JEE Main 2025 Exam Pattern (Revised): Check Marking Scheme, Total Marks, Chapter Wise Weightage, Duration for Session 2

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JEE Main Exam Pattern 2025: NTA revised the exam pattern for JEE Main Session 2 & 1 exam. As per the latest JEE Main exam pattern 2025, the optional questions from Sections A, B and C have been removed and all the questions are compulsory. Check the detailed JEE Main session 2 exam pattern on the page.

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JEE Main Exam Pattern 2025

JEE Main Exam Pattern 2025: The National Testing Agency (NTA) released the JEE Main exam pattern along with the notification on the official website: According to the new JEE Main exam pattern 2025, the exam will be conducted for 3 hours for Paper 1 and Paper 2. However, the PwD candidates will be provided an extra hour to complete the exam i.e., 4 hours. On the other hand, the optional questions from Section B have been removed for the upcoming JEE Main 2025 sessions. Now, Section B for all papers will have only five mandatory questions instead of 10 numerical value questions.

JEE Main exam pattern is prescribed for Paper 1 (BTech/Be), Paper 2A (BArch), and Paper 2B (BPlan). Paper 1 is conducted for a total of 300 marks, whereas Papers 2A and 2B are performed for a total of 400 marks. All the JEE Main exam papers follow a negative marking scheme. 1 mark is deducted from the secured marks as a penalty for wrong answers, whereas 4 marks are awarded for correct answers.

The candidates willing to pursue a Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) or Bachelor of  Engineering must appear for the Paper 1 exam. In contrast, the candidates who want to pursue a Bachelor of Architecture have to take Paper 2A and those willing to pursue a Bachelor of Planning have to take Paper 2B. However, candidates can appear for Papers 2A and 2B together to pursue a Bachelor of Architecture & Planning.

Latest Updates

NTA will release the JEE Main Session 2 city intimation slip 2025 tentatively on March 19, 2025. Candidates will be able to know their exam cities through the JEE Main City Slip. On the other hand, the JEE Main 2025 admit card will tentatively be released on March 29, 2025 (3 days before the exam). To download the JEE Main City Slip and admit card, candidates will have to log in to their registered accounts for session 2 by using the application number and password. Earlier, the NTA closed the application correction window for the session 2 exam on February 28, 2025, whereas the JEE Main registration for the April session was carried out between February 1 and 25, 2025. 

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JEE Main Exam Pattern Overview

Candidates can check the JEE Main Session 2 exam pattern overview in the table below to understand the JEE Main exam 2025better:

JEE Main Exam Pattern Overview

JEE Main Exam Conducting Authority

National Testing Agency (NTA)

Number of Subjects

Maths, Chemistry and Physics

Time Duration

  • 3 Houurs (180 Minutes) 
  • 3 Hours & 30 Minutes for Paper 2A & 2B (Together), and 
  • 4 Hours for PwD Candiadates

Type of Questions

  • MCQs- 1 correct option among the four options
  • Numerical Value Questions- Candidates have to solve and put the numerical value through a digital keyboard

Total Number of Questions

  • 75 Questions for Paper 1 
  • 77 Questions for Paper 2A
  • 100 Questions for Paper 2B

Total Marks 

  • 300 marks for Paper 1
  • 400 marks for Paper 2A & 2B

Medium of Paper

English, Hindi, Urdu, Assamese, Kannada, Tamil, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Bengali, Malayalam, Gujarati and Telugu. 

Related Questions

Q: Is there any change in the JEE Main 2025 Exam Pattern?

A: For the JEE Mains 2025 exam, there is no change in the exam pattern by the NTA. For the year 2025, the JEE Main exam will be conducted for 300 marks, and each section (Physics, Chemistry, and Maths) will have 25 questions ( 20 MCQs and 5 numerical value questions). Each question holds a weightage of 2 marks and has a negative marking of 1/4 marks. 

Q: Which IIT will set the questions for JEE Mains 2025?

