IBPS PO 2025 Exam Preparation Tips - Check Preparation Strategy, Tricks, Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books

Updated By Priyanka on 19 Feb, 2025 19:31

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IBPS PO Preparation Tips 2025

IBPS PO Preparation Tips 2025: Wondering how to prepare for IBPS PO 2025? A smart plan with some time management can help candidates solve this riddle. It is important for candidates to know that they need to prepare themselves for three different stages of IBPS PO comprising Preliminary, Mains, and Interview. Therefore, the preparation must be in a way that candidates are able to clear all three stages with the qualifying marks.

Before we start discussing the tips and tricks related to this examination, candidates are advised to go through the IBPS PO Exam Pattern 2025 and IBPS PO Syllabus 2025. This will help candidates in planning their preparation strategies according to the subject matter. Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) for POs (Probationary Officers) is an all-India level examination conducted to recruit Probationary Officers/ Management Trainees in around 11 Public Sector Banks in India.

The IBPS PO Prelims 2025 is scheduled for October 4, 5, and 11, 2025, while the Mains exam will be held on November 29, 2025. To crack the IBPS PO 2025 successfully, candidates must leave no stone unturned in their preparation. Find the best tips and tricks on how to prepare for IBPS PO 2025 exam and boost your preparation!

General Tips and Tricks for IBPS PO Preparation 2025

Here are a few general tips and tricks for IBPS PO 2025 examination. Candidates must follow these IBPS PO preparation tips 2025 to score well in the examination. 

Create a Study Plan:

For IBPS PO 2025 preparation, it is essential for you to prepare an effective study plan. A good study plan covers all the important sections of the syllabus. A planned and well-implemented timetable will not only help you cover the entire syllabus but will also help in reducing your stress level caused due to exam pressure.

Take Tests Regularly:

Regular test-taking is a good habit for entrance exam takers. Taking tests on a day-to-day basis improves the speed to solve tricky questions. Moreover, test-taking helps in getting a strong hold on the subject matter.

Seek Guidance from an Expert

Good preparation may help you cover the entire syllabus but there will be some topics that might need special attention and detailed explanation. This is the situation where guidance from the experts is required. You will need a guide who can make you understand topics better. Joining coaching centers to seek guidance on difficult subject matters is also a good option. These centers can help you with techniques to handle difficult topics.


Managing time is one of the most important parts of good preparation. For exams like IBPS PO, where there are as many as 100 questions that need to be answered in just 1 hour, you need to be quick enough to answer all. This can only come with proper time-management techniques practiced during the preparation.

Stay Calm and Stress-Free:

To improve concentration and mental ability, staying calm and free from all kinds of stress is very important for IBPS PO aspirants. Being in stress decreases mental stamina, which in a way affects performance on the day of the exam. Try to devote some time to meditation and yoga as they can bring peace to your mind and help in reducing stress around exam time.

Revise the Syllabus:

Revision is an activity that completes the preparation process for an exam. While preparing for the IBPS PO exam, revision can be a quick way of going through the entire syllabus in an easy manner. For good revision, you can make short notes on important topics of each subject. Revising topics will help you to memorize the important points. The more you revise the topics, the more clarity you will have. Plan your revision time and try to follow it on a daily basis.

Also Read: IBPS PO 2025 Admit Card

IBPS PO Preparation Tips 2025 for Preliminary (Subject-wise)

IBPS PO is one of the most popular banking exams taken in India. Hence, the competition for the exam is quite high. In order to crack the exam, candidates must come up with unique strategies. To help you better with the IBPS PO 2025 prelims and mains preparation, we have categorized the preparation strategy according to the subjects that cover the IBPS PO syllabus. These subject-wise tips will help you brush up on all the topics that you need to prepare for the examination. Let’s look at the subject-wise tips mentioned below:

English Language Preparation Tips for IBPS PO 2025 Prelims

  • For an average student, the time taken to complete this section should be 10 minutes to 15 minutes.

  • Dividing time according to the portions given in the English Language section of the IBPS PO 2025 Syllabus and then starting with the practice session is recommended by experts and toppers.

  • Devote more time to Reading Comprehension and Paragraph Completion. These two sections can be practiced well with the help of previous years’ question papers, which in a way will give an idea about the type of comprehension passage that you might get in the exam.

  • Practicing para jumbles, cloze tests, fill in the blanks, etc. can become easy if you have a good command over the English language and grammar.

