT 2022

Following are some of the section-wise preparation tips that can help the candidates to prepare in a better way:

General English:

The Verbal Ability section in DU JAT judges students’ Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension. In order to prepare this section, candidates should develop a habit of reading newspapers on a daily basis and try to solve maximum number of previous years’ question papers. Candidates can also refer to some of the best grammar books to practice a variety of questions.

Reasoning and Analytical Ability:

This section is one of the scoring section in DU JAT wherein candidates’ reasoning and analytical abilities are tested. Various questions based on bar graph, charts and data interpretation can be practiced to score marks in this section.

Quantitative Ability:

This section can be prepared by the candidates if they are thorough with the syllabus of class 11 and 12. In the entrance exam, some questions may also be asked from class 10 that should be well prepared by the candidates.

Business and General Awareness:

In order to prepare this particular section, students are advised to read and follow news on TV, newspapers etc to know about the current happenings around the world. This section will test candidates’ knowledge and awareness about today’s world and different questions related to Brands, logos, taglines, Arts & Music, Awards and Honors, Company/Business entities, Indian History, and World History can be asked in the entrance examination.

DU JAT 2022 Six-Month Study Plan/ Timetable

Candidates are advised to develop a reading habit to improve their English. Apart from this, candidates are advised to go through the current affairs at regular intervals. They should learn short cut techniques and formulas to solve mathematical problems quickly. There are many books available in the market which can help them learn some mathematical tips and facts. Check the table below to go through a six-month study plan for DU JAT 2022. 

Total No. of Days for Exam Preparation

180 Days (Six Months)

Total No of Sections


Suggest No. of Hours Per Day

3 Hours

Total No of SubTopics to be covered in a Day


Total No of Topics to be covered in a Week


Total No. of Days/ Months to Complete All Chapters

3.5 Months

Total No of Sample Papers/ Mock Test Per Day

Minimum 1

Time for Revision

1 Month

Total No of Days for Practising Previous Year Papers

60 Days

DU JAT 2022 Three-Month Study Plan/ Timetable

The exam pattern and syllabus of DU JAT 2022 will help the candidates know the structure of the exam and the topics which are expected to be covered in the exam. They should also focus on solving the maximum number of sample papers and previous years' question papers while preparing for the exam. Candidates should read newspapers daily to know about the current happenings around the world. Check the table provided below for the three-month study plan for DU JAT 2022 

Total No. of Days for Exam Preparation

90 Days (Three Months)

Total No of Sections


Suggest No. of Hours Per Day

4 Hours

Total No of SubTopics to be covered in a Day


Total No of Topics to be covered in a Week


Total No. of Days/ Months to Complete All Chapters

2 Months

Total No of Sample Papers/ Mock Test Per Day

At least 2

Time for Revision

30 Days

Total No of Days for Practising Previous Year Papers

30 Days

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DU JAT 2022 One-Month Study Plan/ Timetable

It is important to have a preparation strategy which focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of a student especially when only 1 month is left for the exam. Give more time to General Awareness and have a list ready with all the important events which took place in the last six months. It is also advisable to make a note of all the important brands, their taglines and logos, awards and honours, business developments, arts and music, books and authors, economy among others. For General English, it is recommended to have a good grasp over grammar, reading comprehension and vocabulary.

Check the table given below for one-month study plan for DU JAT 2022

Total No. of Days for Exam Preparation

30 Days (1 Month)

Total No of Sections


Suggest No. of Hours Per Day

5-6 Hours

Total No of SubTopics to be covered in a Day

At least 5

Total No of Topics to be covered in a Week


Total No. of Days/ Months to Complete All Chapters

22 Days

Total No of Sample Papers/ Mock Test Per Day

Minimum 2

Time for Revision

8 Days

Total No of Days for Practising Previous Year Papers

7 Days

Mistakes to Avoid In DU JAT 2022

Candidates who are going to appear in DU JAT 2022 should take note of the following mistakes which they should avoid in the entrance examination:

  • Candidates are advised not to start new topics/sections just a day or two before the entrance exam.
  • For the Quantitative Ability section, candidates should not cram each and every formula, instead, they should make notes of all the important formulas and concepts.
  • For General English section, candidates should avoid mugging up the vocabulary, instead, they should jot down difficult words with their meanings while reading newspapers or books.
  • It is advisable to the candidates not to take the entrance exam without having practiced enough DU JAT previous years’ papers.

Important Instructions

  • Candidates should reach the exam center one hour prior to the commencement of the entrance exam.
  • Candidates should not forget to take the admit card and identity proof on the day of examination.
  • No candidate is allowed to leave the examination hall before the end of the examination.
  • The candidates must not breach the rules of the examination.
  • Electronic and communication devices like cellular phone/ smart electronic gadgets etc and textual materials are strictly prohibited inside the examination center premises.
  • No bags are permitted in the exam premises. Smoking, eatables and water bottles are not allowed inside the examination hall.
  • Make sure that you do not possess any pages (Blank or Printed) or any unauthorized material in any form. If such material is found in your possession during the examination, you will not be allowed to take the examination.
  • Candidates found copying /helping others or indulging in unruly behaviour will be disqualified from taking the examination.
  • Candidates should listen carefully to all the instructions. They are required to comply with the instructions of invigilators at all times. 

Want to know more about DU JAT

FAQs about DU JAT Preparation Tips

How to prepare for the DU JAT exam?

You may start by checking important topics for the DU JAT exam followed by solving mock test, previous years question papers and preparing strategy for all the sections. You must focus on practising more and more problems.

When should I start preparing for DU JAT 2020 exam?

The difficulty level of the DU JAT exam lies in the moderate category. Ideally, a 90-day preparation time is sufficient for the DU JAT exam. The DU JAT exam is conducted in the month of June every year, so candidates should start preparations in the month of March 2020. However, since the Class 12th board exams usually end in the month of March and candidates may not be able to find the time to focus on both, they can either begin preparing a bit earlier with less focus on DU JAT and more focus on board exams or make a preparation strategy adhering to a 75-day timeline. For more information, check: https://www.collegedekho.com/exam/du-jat/how-to-prepare

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