A: The IIT Kanpur will set the questions for the JEE Mains 2025 exam. According to the previous trends of the exam, the difficulty level of the exam will be difficult, and more concept-based questions will be asked to test the candidate’s knowledge of concepts and eligibility to perform accurately under pressure

Q: What are the pass marks for JEE Main 2025?

A: There is no such thing as passing marks for the JEE Main exam, the candidate’s ranking in the JEE is based on the marks secured by the candidate. The top 2,50,000 candidates will qualify for the JEE Main exam.

Q: If I attempt all the questions in JEE Main. Will I qualify for the JEE Main exam?

A: The JEE Main exam follows a negative marking scheme and If you have attempted all the questions and answers to the questions are correct then you will qualify for the exam but if answers are incorrect, then 1/4 marks will be deducted from the secured marks

JEE Main Exam Pattern 2025: Paper 1

The JEE Mains exam pattern 2025 has been divided into two sections: Section A and Section B. Further, Section A comprises 60 MCQs collectively from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. The JEE Main Session 1 exam pattern for Section B has changed on October 17, 2024. According to the new JEE Main exam pattern, Section B will comprise only 15 questions and all of them will be mandatory. Check the detailed JEE Main changed exam pattern in the table below:

JEE Main Exam Pattern BE/BTech (Paper 1) 

Exam Mode

Computer Based Test (CBT) Online

Number of Sections

3 (Physics, Chemistry, Maths) 

Exam Duration

  • 3 Hours (180 Minutes) 
  • 4 Hours (240 Minutes) for PwD candidates

Type of Questions

MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)

Numerical Value Questions

Total Number of MCQs

  • Physics: 20MCQs
  • Chemistry: 20 MCQs
  • Maths: 20 MCQs

Total Number of Numerical Value Questions 

  • Physics: 5
  • Chemistry: 5
  • Maths: 5 

Note: According to the latest JEE Main exam pattern, all the NVQs are mandatory

Total Number of Questions


Total Marks 

300 Marks

Also Read:JEE Main Syllabus 

JEE Main Marking Scheme for Paper 1 (BE/BTech) 

The JEE Main exam does follow the negative marking scheme in the exam. Candidates appearing for the exam must know the JEE Main Marking Scheme, as it will help the candidates to know about the exam. Check the detailed JEE Main marking scheme for Paper 1 (BTech/BE) in the table below:

JEE Main Marking Scheme for Paper 1 (BE/BTech) 


BE/BTech Marking Scheme in JEE Main

Correct Answer

+4 marks

Incorrect Answer

-1 Marks

Unattempted Questions

0 Marks

Marks Per Section

  • Physics: 25x4= 100 Marks 
  • Chemistry: 25x4=100 Marks 
  • Maths: 25x14= 100 Marks

Also Read: JEE Main Physics Syllabus

JEE Main Marking Scheme 2025

Check the summary of the JEE Main marking scheme (paper 1) for the upcoming exam according to the JEE Main new exam pattern:

  • For all the correct answers for MCQs and NVQs, four marks will be awarded, and 1 mark will be deducted for incorrect answers from the secured marks. 
  • No marks will be deducted for unanswered questions or marked for a review question

Related Questions

Q: Can I leave the complete JEE Main Chemistry section and qualify for the JEE Main exam?

A: If you leave the JEE Main Chemistry section completely, then you will not be able to qualify for the JEE Main exam 2025, as the candidate has to secure minimum marks in a certain subject to qualify for the exam.

Q: Can I score 300 marks in the JEE Mains exam 2025?

A: Yes, you can secure a perfect 300 mark in the JEE Main exam 2025, as it has already been achieved in the past. Last year Rishi Shekhar Shukla secured a perfect 300 mark and achieved AIR 1 in the JEE Main 2024 session 1 exam.

Q: In the JEE Mains for numerical type questions, the key says 1, but I put the answer as 1.00. Will that be considered correct or incorrect?

A: If you have answered 1.00 and the key says 1, then you don’t need to worry about it. Both answers are considered correct by the NTA. 

