IBPS PO 2025 Exam Pattern - Check Marking Scheme, Total Marks, Chapter Wise Weightage, Duration

Updated By Priyanka on 19 Feb, 2025 19:21

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IBPS PO Exam Pattern 2025

IBPS PO Exam Pattern 2025: Candidates preparing for the IBPS PO can check the detailed information on IBPS PO 2025 exam pattern for the Preliminary as well as Main examinations on the official website of the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS). The IBPS PO exam pattern 2025 will help candidates to understand the style and structure of the question paper that they are about to face.

As it defines the mode of examination, the number of question marks allotted to each question, and total marks along with the duration of the examination, it helps candidates to frame their preparation based on these parameters. The IBPS PO 2025 preliminary examination  is scheduled for October 4, 5, and 11, 2025, while the Mains exam will be held on November 29, 2025. Although the exact number of vacancies will be disclosed in the official notification, interested candidates are encouraged to begin their preparation early to stay ahead in the competition.

There will be two online exams, Preliminary and Mains. A candidate has to pass the Prelims to take the Main Examination. The IBPS PO 2025 Result for Mains determines the participant’s eligibility for attending interviews and later stages of recruitment. Both IBPS PO Prelims Exam Pattern and Main Exam Pattern are based on objective mode except for the English Language (Letter Writing & Essay) in the Mains of IBPS PO, which is to be answered subjectively. All tests except the part 'English Language both Objective and Subjective' can be attempted in Hindi medium. Given below are all the important details related to the IBPS PO exam pattern 2025.

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IBPS PO 2025 Exam Pattern: Major Highlights

Before we dive into the different aspects of the IBPS PO Exam Pattern 2025, let's take a look at the major highlights of it. Candidates can get insights into the IBPS PO 2025 exam pattern 2025 from the table given below.

IBPS PO 2025 Exam Pattern Highlights


Mode of Examination


Test Duration for Prelims

1 hour

Test Duration for Mains

3 hours + 30 minutes

Number of Sections in Prelims


Number of Sections in Mains

4 + 1

Number of Questions - Prelims


Number of Questions - Mains

155 + 2

Type of Questions

MCQ + 1 Descriptive Type in Mains

Marking Scheme

  • 1 mark awarded for each correct answer
  • - 0.25 for every incorrect answer

    IBPS PO Prelims Exam Pattern 2025

    The IBPS PO Preliminary Exam Pattern 2025 must be understood by aspirants since the preliminary exam is the first stage that candidates need to clear. The IBPS PO Prelims exam consists of objective-type questions and has a duration of one hour divided into three sections equally. Candidates must check out the table below for a better understanding of IBPS PO Prelims exam pattern 2025:

    Name of Section/Subject

    Number of Questions

    Number of Marks (Per Section)

    Duration(Per Section)

    English Language


    3020 Minutes

    Quantitative Aptitude


    3520 Minutes

    Reasoning Ability


    3520 Minutes


    10010060 Minutes

    Note: Candidates have to qualify in each of the three tests by securing cut-off marks to be decided by IBPS. An adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by IBPS depending upon requirements will be shortlisted for Online Main Examination.

    IBPS PO Mains Exam Pattern 2025

    Candidates must thoroughly understand the IBPS PO Mains exam pattern 2025 if they wish to perform well on the exam. The exam pattern for the IBPS PO Mains exam is different that that of the Preliminary exam. Candidates can check the table below to understand the IBPS PO 2025 exam pattern for the Mains exam more thoroughly:

    Main Examination Parts

    Name of Section/Subject 

    Number of Questions

    Marks (Per Section)

    Medium of Exam

    Total Duration (Separately timed)
    Objective Test

    Reasoning & Computer Aptitude



    English & Hindi

    60 Minutes

    Data Analysis and Interpretation



    English & Hindi

    45 Minutes

    General Economy & Banking Awareness



    English & Hindi

    35 Minutes

    English Language




    40 Minutes




    3 Hours

    English Language (Letter Writing & Essay)

    225English 30 Minutes
    • IBPS PO Mains Exam Pattern: According to the IBPS PO exam pattern 2025, the Main Examination will have 200 marks for Objective Tests and 25 marks for Descriptive Tests. Both the Objective and Descriptive Tests will be online. Candidates will have to answer the Descriptive Test by typing on the computer. Immediately after the completion of the Objective Test, a Descriptive Test will be conducted.
    • Objective Test: The Objective Test is of 3 hours duration. The Objective Test will have different times for every section. The candidates need to qualify for each of the tests by obtaining passing marks, to be decided by the Bank.
    • English Language (Letter Writing & Essay):The duration of the Descriptive Test is 30 minutes (25 marks) and it will be a test of English Language such as Letter Writing and  Essay writing. The candidates need to qualify for the Descriptive Test by obtaining passing marks, to be decided by the Bank.

