Updated By Soham Mitra on 03 May, 2024 18:11
Registration Starts On March 22, 2025
Your Ultimate Exam Preparation Guide Awaits!
In order to crack HPCET 2024, candidates must know how to prepare for HPCET 2024. Qualifying for the exam would only be possible with adequate preparation. HPCET is an entrance exam that provides entry to various courses in Himachal Pradesh Technical University. This is an offline mode examination that is taken every year by thousands of students. The preparation process for HPCET exam will take time and demand patience. Hence, candidates will need a preparation strategy to make it simpler and more effective.
Candidates are advised to go through the HPCET syllabus and exam pattern of HPCET 2024 before beginning the preparation. The preparation for HPCET 2024 would become much simpler with the best books for HPCET 2024. It is important for candidates to stay healthy throughout the preparation time as they can only focus on studies if they feel well.
Go through the tips and tricks mentioned below and follow them to crack HPCET 2024.
This section of the exam will contain 50 questions, each carrying four marks each
Ideally, this section should be solved in an hour giving 1.2 minutes to each question
Candidates should try to solve this section at least 5-10 before an hour so that they have some time to recheck the answers
Do not attempt the questions that you are not sure about. For every wrong answer, 1 mark is deducted
Having good command over formulae and derivatives helps a lot in solving numerical faster during the exam
Learn to calculate faster. This helps in saving time during the exam
Mug up the basic and common mathematical values like square roots, cube roots, log, antilog, etc.
Do not hesitate in taking help from others. Whenever in doubt, contact mentors or seniors or anyone you think will help you
There is never one way to solve a question. Try finding different ways to solve derivatives or numerical and then use whichever you feel comfortable with
Some common topics are asked in the exam every other year. Solve previous years’ question papers of HPCET and it will help you become aware of such topics
1. This section will carry a total of 100 marks distributed among 50 questions. For every correct answer, four marks are added to the total score.
2. Each question gets more than a minute to solve. Hence, candidates are advised to recheck all the answers in the end.
3. Make notes every day. Make sure that they are brief and do not contain long sentences. Short notes are easier to revise.
4. Do not neglect units like ‘Chemistry in Everyday Life’ as objective type questions are asked from the topics that students generally skip.
5. Give proper time to Organic Chemistry.
6. Study d, f and s-Block thoroughly as ‘Why questions’ are asked from these topics.
7. Make precise and brief notes every day.
8. Memorising the periodic table along with atomic mass and number of the elements would make it much easier for candidates during the exam.
9. Revise derivations every day. Try to understand them rather than mugging up.
This section comprises 50 questions and the whole section contains 100 marks
The ideal time to complete this section is 60 minutes, giving more than a minute to solve each question
Do calculations being very careful.
Do not spend too much time in calculation. This can be achieved by practising every day
Learning formulae by heart is a necessity to solve this section
Learn to visualise 3D problems for better practice
Before solving any question, give it a thorough reading
Learn to calculate faster without making mistakes
Check your calculations at every step to make sure that it is correct
Solve previous years’ question papers of HPCET to know the kind of questions asked in the section
The important topics to ace this section are Vectors, 3D Geometry, Probability, Permutation & Combination, Matrics Determinants, Definite Integration and Complex Numbers
For entrance exams, it is essential to start your preparation soon. Starting your exam preparation well in advance will not only give you ample time to prepare but it will also leave you a lot of spare time for revision.
If you are preparing for HPCET 2024, then you should just focus on the exam. For the time being, you may give up on all the distractions that you have in your life such as social media, smartphone, video games, etc. You can get back once you're done giving your entrance exam.
Making and following a time-table with both short-term and long-term goals can help you prepare for the exam earlier than expected. A good timetable makes you more disciplined and helps you get rid of all the distractions. So, follow your time-table religiously and do not procrastinate. The tasks assigned for today must not be pushed to tomorrow.
While studying for HPCET 2024, it is important for you to study the core material of your syllabus. If you are struggling with the unfinished syllabus, concentrate on the core material of the different subjects. Also, you should have an idea about the question pattern of the last few years so that you can prepare well for your exam.
Health is one of the crucial factors in your entire exam preparation. If you stay healthy throughout the preparation period, then you are likely to give your best on the exam day. If you are not healthy, your exam preparation suffers and you will not be as effective as you would have been otherwise.