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JEE Main Exam Pattern 2025: B Arch (Paper 2A)

According to the latest JEE Main exam pattern 2025 for the BArch course, Section B will have 5 mandatory numerical value questions. After the revision in the exam pattern, the JEE Main BArch paper will have 77 questions instead of 82 questions. Check the  exam pattern for the JEE Main B.Arch exam in the table below:

JEE Main Exam Pattern BArch  (Paper 2A)

Exam Mode

Computer Based Test (CBT) Online

Number of Sections

3 (Drawing, Mathematics, and Aptitude) 

Exam Duration

3 Hours (180 Minutes) 

Type of Questions

Mathematics (Part I): 20 MCQs & 5 Numerical Value Questions

Aptitude Test (Part II): 50 MCQs 

Drawing Test (Part III): 02

Note: Candidates have to solve all the 5 numerical value questions from the Maths sections. According to the latest JEE Main Exam Pattern, candidates will only be provided with 5 NVqs instead of 10.

Total Number of Questions 


Total Marks

400 Marks

JEE Main Marking Scheme: BArch (Paper 2A)

As the JEE main paper 1 exam, the JEEM paper 2A also follows the negative marking scheme. Candidates can check the detailed marking scheme for the JEE main BArch in the table below:

JEE Main Marking Scheme for Paper 2A (BArch) 


BArch Marking Scheme in JEE Main

Correct Answer

+4 marks

Incorrect Answer

-1 Marks

Unattempted Questions

0 Marks

Marks Per Section

Maths: 25x4= 100 Marks 

Aptitude: 50x4= 200 Marks

Drawing: 2x50= 100 Marks 

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JEE Main 2025 Exam Pattern BPlan (Revised)

The JEE Mains BPlan exam is conducted for three sections: Maths, Aptitude, and Planning, for a total mark of 400 for 100 questions. The total duration of the JEE Mains BPlan exam is 3 hours (180 minutes) Check the detailed JEE main session 1 exam pattern for BPlan (Paper 2B0 in the table below:

JEE Main Exam Pattern BPlan  (Paper 2B)

Exam Mode

Computer Based Test (CBT) Online

Number of Sections

3 (Planning, Mathematics, and Aptitude) 

Exam Duration

3 Hours (180 Minutes) 

Type of Questions

  • Planning Based Questions- 25 MCQs
  • Maths- 20 MCQs & 5 Numerical Value Questions
  • Aptitude- 50 MCQs

Note: According to the latest exam pattern, all the NVQs are mandatory and no other questions will be provided as option to solve.

Total Number of Questions 


Total Marks

400 Marks

JEE Main Marking Scheme: BPlan (Paper 2B)

The JEE Main paper 2A also follows the negative marking scheme. Candidates can check the detailed marking scheme for the JEE main BArch in the table below:

JEE Main Marking Scheme for Paper 2B (BPlan) 


BPlan Marking Scheme in JEE Main

Correct Answer

+4 marks

Incorrect Answer

-1 Marks

Unattempted Questions

0 Marks

Marks Per Section

Maths: 25x4= 100 Marks 

Aptitude: 50x4= 200 Marks

Planning: 25x 4: 100 Marks

Also Read: Best Books for JEE Main 2025 

JEE Main Subject Wise Question Distribution 2025

As per the revised exam pattern for the JEE Main Session 2 exam, candidates can check the latest JEE Main exam pattern 2025 for a number of questions below:

SubjectsSection ASection BTotal

Note*: All the marks will carry +4 marks each for correct answers, which makes it a total of 300 marks, and a -1 mark will be deducted for incorrect answers. However, no marks will be deducted for unanswered questions or questions marked for review. 

Total Number of Questions in the JEE Main Exam

Candidates can check the total number of questions in the JEE main session 1 exam for different subjects below on the page.