    Note:  Marks obtained by the candidates in the Main examination will be considered for shortlisting for the Interview and preparation of final merit list.

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      IBPS PO Interview Exam Pattern 2025

      The IBPS PO Interview round is the final stage of assessment in the IBPS PO admission process. Aspirants must be aware of all the details regarding the IBPS PO 2025 exam pattern details for the Interview round as it is part of the examination process. The interview is conducted face-to-face and consists of 100 marks. The total duration of the interview is typically 15-20 mins and during the interview, a panel of bank officials test the candidates' questions regarding the banking sector, current affairs, general economy, and also personal questions. 

      The final merit list for the IBPS PO is created using the results of the main exam and the interview. IBPS determines the final result by allocating 80:20 of the total marks to the main exam and interview, respectively.

      IBPS PO Exam Pattern 2025: Marking Scheme

      One of the most important aspects of the IBPS PO 2025 exam pattern is the marking scheme that is followed during the exam. Candidates must be aware of the marking scheme when understanding the IBPS PO exam pattern 2025 so that they devise an examination strategy accordingly. The IBPS PO marking scheme is as follows:

      • Candidates will be awarded 1 mark for each correct answer on the IBPS PO exam.

      • For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate one-fourth or 0.25 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty to arrive at a corrected score.  

      • If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate, there will be no negative marking for that question.

      IBPS PO Exam Pattern 2025: Penalty for Wrong Answer

      As per the latest IBPS PO exam pattern 2025, there will be a penalty for every wrong answer given and ¼ th of the total marks of a question will be deducted. In easy words for each of the wrong answers, there will be a deduction of 0.25 marks. If a question is left blank, i.e. an answer is not marked, then there will be no penalty.  

      IBPS PO Scoring Mechanism

      During the calculation of the IBPS PO Marks according to the IBPS PO exam pattern 2025, two decimal points will be considered. The corrected scores obtained by each of the candidates in different sessions (if held) will be normalized using the equi-percentile method.

      IBPS PO: Final Score Calculation

      Apart from the IBPS PO exam pattern 2025, aspirants must also be aware of the score calculation method used during the IBPS PO exam. Since the final score for IBPS PO selection is calculated by taking into account the various stage of the examination process, candidates must understand the score calculation process for better clarity. The final score for the IBPS PO exam is calculated following the guidelines mentioned below:

      • The score obtained by the candidates during the IBPS PO Prelims Exam will not be considered during the calculation of the final score. The IBPS PO Preliminary exam is only used for the Mains exam qualification.
      • Candidates must have qualified for the IBPS PO Mains Exam and the IBPS PO Interview in order to be considered for the final score calculation.
      • The score for the IBPS PO final merit list is calculated following an 80:20 ratio for the IBPS PO Main exam and IBPS PO Interview respectively.
      • The final score is calculated as an aggregate score out of 100 for the final merit list. Candidates with the top ranks in the final merit list for each category are selected.

      IBPS PO 2024 Pre Exam Training

      Along with the IBPS PO official notification, the exam conducting authority also released the guidelines for IBPS PO 2024 Pre exam training. The Pre exam training is basically prescribed for the reserved classes. IBPS arranges Pre-exam training for SC/ ST/ Religious Minority Community applicants at various training centers across the country. But, this year, the exam conducting authority has also mentioned that it will hold the IBPS PO PET only if the situation allows it to be executed. That means if the situations are sensitive due to Covid, the PET will not be conducted. 

      How to Download PET Training Admit Card for IBPS PO? 

      • Visit the official IBPS website at www.ibps.in

      • Log in to your account by filling in the registration number and password.

      • Now click on the download PET training call letter option provided on the home page.

      • In this way, one can download the pre-exam training call letter

      Want to know more about IBPS PO

      FAQs about IBPS PO Exam Pattern

      What is the normalization process used during the IBPS PO exam?

      The normaliztion process is used by IBPS to calculate candidates' IBPS PO marks and provide them with a rounded-up result. The difficulty level of the question paper fluctuates from one shift to the next because the exam is given over several days and shifts. It is done to balance the score and help with fair evaluation. Both the preliminaries and mains exams use this methodology.