You must believe in yourself and your exam preparation. By staying positive and confident, you will feel motivated about the exam that you are going to appear for.
HPCET 2024 syllabus is available on the official webpage of Himachal Pradesh Technical University (HPTU). The HPCET curriculum includes the subject matters, themes, and modules to be studied. Applicants can consult the syllabus to determine which units must be analyzed for the test and prepare accordingly. The syllabus will assist applicants in determining which subjects are crucial for the exam.
Before beginning their planning, applicants should review the official HPCET 2024 exam pattern. The exam pattern will provide applicants with information about the qualifying examination, such as method, duration, marking scheme, and other specifics. After reviewing the exam schedule, applicants will be able to determine how the test will be administered by the officials. Aspirants can check the exam pattern in addition to the curriculum to plan their schedule.
After reviewing the exam pattern and syllabus, applicants should make a timetable for their HPCET 2024 preparation. It really should be stated that the schedule should be personalized and tailored to the applicants' skills. While preparing the timetable, applicants should ensure that all topics and themes are uniformly distributed. Some challenging subjects may be given ample time on the agenda. The timetable should also be designed so that it would not become monotonous.
While studying, applicants should take frequent notes. This will allow the applicants to retain what they have learned and make notes on the subjects that they find harder to comprehend. Applicants can also sustain what they have learned by taking notes.
Practice tests are the most effective way to evaluate applicants' preparation progress. Because the practice tests are a duplicate of the exam, aspirants can take them to understand how the exam will be administered by the officials. Applicants can also learn about their common errors during the practice session and work on them so that they do not repeat them during the final examination.
Applicants should revise on a routine basis to ensure that they do not neglect what they learned in the test. It is recommended that applicants revise for several hours every day. Applicants are suggested not to analyze any new sections in the final days before the exam, but instead to focus entirely on revision.
Applicants are encouraged to participate in extra - curricular activities in order to maintain their minds sharp during class lectures. Applicants should prefer recreational activities and avoid excessive use of social media and smartphone. Applicants who participate in extracurricular exercises will be able to manage outdoor sports with their studies.
Do not forget to carry important documents like HPCET admit card 2024 to the examination centre
To make sure, assemble the documents a night before the examination day
It is advised to check the examination centre once before the examination day so that candidates reach the centre on time
In the case of anxiety, try to calm or distract your mind by listening to songs
Do not get involved in discouraging conversations
Last-minute revision is not always a good idea. It might confuse you even with the things that you already know
Before beginning to write the examination, go through the instructions written on the question paper
Attempt questions being mindful of negative marking
Before beginning with the HPCET 2024 exam preparation, candidates are advised to go through the exam pattern of HPCET 2024. The HPCET exam pattern 2024 comprises of details such as marking scheme, question paper pattern, and type of questions asked in the entrance exam. The exam pattern varies from stream to stream but the marking scheme is the same for each one of them. Candidates will be able to prepare accordingly if there are aware of the topic wise weightage in the exam.
Candidates going to appear in HPCET exam 2024 are required to have thorough knowledge of the topics mentioned in the HPCET syllabus 2024 in order to secure good marks in the entrance exam for admission in undergraduate and postgraduate courses offered by HPTU. HPCET syllabus 2024 covers topics from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, and all the courses offered by Himachal Pradesh Technical University.
The books mentioned below will be useful in preparing for the HPCET 2024:
Want to know more about HPCET
Yes. The HPCET exam has a provision of negative marking. For every incorrect response, 1 mark will be deducted.
The authorities conduct the HPCET exam for the duration of three hours and 15 minutes or 2 hours depending upon the type of paper.
For an effective preparation of HP CET 2024, candidates must thoroughly cover all syllabus topics, practice with the previous year HPCET question papers and sample papers to understand the HP CET exam pattern, and make efficient use of the HPCET 2024 preparation books.
HPCET exam is conducted for offering admission in various UG and PG courses from technical and professional colleges of Himachal Pradesh. The courses in which the candidates may take admission through the exam are BHMCT, BBA, B.Tech, B.Pharma, BCA, M.Tech, M.Pharmacy, M.Sc., MBA, MCA.
HPCET 2024 syllabus has been released in online mode on the official website www.himtu.ac.in.
HPCET 2024 will be held as a pen and paper-based test (offline mode).
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