JEE Mains BE/BTech Total Number of Questions

Candidates appearing for the JEE mains paper 1 exam for BE/BTech must know the total number of questions asked. Check the section-wise distribution of questions for the JEE main in the table below: 




Question Paper Design




  • Candidates have to take two sections- A & B in the JEE mains exam. Both the sections are compulsory. 
  • Section A will have Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) and Section B will contain Numerical Value Questions.
  • The NVQs in Section B will have 5 questions, and all questions will be mandatory. 
  • There will be no negative marking for Section B









JEE Mains BArch Total Number of Questions

Candidates appearing for the JEE Mains Paper 2A exam for BArch must know the total number of questions asked. Check the section-wise distribution of questions for the JEE main in the table below: 




Question Paper Design




  • Candidates have to take two sections—A & B in the JEE Mains exam. Both sections are compulsory. 
  • Section A will have Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) and Section B will contain Numerical Value Questions.
  • Section B will have 5 questions (Mandatory) instead of 10 as per the latest JEE Main exam pattern
  • There will be no negative marking for Section B









Also Read:JEE Main Preparation Tips 

JEE Mains BPlan Total Number of Questions

Candidates appearing for the JEE mains paper 2B exam for BPlan must know the total number of questions asked. Check the section-wise distribution of questions for the JEE main in the table below: 




Question Paper Design




  • Candidates have to take two sections- A & B in the JEE mains exam. Both the sections are compulsory. 
  • Section A will have Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) and Section B will contain Numerical Value Questions.
  • Section B will have 5 questions (Mandatory) instead of 10 as per the latest JEE Main exam pattern
  • There will be no negative marking for Section B







Related Questions

Q: If I score 280 marks & 250 marks in Session 1 and 2, respectively. Which marks will be considered for counselling?

A: If you have secured 280 marks in JEE Main Session 1 and 250 marks in Session 2, then marks from the first session will be considered in the counselling process. As per the official notification by the NTA, “ If a candidate appears in more than one session, then his/her best of the JEE (Main) 2025 NTA Scores will be considered for preparation of the merit list/ranking.”

Q: What will be the exact rank if I have secured 146 marks in the JEE Mains exam?

A: The exact rank can only be provided by the NTA once the merit list is prepared. However, according to the previous trends of the JEE Mains exam, your rank will lie between 30,000 and 33,000.

Q: If I solve all the numerals from the NCERT books, will I be able to solve Numerical Value Questions in the JEE Main exam?

A: Yes If you have mastered the concepts of every subject by studying NCERT and can solve the questions asked in variation then you will be able to solve the JEE Main Numerical Value Questions. However, it is advised to solve as many questions from different books. So that you get habitual of different types of questions asked.

Also Read: JEE Main Mock Test Free 

Important Topics for JEE Main Exam

Candidates who are going through the JEE Main 2025 exam pattern are advised to go through the important topics for the upcoming exam to secure maximum marks in the exam. Check the important topics for the JEE Main Session 2 2025 exam in the table below:

JEE Main 2025: Important Topics 




  • Current Electricity & Heat Transfer, Dimensional Analysis, Gravitation & Electro-statistics,
  • Geometrical Optics
  • Waves & Sounds, Thermodynamics,
  • Kinetic Theory of Gases and Rotational Dynamics Electromagnetic Induction
  • Physical Chemistry: Mole concept & the concept of equivalents, Redox reactions, Electrochemistry, Thermodynamics, and Chemical Equilibrium
  • Organic Chemistry: Carbonyl Compounds & their derivatives
  • Inorganic Chemistry: Coordination chemistry, Chemical bonding, and Qualitative analysis
  • Inverse Trigonometric Functions,
  • Circles and Family of Circles,
  • Sequence and Series,
  • Probability,
  • Vectors,
  • Quadratic equations and expressions, Complex numbers,
  • Matrices,
  • Parabola,
  • Hyperbola in coordinate geometry
  • Functions
  • Limits
  • Continuity and Differentiability
  • Application of derivatives
  • Definite integral in calculus.