  • Take the help of good English grammar books and start from the very basics to have a clear understanding of the language.

  • While solving the question paper, try to solve questions in which you have full confidence and then go on to solve the other questions.

  • Don’t be in a hurry to complete the paper. Remember, your mistake can take off your 0.25 marks. Relax and then solve the questions keeping a good pace.

Quantitative Aptitude Preparation Tips for IBPS PO Prelims 2025

  • The average time taken to solve quantitative aptitude should be not more than 20 to 25 minutes. Toppers recommend test takers to look back the unanswered question and revise the answered ones before switching to the next section. This practice must be followed in order to increase the chances of more correct answers than before.

  • This is a section that requires more understanding of the skills, patterns and easy tricks to solve each riddle.

  • The best is to be quick with the calculations and interpretation of the questions. This can effectively be claimed by solving mock test series of IBPS PO with a stopwatch.

  • Data Interpretation from the Mathematics section can be achieved with a rigorous amount of practice. The more sums are practised, the more clear and quick you will be with the questions.

  • Take the help of good explanatory books and teachers to guide you through this subject. You can also choose to join IBPS PO Preparatory Coaching Centers near you, which will help you handle this subject well.

  • There are many coaching centres that can be of help as they teach the tricks to solve questions and also make you practice them a number of times. 

  • In the actual paper, try to solve number series, simplification and approximation and inequality first. This will help you to become quick with more attempted questions.

Reasoning Ability Preparation Tips for IBPS PO Prelims 2025

  • This subject has a significant role in bank exam preparation. The best thing about reasoning is that it is a scoring section and candidates can easily score good marks in this section.

  • 18 to 20 minutes should be the maximum time devoted to this section. Keeping 5 minutes for revision and attempting unanswered must be utilised by the test takers.

  • To solve this section quickly and correctly, you should have a good hold on tricks used to solve the questions. For this, you can read through Best Books for IBPS PO 2025  designed to enhance both your knowledge and skills to tackle questions of this section.

  • Time management plays a crucial role in winning the Reasoning Ability section. The more you practice the quicker you will be these questions.

  • Experts advise practising more questions related to the seating arrangement, puzzles, blood relations, direct sense, order and ranking, etc.

  • To get a good command over this section, you can start practising the sections with timers on. This will help you to become quick with the sections and will also help you know the sections that consume more time as compared to others.

Data Analysis and Interpretation Preparation Tips for IBPS PO Prelims 2025

  • A total of 35 questions frame this portion of IBPS PO 2025. Ideal time used to answer these questions should not be more than 40 minutes keeping 5 minutes in hand to revise the entire section.

  • The section has been designed to test the calculation and understanding of the patterns. The questions may vary from Moderate to Difficult depending upon the trend being followed.

  • The best practice that can be done to master this section is to master the calculations and formulas. For this, all you need to do is to practice, learn and revise these calculations and formulas.

  • Solving Previous Years’ Question Papers of IBPS PO will help you with the practice sessions. Get all the papers and start practising them.

  • This will also help you to understand the trend and pattern of the questions that can hit this year as well.

  • By the end of each preparation day, try to revise the formulas you used that they to solve Data Analysis and Interpretation questions. If you want these formulas to be on the tip of your hand at the time of examination then you must practice this activity on a regular basis.

Computer Aptitude Preparation Tips for IBPS PO 2025 Prelims

  • Combined with Reasoning Ability, this section mainly deals with your basic computer knowledge and skills.

  • You must not take more than 50 minutes to solve the 45 questions of this section. Remember to keep a time slot for revision and give a shot to the questions that are left unanswered.

  • Important sections of this section include Networking, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office, History of Computers, Computer Abbreviation and Computer Fundamentals /Terminologies.

  • Books of junior classes mainly 6th to 8th standard will serve to be a good source of information for the preparation of Computer Aptitude section.

  • It will be good if you follow an integrated and systematic approach to cover all the important sections of Computer Aptitude first and then go on to the other sub-sections.

  • If you have practical knowledge then answering this section will become a bit easy. Therefore, you must brush your hands over the computer once before appearing for the examination.

General Awareness Preparation Tips for IBPS PO 2025 Prelims

  • General / Economy / Banking Awareness questions can be covered within 30 minutes keeping 5 minutes extra for cross-checking the answers and attempting left questions.

  • Being an important part for the banking exam, General Awareness if prepared well on a daily basis, will help you in devoting more time for other sections instead of preparing for General Awareness.

