What is the time duration of the JEE Advanced exam for PwD candidates?
The JEE Advanced exam will be conducted for 4 hours for each shift. So, it makes it 8 hours, combining both the shifts: Paper 1 and Paper 2.
Which is the highest-scoring section in the JEE Advanced exam?
As per the candidates who have appeared in IIT JEE, Mathematics is the highest-scoring subject. Based on the previous year's analysis, the difficulty level of the subject in both papers is expected to be easy to moderate.
Is there any change in the JEE Advanced 2025 exam pattern?
No, there is no change in the JEE Advanced exam pattern yet. However, if any changes are made to the JEE Advanced exam pattern, the conducting authority will notify the candidates through an official notification on the official website.
What is the time duration of JEE Advanced 2025?
The JEE Advanced exam is conducted for 6 hours in two shifts. Initially, Paper 1 will be conducted for 3 hours in the first shift, and following the first shift, the Paper 2 exam will be conducted in the second shift. Therefore, the JEE Advanced 2025 exam is conducted for 6 hours a day.
Is it important to take JEE Advanced Paper 1 and 2 both?
Yes, it is important to take the JEE Advanced Papers 1 and 2, as the final assessment for the result will be done based on your performance in both papers. Paper 1 in the JEE Advanced exam comprises only multiple-choice questions, whereas Paper 2 comprises numerical and integer questions.
How many questions are asked in the JEE Advanced exam?
A total of 108 questions will be asked in the JEE Advanced exam, which has been equally divided into two sections and each section will comprise 54 questions in total.
What type of questions are asked in the JEE Advanced exam 2025?
Three types of questions will be asked in the JEE Advanced exam. The first category of questions is MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) with 1 or more correct answers. The second category of questions is numerical questions, whereas the third category of questions is integer questions.
Is there any negative marking in the JEE Advanced 2025 exam?
Yes, the JEE Main Advanced 2025 exam does follow a negative marking scheme. However, negative marking is applied for a few sections, like MCQs with 1 correct option, which have 1 mark as negative marking, and MCQs with 2 or more correct answers have 2 marks as negative marking
What are the minimum marks to qualify for the JEE Advanced 2025 exam?
The expected safe score for the ST category is 45 percentile marks, the OBC category is 85 percentile marks, and the 91 percentile is for general category students. However, as per the official notification by the conducting authority, you have to be in the top 2.5 lakh candidates who will qualify for the JEE Main exam to appear for the JEE Advanced exam.
What is the paper pattern of JEE Advanced 2025?
JEE Advanced 2025 paper pattern states that the exam comprises two papers, each lasting three hours duration. Both JEE Advanced 2025 paper patterns are mandatory and hold equal weight. The JEE Advanced 2025 exam contains multiple-choice questions (MCQs), numerical answer type (NAT) questions, and matching-type questions/paragraph type with numerical answers.
Which IIT will make 2025 advanced paper?
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) will prepare the JEE Advanced Paper 2025.
What is the paper pattern of JEE Advanced 2025?
JEE Advanced 2025 paper pattern consists of two compulsory papers, each with multiple sections featuring different question types: single correct answer, multiple correct answers, numerical answer type, matrix match, and comprehension-based (paragraph) questions. Both papers test Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, with a mix of concept-based and application-based questions.
What is the criteria for JEE Advanced 2025?
To be eligible for JEE Advanced 2025, candidates must rank among the top 2,50,000 in JEE Main 2025, meet age criteria (born on or after October 1, 2000), have completed class 12th with at least 75% marks (or top 20 percentile) in relevant subjects, and attempt the exam within two consecutive years.
Is the JEE Advanced 2025 syllabus released?
JEE Advanced Syllabus 2025 will be released very soon on the official website. We can expect some changes in the JEE Advanced syllabus this year as per the previous year's trends.
What is the paper pattern of JEE 2025?
JEE Advanced 2025 exam mode is a computer-based examination is available in both English and Hindi. There are two compulsory papers - Paper 1 and Paper 2, each with a total time duration of 3 hours (4 hours for PWD candidates). Both papers include 3 sections: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, with a total of 54 questions and a marking scheme involving full, partial, and zero marks.
Which IIT will make 2025 advanced paper?
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur will prepare the JEE Advanced 2025 question paper.
Is JEE Advanced question 2025 paper available in Hindi?
Yes, JEE Advanced question paper 2025 is available in two languages i.e. English and Hindi. Candidates can choose one of the language modes as per their choice.
Will the JEE Advanced 2025 question paper be bilingual (both in Hindi and English)?
No. You will get the question paper 2025 in only one language (English or Hindi).
What is the total number of marks in JEE Advanced 2025 Exam?
The JEE Advanced 2025 paper is divided into three sections - Physics, Chemistry, and Maths where each section carries 183 marks, which brings the total to 306 marks.
What is the total number of question for JEE Advanced 2025 Exam?
JEE Advanced 2025 Paper 1 and Paper 2 comprise a total of 54 questions each.