JEE Main Exam Shift Timing

Candidates appearing for the exam must know the shift timing before appearing for the JEE Mains exam. The schedule for the upcoming JEE Main exam is yet to be released by the National Testing Agency (NTA) However, based on the previous session data the JEE Main shift timing has been provided below:


Morning Shift

Afternoon Shift

Shift Timing

9 AM to 12 PM

3 PM to 6 PM

Exam Duration

3 Hours

3 Hours

Entry Time at Exam Centre

7.30 AM to 8.30 AM

02.00 PM to 2.30 PM

Instructions by the invigilator(s)

8.30 AM to 8.50 AM

2.30 PM to 2.50 PM

Candidates log in to read instructions

8.50 AM

2.50 PM

Exam commences

9.00 AM

3.00 PM

JEE Main Negative Marking

The JEE Main exam does follow a negative marking exam pattern, however, it does not apply to every section of the exam, it only applies to Section B in each paper. Check the JEE Main Session 1 negative marking exam pattern in the table below:

  • Section B of Paper 1, which comprises numerical value questions, follows a negative marking scheme. 1/4 marks, i.e, 1 mark will be deducted for incorrect answers from the secured marks. 
  •  Section B of Paper 2A & 2B, which comprises numerical value questions from Maths, follows a negative marking scheme. 1/4 marks, i.e, 1 mark will be deducted for incorrect answers from the secured marks.



Negative Marks

Paper 1 (BTech/BE)

Section B:

NATs for Physics, Chemistry, and Maths

1/4 of marks will be deducted for incorrect answers i.e 1 mark for each incorrect answer

Paper 2A (BArch)

Section B

1/4 of marks will be dedicated i.e 1 mark for each incorrect mark 

Paper 2B (BPlan)

Section B:

1/4 of marks will be dedicated i.e 1 mark for each incorrect mark 

Tie Breaking Policy for JEE Main Paper I

If two or more candidates score the same marks in JEE Main Paper I exam, the order of merit will be determined as per the following tie-breaking rules. In order to give the candidates a detailed understanding of the tie-breaking policy, we have explained the same with some examples.

Tie Breaker 1: Candidates scoring higher marks in Mathematics will be given priority in the merit list as per tie-breaker policy - 1.


Let us assume that Candidate A and Candidate B have scored 280 out of 300 in JEE Main Paper I. However, Candidate A scored 80 marks in Mathematics, while Candidate B scored 82 in Mathematics. Here, Candidate B will be given priority in the merit list as per the Tie Breaker Policy 1.

Also Read:JEE Main Mathematics Syllabus 

Tie Breaker 2: This policy comes into effect only if two or more candidates score the same marks in Mathematics. Since two or more candidates have similar marks in Mathematics, the marks scored by candidates in Physics will be taken into consideration to determine the merit.


Let us assume that Candidate A and Candidate B have scored 280 out of 300 in JEE Main Paper I. Both of them have also scored 80 marks in Mathematics. However, Candidate A scored 85 in Physics and Candidate B scored 82 in Physics. As per the tie-breaker policy 2, Candidate A will be given higher preference in the merit list than Candidate B.

Tie Breaker 3: This policy comes into effect only if two or more candidates score similar marks in Physics. In such cases, marks scored by candidates in Chemistry will be taken into consideration to determine their merit.


Let us assume that Candidate A and Candidate B have scored 280 out of 300 marks in JEE Main Paper I. On the other hand, both these candidates scored the same marks in the Mathematics and Physics section of the exam. However, Candidate A scored 80 marks in Chemistry and Candidate B scored 81 marks. As per tie-breaker policy 3, Candidate B will be given a higher preference in the merit list than Candidate A.

Also Read: JEE Main Chemistry Syllabus 

Tie Breaker 4: This policy comes into effect only if two or more candidates score the same marks in the Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry sections of JEE Maine Paper I. In such cases, the candidate with less number of negative responses in the exam will be given higher preference in the order of merit.


Let us assume that Candidate A and Candidate B have scored 250 marks in JEE Main Paper I. On the other hand, both these candidates score the same marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. However, the number of wrong answers by Candidate A is 16, while the number of wrong answers by Candidate B is 18. In order to determine the merit, Candidate A will be given higher preference in the order of merit, as the number of wrong answers by Candidate A is less than Candidate B.

Tie Breaker 5: This policy comes into effect only if a tie still persists after applying all the above rules. In such cases, candidates older in age will be given higher preference in the merit list. Check the example below for a better understanding.