  • The best way to prepare for this section is to read newspapers and journals on a daily basis. This is one of the most effective medium of collecting information and gaining knowledge for the General Awareness paper.

  • News Channels and Specific News or information-oriented Television Shows will also help you in increasing your general knowledge and awareness of daily events and activities happening in and around India.

  • General Awareness and Computer Aptitude are two sections that can help you score good and reach the IBPS PO Cut Off 2025 with the least pain and stress. Therefore, you must cover these two sections in the best way and score marks to hit the cut-off list.

  • There are good general knowledge books available in the market that can help you know about all the latest developments, changes and amendments in and around the nation.

  • Apart from these books, you can also scroll the internet for more information and knowledge about a particular issue or topic.

Subject-wise Weightage for Important Topics in IBPS PO 2025

Candidates are advised to study the important topics, from which the majority of the questions are asked, which will help the students to score good marks in the IBPS PO exam 2025.  These topics have a history of continuous repetition. If studied properly, these subjects can help the students to secure a par score in the IBPS PO prelims and mains exams. The Subject wise Weightage for important topics is as follows:

IBPS PO English Language Topic Wise Weightage

For better IBPS PO Preparation, analyse the given table below that consists of topic-wise weightage of English Language. 

TopicsNo. of questions
Error Detection3-5
Fill in the blanks4-5
Reading Comprehension8-10
Cloze Test5-6
Idioms & Phrases1-2
Sentence Rearrangement5
Word/Phrase Substitution1-2

 IBPS PO Quantitative Aptitude Topic Wise Weightage

Here's topic-wise weightage of the section 'Quantitative Aptitude' in IBPS PO 2025 exam. 

TopicsNo. of questions
Simplication/ Approximation5-10
Quadratic Equation4-5
Data Interpretation (DI)10
Profit Loss1-2
Speed Distance Time1-2
Time and Work1-2
Ratio and Proportion2-3
Mixtures and allegations1-2
Age based questions1-2

 IBPS PO Qualitative Aptitude Topic Wise Weightage

Check out the given table to know topic-wise weightage of the section 'Qualitative Aptitude in IBPS PO 2025 examination. 

TopicsNo. of questions
Blood Relations3-4
Direction Sense Test2-4
Seating Arrangement8-10
Coded Inequalities3-5
Word Formation1
Alphabet Test2-4

Check OutIBPS PO 2025 Eligibility Criteria

Top Commerce and Banking Colleges :

Important Instructions for IBPS PO 2025

Candidates must follow the given instruction for IBPS PO 2025.

  • Candidates should report to the exam centre 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the exam.

  • IBPS PO 2025 Admit Card is a must-have document at the examination centre.

  • A valid ID proof along with the admit card is compulsory for candidates taking the IBPS PO 2025 exam.

  • No candidate will be permitted to enter or exit the examination hall once the exam has started.

  • Candidates are not allowed to use cell phones, pagers, calculators or any other electronic device in the examination hall.

  • Instructions disseminated by the invigilators are to be followed by the test-takers.

  • Candidates will be debarred if they indulge in any activity against the rules and regulations published and announced by the examination conducting authority.

How to Prepare for IBPS PO 2025 in 100 Days?

The IBPS PO Preparation Tip 2025 for "How to prepare for IBPS PO 2025 in 100 days?" will basically suggest to the candidates some useful tips and tricks which will help them prepare for the IBPS PO exam when the exam is only 3 months away. With the exam all set to be conducted in the months of October and November, it is indeed important that aspiring candidates have a definite 100 days preparation plan to crack the entrance examination. Here is how the candidates can prepare for the exam in just 100 days:

  1. Understand the IBPS PO Exam Pattern: With a clear understanding of the exam pattern, The candidates can plan how to start their final phase of revision before the exam. By going through the exam pattern for IBPS PO, the candidates will be able to find out any anomalies from the previous year's exam pattern.

  2. IBPO PO Previous Year Paper Analysis: By going through the IBPS PO previous year exam analysis, the candidates can find out if their preparation is going in the direction intended by them. It will also help them identify the topics from previous years' papers that had the maximum number of questions asked of them. 

  3. Know the IBPS PO Previous Year Cutoff Scores: Although not that important, the IBPS PO previous year cutoff scores will be useful for the current batch of test-takers to set a target for themselves and to try achieving the same which will aid them in their IBPS PO Selection Process 2025.

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