      What is the IBPS PO Exam pattern for the mock test?

      The IBPS PO exam pattern for the mock test is the same as that of the actual exam. Since mock tests are utilized by candidates to learn more about the exam and improve their time management skills for the actual exam, every aspect of the IBPS PO mock test is exactly the same as that of the actual exam.

      What is the sectional mark division as per the IBPS PO 2023 exam pattern?

      Candidates must be aware of the sectional weightage that is followed as per the IBPS PO exam pattern for all stages of the examination. The section-wise marks division for the Prelims examination is as follows:

      • English Language: 30 questions
      • Reasoning Ability: 35 questions
      • Quantitative Aptitude: 35 questions

      The sectional weightage for IBPS PO Mains examination is as follows:

      • English Language: 35 questions
      • Data Interpretation and Analysis: 35 questions
      • Reasoning and Computer Aptitude: 45 questions
      • General Awareness: 40 questions
      • English (Essay and Letter Writing): 2

      Is the IBPS PO exam tough?

      The difficulty level of the IBPS PO exam is dependent on several factors. The number of applicants, the degree of competition, and the complexity of the subject being evaluated are just a few of the many factors that affect how challenging the IBPS PO exam is. In order to pass the difficult IBPS PO exam, a great amount of study and effort must be put forward. It's crucial to familiarise oneself with the material and exam structure during the exam preparation in order to successfully clear the exam.

      What is the score calculation process according to the IBPS PO Exam pattern?

      The marking scheme set by the exam conducting body is used to calculate IBPS PO scores. Candidates receive one point for correct responses, while incorrect responses are penalized with 0.25 points. The equi-percentile approach is used to normalize the corrected exam scores each applicant received in the various exam sessions. The scores are computed using the normalized marks. Calculations are done using scores up to two decimal places. Based on the proportion of correct and incorrect answers, the corrected scores are determined.

      Are there sectional time limits as per the IBPS PO 2023 Exam Pattern?

      Yes, there are sectional time limits in the IBPS PO exam as per exam pattern. Candidates have 20 minutes to complete each section of the preliminary exam. Candidates have 40 minutes to complete the English component of the Mains exam. Candidates get 45 minutes and 60 minutes, respectively, to complete the sections on data interpretation and analysis and reasoning and computer aptitude. The general awareness section has a 35-minute time limit. Candidates get 30 minutes to complete the descriptive paper of the IBPS PO Mains exam.

      What is the marking scheme followed for the IBPS PO exam 2023?

      The marking scheme for the IBPS PO exam 2023 is an important aspect that should be taken into account when devising an examination strategy. The IBPS PO marking scheme is prescribed by the examination conducting authority. The marking scheme is as follows:

      • Candidates are awarded one mark for correct answers
      • 0.25 marks are deducted for wrong answers
      • The total marks are calculated based on the number of correct and incorrect answers

      What is the IBPS PO 2023 Exam Pattern for the Mains exam?

      As per the IBPS PO 2023 Mains Exam Pattern, there are both objective and subjective question types in the IBPS PO Mains exam. The total duration of the exam is three and a half hours. The total marks for the IBPS PO Mains exam is 225. The exam has three main sections which include the English Language, Data Interpretation and Analysis, Reasoning and Computer Aptitude, and General Awareness. The descriptive section of the exam consists of English (Essay and Letter Writing).

      What is the IBPS PO Prelims Exam Pattern?

      According to the IBPS PO Prelims Exam Pattern, the test is divided into three sections: English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Quantitative Aptitude. The total marks on the Preliminary exam is 100. The total duration of the IBPS PO Prelims exam question is in 60 minutes. Only those candidates who pass the preliminary exam are invited to take the Mains exam. The sectional weightage for the IBPS PO Prelims exam is as follows:

      • English Language: 30 questions
      • Reasoning Ability: 35 questions
      • Quantitative Aptitude: 35 questions

      What is the IBPS PO Exam Pattern 2023?

      The IBPS PO exam pattern 2023 is the structure in which the examination is conducted to assess aspirants for the selection of candidates. The exam pattern consists of various components including marking scheme, total marks, time duration, etc. The IBPS PO exam itself is divided into three stages which include the Prelims, Mains, and Interview. The exam pattern for each of these stages is different. Candidates must be thoroughly aware of the IBPS PO 2023 exam pattern for all phases of the examination.

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