Let us assume that Candidate A and Candidate B scored 240 marks in JEE Main Paper I. On the other hand, these candidates scored the same marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. At the same time, the number of incorrect answers by these candidates is also the same. However, Candidate A is 17 years and 6 months old and Candidate B is 17 years and 8 months old. As per tie-breaker policy 5, Candidate B will be given higher preference in the merit list.

Related Questions

Q: How does the Tie-Breaking Policy work in JEE Main 2025 Paper I?

A. In case two more candidates get the same JEE Main scores, the NTA employs the tie-breaking policy. As per the tie-breaking policy, a candidate with a higher Mathematic score will be given preference. If the tie still exists higher Physics score will be given preference. And in case there is still a tie then the Chemistry score will be given preference. If the tie persists, candidates with fewer negative markings or wrong answers in the JEE Main paper will be given preference to prepare the merit list. 

Q: In case two candidates have the same marks in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry then how will the JEE Main 2025 tie-breaking policy work?

A: In such cases, the candidate with the lowest negative answer marked in the JEE Main exam will be given preference. 

Q: Is the JEE Main 2025 Tie-Breaking Policy different for different categories of candidates?

A: The JEE Main Tie-Breaking Policy 2025 remains the same for all categories.

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Tie Breaking Policy for JEE Main Paper II

If two or more candidates secure the same marks in the JEE Main Paper II exam, the below rules or tie-breaking policy will be applied to determine the merit of candidates.

Tie Breaker 1:Candidates scoring higher marks in Mathematics in JEE Main Paper II will be given preference in the merit list as per tie-breaker policy 1.


Let us assume that Candidate A and Candidate B have scored 360 out of 400 marks in JEE Main. However, Candidate A scored 79 marks in Mathematics and Candidate B scored 81 marks. The preference in the order of merit will be given to Candidate B, as he scored higher marks in Mathematics than Candidate A.

Also Read: JEE Main Application Form 2025

Tie Breaker 2: This policy comes into effect when two or more candidates score the same marks in Mathematics. In such cases, candidates with higher marks in the Aptitude Test will be given higher preference in the merit list.


Let us assume that Candidate A and Candidate B have scored 350 out of 400 marks in JEE Main. However, Candidate A scored 140 marks in Paper II, while Candidate B scored 139 marks. In such cases, Candidate A will be given higher preference in the order of merit than Candidate B.

Tie Breaker 3: This policy comes into effect if two or more candidates score the same marks in the Mathematics and Aptitude Test. In such cases, candidates with higher marks in the Drawing Test will be given preference in the order of merit.


Let us assume that Candidate A and Candidate B have scored 350 out of 400 in JEE Main Paper-II. On the other hand, these candidates have also scored the same marks in Mathematics and Aptitude Test. However, Candidate A scored 78 marks in the Drawing Test while Candidate B scored 80 marks. In such cases, Candidate B will be the higher preference in the merit list, as he scored higher marks in the Drawing Test than Candidate A.

Tie Breaker 4: This policy comes into effect if two or more candidates score the same marks in Mathematics, Aptitude Test and Drawing Test. In such cases, candidates with fewer negative answers or incorrect answers in the JEE Main Paper-II exam will be given preference in the order of merit.


Let us assume that Candidate A and Candidate B have scored 250 marks in JEE Main Paper-II. On the other hand, both these candidates score the same marks in Mathematics, Aptitude Test and Drawing Test. However, the number of wrong answers by Candidate A is 16, while the number of wrong answers by Candidate B is 18. In order to determine the merit, Candidate A will be given higher preference in the order of merit, as the number of wrong answers by Candidate A is less than Candidate B.

Tie Breaker 5: This policy comes into effect only if the tie still persists after applying all the above rules. In such cases, candidates older in age will be given higher preference in the merit list. Check the example below for a better understanding.

Also Read: JEE Main Eligibility Criteria


Let us assume that Candidate A and Candidate B scored 240 marks in JEE Main Paper-II. On the other hand, these candidates scored the same marks in Mathematics, Aptitude Test and Drawing Test. At the same time, the number of incorrect answers by these candidates is also the same. However, Candidate A is 17 years and 6 months old and Candidate B is 17 years and 8 months old. As per tie-breaker policy 5, Candidate B will be given higher preference in the merit list.

Related Questions

Q: What is the tie-breaking policy for JEE Main Paper II?

A: In case two more candidates secure the same marks in JEE Main Paper II NTA will use the tie-breaking policy to break the tie. According to the JEE Main paper II tie-breaking policy, if two candidates get the same score, applicants with higher scores in Mathematics will be given preference while preparing a merit list.

Q: If two or more applicants score the same marks in Mathematics, Aptitude, and Drawing Test then how will the tie be resolved?

A: If two or more candidates have the same score in the Mathematics, Aptitude, and Drawing Tests then the candidate with fewer negative or wrong answers in the JEE Main Paper-II exam would be given precedence in the order of merit in such instances.

Q: Who prepares the JEE Main 2025 tie-breaking policy for Paper 2?

A: The National Testing Agency (NTA) prepares the JEE Main tie-breaking policy for both Paper 1 and Paper 2.

Also Read:JEE Main Sample Papers

JEE Main Exam Day Instructions

Candidates who will appear for the JEE Main Session 1 2025 exam must go through the exam day instructions so they can handle the exam centre smoothly. Check the JEE Main exam day instructions below:

  • Candidates must reach the exam centre as per the reporting time mentioned in the JEE Mains admit card 
  • Candidates will not be allowed to enter the exam centre without the JEE Mains hall ticket. The candidates are advised to take the hard copy of the JEE Mains admit card as the digital admit card will not be accepted at the exam centre
  • Candidates have to take a valid photo identity proof at the exam centre along with two recent coloured passport-size photographs
  • Candidates will not be allowed to take any electronic device like mobile phones, digital watches, or calculators, which can be used for unfair means in the exam
  • Male candidates are advised to wear regular and comfortable clothes like t-shirts, slippers, chappals, & regular pants and avoid dresses like cargo with multiple pockets, graphic t-shirts, and shoes, as candidates may be asked to remove their shoes or not be allowed to enter the exam centre due to dress code
  • Female candidates are advised not to wear multiple-layered clothes, scarves, stoles, fancy jewellery, etc.

We have provided the complete details of the JEE main exam pattern on the page and hope that it will benefit the candidates preparing and appearing for the exam. Register on CollegeDekho for the latest updates related to the JEE Mains exam. All the best for your upcoming JEE main exam!

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FAQs about JEE Main Exam Pattern

How to Use JEE Main College Predictor Tool?

It is simple to use JEE Main college predictor tool. All that you need to do is to enter your JEE Main rank and select the category. Based on the previous years' data, the list of colleges, which are applicable for your rank will be displayed. 

Is there any negative marking for JEE Main Paper 2 Exam?

There is negative marking of -1 for MCQ based questions in JEE Main Paper 2 exam. Each wrong attempt by candidate will have a negative mark of -1

What is the total number of marks in JEE Main Paper 2 Exam?

JEE Main Paper 2 exam is conducted for 400 marks.

What is the total number of question for JEE Main Paper 2 Exam?

The total number of questions in JEE Main Paper 2 exam are 82 viz., 20+10 questions from Mathematics, 50 from Aptitude and 2 from Drawing Test.

What is the exam pattern for JEE Main Paper 2 Exam?

JEE Main Paper consists of three subjects, i.e., Mathematics, Aptitude Test and Drawing Test. The exam is conducted for 400 marks.

What is the mode of JEE Main Paper 2 Exam?

The mode of JEE Main Paper 2 exam is online (computer-based test).

What is the frequency of JEE Main Paper 2 Exam?

JEE Main Paper 2 exam is conducted four times a year., i.e., February, March, April and May.

What is JEE Main Paper 2 Exam?

JEE Main Paper 2 Exam is conducted for admission in B.Arch course.

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